chp26- Treasure hunt

Today is the day that Masaki and his older sister hid an item somewhere in there massive garden and allowed different teams to find it. This was a Ichijou tradition to announce the candidates for the next Ichijou heirs (Masaki and his elder sister).

"Good morning everyone" Tatsuya politely said.

"Hey Tatsuya, I'm happy you could make it!" Masaki yelled with excitement.

Tatsuya was wearing a loose white tshirt and slim tracksuit bottoms. Masaki was wearing a red shirt which suited him perfectly well with a darker shade of smart trousers.

"Thanks. I still need to greet your parents" Tatsuya said with a smirk as he waved goodbye.

He scanned for Masakis parents as well as Mayumi. He couldn't find Mayumi but he did find Masakis parents so he went to greet them.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Ichijou" Tatsuya greeted formally.

"Good morning" they both replied.

"I wasnt sure if you were going to come but I'm glad you did" the Ichijou head gently said.

"Is that so?... By the way, have you seen Mayumi anywhere?" Tatsuya asked

The Ichijou lady smiled and said "your looking for her already? You must get along great"

Tatsuya blushed slightly and replied "well, I hope so. Its actually been a while since I have seen her"

"Well we wont take any more of your time, please enjoy this event" The Ichijou head pleasantly said.

Tatsuya nodded and left. He was then greeted by Miyuki.

"Miyuki, what are you going to do? Your beloved partner wont be able to pair up with you" Tatsuya dramatically expressed to annoy her.

Instead Miyuki laughed and explained "I will be pairing up with Masakis younger sister"

"Ok then, good luck" he wished her formally and then left.

After searching for about 5 minutes he finally finds Mayumi.

"Mayumi!" Tatsuya yelled.

Mayumi stopped what she was doing and hugged him. "Hey, do you want to pair up?" She asked.

"Yes, that was the plan" Tatsuya agreed.

"Great, let's do our best!" Mayumi said cheerfully.

Tatsuya nodded and then all the teams gathered up to hear Masaki and his sisters speech.

"Good day everyone, I'm glad you could all make it. I'm sure you all know the rules and why this tradition is done. Now Masaki will once again explain what our item is" The sister politely said in a way which also demanded respect and peoples attention.

"She would make a good leader" Tatsuya thought to himself.

"Just to clear up, our item is a gold arrow. It has 3 rubys on each side of the where the feathers are on a real arrow and it is hidden in the gardens somewhere. If you find it bring it back to us. Good luck!" Masaki clearly announced.

"He is also a good speaker.... the Ichijou clan may have a hard time selecting there new heir" Mayumi thought to herself.

"Mayumi, let's begin" Tatsuya declared.

They held hands and Mayumi questioned him, "if you were hiding the item where would you put it?"

"I dont know but there are a lot of bushes around here so let's check those" Tatsuya plainly replied.

Mayumi could tell he was not enjoying the actual event of searching for the item properly, but she hoped he did enjoy talking to her.

They reached a point where the bushes curved and led them to a massive field with lots of trees.

Mayumi looks within the bushes whilst she notices Tatsuya taking a picture of something. "What are you doing?" Mayumi asked in a curious tone.

"Look over there" Tatsuya pointed.

Mayumi looked and saw Rio (the beauty of second high) with Hirofumi.

Mayumis eyes widened and said "so that's the reason his mum didnt talk to me about a marriage between me and him. They look good together"

"No. Rio deserves better" Tatsuya Tatsuya bluntly said.

Mayumi gave him a dirty look which Tatsuya dismissed.

"Maybe we should go talk to them?" Tatsuya suggested.

"No, they look like they are having a good enough time with each other so we should leave them be" Mayumi strongly commanded.

Tatsuya nodded and then summarised "whilst walking we looked in the trees and couldn't find the item, we also checked the bushes here and we still can't find it. I did see a nice secluded place earlier on though"

"Is it now? Should we go there then?" Mayumi asked.

Tatsuya nodded and held her hand as he led her towards the secluded destination.

"Ok here it is" Tatsuya announced.

Mayumis looked to see an elegant looking pond which had a light pink shade of roses and random flowers near it. There were some red and orange fishes in there as well.

"I have to hand it to the Ichijous, there garden really is beautiful, right?" Tatsuya said as he analysed the pond.

"Yes, the roses are so pretty as well. It really is rare to see roses of this colour" Mayumi said as she gently picked up a rose.

Tatsuya took it from her swiftly and before Mayumi could throw a fit or pout at him, he took out all the thorns and placed it in her hair.

"As I expected, it looks gorgeous on you" Tatsuya proudly said as he took some pictures.

Mayumi blushed but managed to thank him for the compliments.

Mayumi then looked at the fishes and noticed Tatsuya went into a deep thought. She smiled evily and then decided to rugby tackle him to the ground.

Tatsuya fell on his back and opened his eyes to see Mayumi on top of him with her hair spread out everywhere.

"What are you doing?" Tatsuya asked in a serious way

"Teasing you" Mayumi replied in a sinister manner.

Before Tatsuya could respond Mayumi was pulling his cheeks and messing up his hair. She was amused and decided to take it a step further since no one was even close to where they were.

She pulled out 2 small pink ribbon clips from her purse and reached out towards his hair.

"Hey!" Tatsuya yelled in attempt to get her to stop.

She didn't. She continued to try to grab a piece of his hair. "Please, you only need to do this once" Mayumi pleaded.

Tatsuya looked up at her which was a mistake. He stared at her deep red eyes and analysed her soft black hair. "Fine, just for you. You cant take any pictures though" Tatsuya said in a very rare shy moment of his .

Mayumi smilled brightly and then added the clips to his hair. She squealed "so cute" .

She continued to mess around with his hair and his cheeks and tease him. Tatsuya finally had enough and decided to top her.

He removed the clips from his hair and then flipped her over.He took her ribbon out of her hair and Mayumi gave him a shocked expression. He knew how much the ribbon meant to her so he didnt do anything dangerous or reckless with it. He decided to place it gently on her eyes. He held her arms down and kissed her gently, licking her lips making her want more but stopping it there.

He lifted the ribbon off her eyes and helped her up, Mayumi pouted and turned away from Tatsuya.

Tatsuya took this as an opportunity to tie her hair back up for her and kiss her cheek. "Are you feeling ok?" He asked in a gentlemanly way.

Mayuni nodded and suddenly Tatsuya bridle swept her up and carried her closer to the pond so they could examine the fishes.

"Look that one acts like you!" Mayumi pointed out at a fish who was avoiding the others even when approached.

"Well that one is you!" Tatsuya yelled pointing at a fish who was eating some leftovers that fell on a rock.

They both laughed and then heard a bell ring. "That must mean the competition is over" Mayumi guessed

"I'd say so" Tatsuya agreed.

"I wonder who won" Mayumi though out loud.

"I already know" Tatsuya confidently said.

"Sounds like your confident, do you want to make a bet?" Mayumi asked in an excited tone.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" Tatsuya asked.

"Tell me who you think it is first" Mayumi demanded.

"Miyuki and her partner" Tatsuya proudly answered.

Mayumi smiled and then declared "the bet will be, if Miyuki and her partner did find the arrow and win i will do anything you request me to do. If it isnt Miyuki, next time you come over to my house you have to let me style your hair and decide when you leave"

Tatsuya smiled and said "that's good, I agree"

As they walked back they saw Masaki and his elder sister holding there item.

"So we were right about someone finding the item" Mayumi pointed out.

"Yes, and now they are going to announce who found it" Tatsuya explained.

Masakis sister started "well guys our event has come to an end since a team has managed to find our item. Thank you all for participating and I hope you had fun whilst doing so. Now Masaki will announce who found the item and therefore who the winner is."

Masaki cheerfully announced "The person who found the item and won this event is.....Miyuki and my younger sister!"

Tatsuya immediately put his arm around Mayumi and asked her "what should I make you do?" In a sinister voice.

Mayumi chuckled nervously and begged "please dont go too far"

"Maybe, but I think I will hold on to this opportunity" Tatsuya slyly said.

"Fine but you only get to use it once ok?" Mayumi cleared up.

"Yes I know, I'll see you around" Tatsuya said before giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Bye" Mayumi,said teasingly blowing him a kiss since they made eye contact as he left.
