chp22- Hot springs

In the morning Mayumi woke up to find Tatsuya already awake and doing work.

They made eye contact. "Good morning" Tatsuya sweetly said to her with a nice smile.

Mayumi grabbed Tatsuyas old shirt from last night and then approached him. She kissed him gently and could taste the heavy flavour of coffee.

"What time is it?" Mayumi asked.

Tatsuya glanced at his watch "12" he replied.

"Great, let me shower and brush my teeth. Then we can get lunch" Mayumi explained energetically.

"Sure I'll wait for you" Tatsuya said.

Mayumi smiled and then brushed her teeth, after that she went into the shower.

Tatsuya interrupted her, holding her phone in his hand. "Mayumi, your father keeps calling you" he informed.

Tatsuya looked at the wall which made Mayumi happy,  not that Mayumi minded Tatsuya looking at her but she found him cute when he acted like that.

Mayumi dried one of her arms and then took the phone, Tatsuya left the room as she spoke.

About 5 minutes later "Tatsuya!" Mayumi yells.

Tatsuya walked in. Mayumi held her phone out and Tatsuya took it, as he did so he looked at her naked body which had water smoothly running all over.

Mayumi blushed and then giggled. She ordered Tatsuya to remain in the room with her.

Once she was finished they both left and Tatsuya dried her hair whilst she chose her outfit.

"We are just going go eat at the restaurant which is in the building so it doesnt really matter what you wear" Tatsuya commented as he observed her.

Mayumi ignored his comment and then picked out a white t shirt and a light purple skirt which came to her knees.

Tatsuya was wearing a plain blue t shirt with blue trousers.

Since they were now in public eye Maumi wore sunglasses and put her hair into a ponytail.

Tatsuya also wore sunglasses and then brushed his hair back so he could make a small ponytail.

Mayumi laughed as she took a picture of them together and then they headed downstairs to the restaurant.

The restaurant had lots of natural and artificial light inside of it so it was natural to see people wearing sunglasses in there.

Once they ordered the food and drinks Tatsuya asked "when are you leaving?"

"Why?... It hurts that you want me gone so quickly." Mayumi replied with a smirk.

Tatsuya looked at her with an unimpressed gaze and said "I'm leaving tomorrow, specifically 10pm."

Mayumi stared at him with her eyes wide open and asked "why that time specifically?"

"Someone will be picking me up" Tatsuya explained whilst taking a bite of his croissant.

"The girl who was in that tight red dress?" Mayumi guessed.

Tatsuya nodded and Mayumi leaned back in her chair. Though she knew the woman was engaged she still felt a bit off.

"She is helpful and smart but, she is way too stressful. She adds work as soon as I have finished it and, I think she forgets i have other duties as well as school" Tatsuya said normally whilst stirring his coffee.

Mayumi smiled as he complained. Hearing him complain made her feel better.

As they ate and spoke a worker from the hotel came up to them and said "good afternoon, these are the opening times for the hot springs"

They thanked the worker and then they left. Tatsuya looked at it for a second and then ignored it. Mayumi picked it up and read it.

"They have a mixed one"  Mayumi mumbled.

Tatsuya ignored her. He thought to himself "I dont want to go, there will be too many people staring at us and once the news of a Yotsuba and Saegusa are in a hot spring together all sort of rumours will spread"

"Tat~su~ya kun, I want to do it" Mayumi said as she pushed the poster to his face.

"No" Tatsuya replied.

"Why?" Mayumi asked in a disappointed tone.

"There is going to be too many people" Tatsuya plainly said.

Mayumi then went on and on about why they should do it and in the end he agreed.

"Fine, then let's go to the 4pm one" Tatsuya suggested.

Mayumi agreed and went back to her room whilst Tatsuya went to the hotels gardens.

At 4 Mayumi and Tatsuya met up in the hot springs. Mayumi was wearing a white robe which barely covered her thighs and Tatsuya was given a piece of material which he had to wrap around his waist. It just about came to his knees.

The place was massive and the heat could be felt at the entrance. The steam welcomed them and the water  remained still. There were big hot spring pools and smaller ones.

Though they were both under dressed  none of them felt uncomfortable. Mayumi dragged him to one of the smaller hot springs.

Tatsuya sat on his knees right outside the pool of the hot springs whilst Mayumi got fully in the water.

"Why dont you join me Tatsuya kun? Its nice" Mayumi attempted to pursued him.

"I will in a bit. It does feel nice" Tatsuya calmly said. He ran his hand through his hair. So it was now fully back.

Just as they predicted, once news of them 2 being in the hot spring together many people slowly started to arrive. Luckily only people who were staying in certain rooms could enter.

Tatsuya scanned the room and realized he was the only male. "Are you sure this is mixed?" He asked

Mayumi nodded and looked at the entrance. She then said "look, there is another man in here as well now"

Tatsuya looked at the entrance. "Oh no. Him of all peoole" Tatsuya said looking at the guy.

Mayumi laughed "I see your acquainted"

"Yes, he is the owner of the shopping centre that you like to go to" Tatsuya informed.

"I see. It looks like he is coming over here now" Mayumi stated.

"His name is Fol" (Random name I'm so sorry) Tatsuya said

That was true, and now Fol was indeed approaching them.

"Hey Tatsuya, it's been a while" Fol said in a professional yet friendly way.

Fol looked about 30, he had dark brown hair and light brown eyes. He had a decent build, about a 4 pack.

"How is your wife and child?" Tatsuya asked him.

"They are all good. We have a lovely baby boy. We haven't named him yet, you should come over and visit him one day" Fol suggested.

"Maybe" Tatsuya replied.

Fol then turned to Mayumi and said "good day miss Saegusa, its nice to meet you,I have heard a lot about you 2 on the news."

Mayumi smiled and said "it's nice to meet you as well"

Fol got into the water next to Tatsuya and asked him "so are you 2 gonna date or what?"

Tatsuya sighed and said "yes, maybe in the future"

Fol messed up his hair and said "good, so when do you plan to get married?"

"Marridge is very far away. I'm still in high school you know" Tatsuya reminded.

"Yes but you are very mature for your age. You will be able to handle it" Fol said with a wink.

Mayumi looked at him and said "Tat~su~ya, imagine that we are dating, how long will it take for you to actually propose to me?"

Tatsuya looked at her blankly and then said "2 years, maybe 4"

Mayumi looked at him in disappointment.

"What? Loads of people usually wait until they have been together for 4 years. 2 is quite generous" Tatsuya insisted

Mayumi gave him the same look and then asked Fol how long it took him to propose to his wife.

"Well 3 years officially, but we were already engaged as soon as our parents found out that we had a connection so, we weren't in a rush" Flo explained.

"That may happen to us. If our houses allow the relationship" Tatsuya added.

"Yes, but lets forget about that for now, instead we should relax" Mayumi said.

Flo said goodbye as he went to another section and Tatsuya put his whole body including his head into the water. Once he got up he brushed his hair back again with his hands.

Mayumi then messed it up and said "I like it when your hair is wet"

"I think you look nice with your hair wet but I dont like touching it or you whilst it is wet" Tatsuya said in contrast to what she said.

They laughed at there difference and then after a long  hour they left.

Once the got in the room they quickly moisturised.Tatsuya began to work and mayumi allowed her hair to naturally dry.

At 8pm Mayumis hair was full dry and she was really happy with it. She left it out and then went to Tatsuya who was still working.

She kissed him on the lips and once again tasted coffee.

"How much coffee do you drink?" Mayumi questioned.

"Depends, at least 3 a day though I believe" Tatsuya said with his eyes still on his work.

Mayumi sighed and then pulled him into bed saying "we're both leaving tomorrow"

"Yes, so is there anything you will like to do?" Tatsuya asked.

"Can we go shopping?" Mayumi asked

"Sure, we will leave at 10am" Tatsuya decided.

Mayumi nodded and then fell asleep whilst hugging Tatsuya.
