Blue and sexy

"Klaus Caroline wake up it's already 10 in the morning and Caroline we need to buy dress for tonight" Rebecca said while shouting

Klaus we need to get out to bed before you're sister come in and get me.Caroline said

"Come on love I want to stay here with you" Klaus said while doing he's puppy face

"Ahhh Klaus don't you ever give that look I will just take a shower and go with Rebecca to find dress" while covering my whole body

Ahh I hate Marcel I want to kill him right now

Just wait klaus you will kill now is not just the right time

After 10 mins

Caroline let's go.."Oky beca I'm ready" while walking

"Klaus where leaving we will be back at 4 pm" Rebecca said while shouting

"Hay wait I need a goodbye kiss to my girl"He said and kiss me

"Oky lovers we need to leave Klaus let Caroline go"


"Rebecca there is a lot of beautiful dresses here" while look

" I know right but as a Marcel bait you need to look Hot and be the most beautiful girl in New Orleans"

"Rebecca are you Oky with this Marcel plan I mean you fall for him once "

"Look Caroline I don't care about him any more I'm inlove with someone" while smirking

"Rebecca my bestfriend is in love I wonder who is that lucky guy can you tell me?"

"I can tell you Caroline but pls don't tell Klaus"

"I know who is the guy Matt right"with a smiley face

"No Caroline me and Matt just broke up last night he said he wants to go back to that small town and I can't I mean my family are here I said long distance relationships will work but he just shut me and he said maybe we should give our self time and find someone who truly loves me"

" Never seen Matt harsh to a girl you're Rebecca so suck it up but where not done who's that luck guy?"

"Last night I was crying over Matt and this guy call me ask me if I'm alright and he makes me feel so happy and that hole that Matt give I think he fill it up"Rebecca said while looking at the ground and smiling

"So who is this guy?"

"Its Stefan he's perfect Caroline"

Oh my god Rebecca you made a right choice

"Caroline I think a perfect dress for tonight"
"Wow Rebecca it looks hot I just go to the fitting room"

After 5 minutes

"Oh my god care I think I'm in love with you you look beautiful it brings out your flawless skin and your curves wait let me see your back x sign really but I love the silt above the knee" Rebecca said with wide eyes

"And one thing Klaus favorite color blue soo this is the one have you already found you're dress?"

"Yes its simple but hot and it's green always remember make a entrance"

"Right let's go to the cashier and buy shoes and jewelry for our dress" while walking

"What do you think care green dress for green shoe"
Ahhhm yes hey beca blue or white?

Jewelry time

I think I will wear the bracelet that Klaus give and my only problem is necklace and hair

I think I will not wear bracelet remember simple but I will have this one it has diamond design and some emerald stone

It looks so perfect and I will have this one heart shape that full of diamond inside

"Pay time I think we have to compelled this girls"

No need beca I have you're brother credit card hahhah

Atthe mansion

Where here!!! Hey love how's you're day did my sister give you a rough day ?

"No today is just perfect" Can I see you're dress?" Klaus ask

No! Just Wait... Oh shit its almost 4:30 I have to get ready Marcel ask me to be there 5:30

Wait the party starts at 6:30 and why do Marcel wants you there early wait are you to have something special..Caroline said trying not to laugh

Eyy love I think I'm gonna throw up I have to get ready.Klaus said kissing Caroline on the cheek

"Hey mister what's wrong in my lips why cheeks?" Caroline and putting her hand in her waist "come back here you're not going anywhere"

"As you wish my Highness" Klaus said and kissing Caroline

"Now go fix you're self"

Hey Rebecca do you braide?
