The talk

Klaus POV

I was really jealous I was never been jealous every people in this room is staring at them will I just give my little brother a talk

'Caroline love are you enjoying my brother company?" Klaus question and giving death stare to Kol

' Klaus what's wrong with you' Caroline ask to Klaus

'You and Kol what is that dancing all about?'

'It was nothing wait a minute you actually don't have the right to get mad because I saw you talking to other girl and enjoying her company' Caroline said and focus her eyes on Klaus

I felt like these heavy rock I'm carrying is gone when Caroline said its nothing but wait did she saw that conversation with other girl

'Well love I actually enjoy her company but you're the most beautiful company I want to have tonight' Klaus said while having puppy eyes

'Do you think you can get me with that one? If you want other girl to have in your company then maybe I will just go back to Mystic Falls' Caroline said angrily

'No look love I'm really sorry about that  please don't leave I don't want other company all I want is you' Klaus said and he's tears starting to come out

'Promise?' Caroline said

'Yes I promise'

'Oky then I won't go' Caroline said and wiping Klaus tears

'I love you and don't you ever go back to that city or you will be searched forever'

Marcel POV

A newbie witch is doing a is doing a witch and I can't believe I'm gonna leave my date for her

'Marcel' Diego call him

'What now did you forget I have party' Marcel said with angry face

'I'm sorry Marcel but this newbie witch she so strong'

'Oky wait me in the garden'


'I will go back to the mansion  before Marcel will search for me' Caroline said

'Oky just be careful around that guy' Klaus said
