Beautiful creature

Klaus P.O.V

I wake up and see the most beautiful creature in my life I just can't believe that the girl I love soo much is by my side I can't wait to see my forever with her...

I got up in bed put my boxer and take a bath after taking a bath I go down to get a drink and to make Caroline a breakfast bacon,eggs,pancake and blood..

I go up stair to give her breakfast but no Caroline on bed

And when I turn around I see her wearing my black t-shirt....

"Hello love I can see you have a beautiful morning" Klaus ask with a husky voice...

"Yes I have but it is more beautiful if you're here" Caroline said

"I brought you a breakfast" Klaus said and gave her the tray...."Thank you" Caroline said and start eat the foods

"I finish eating my breakfast Klaus I will go to shower and I will go down any minute" Caroline said

"Love do you what me to go with you" Klaus said with a little smirk in his face " NO "

"Oky love I will go down stairs if you need something I'm here" Klaus said while smiling

"Oky go now I will close the door "

"Klaus I can see you're in a good mood" Kol ask and staring at his brother

"yes kol I 'am really good this morning is Elijah and Rebecca awake" Klaus said while pouring his self a glass of blood

"Yes Elijah is awake I don't know Rebecca  because she is with Matt " Kol said

"Ohhh I can see our little sister has her business"....

"Good morning Niklaus where's Caroline" Elijah greeted his brother

ahmmm she's in the shower is there something wrong?" Klaus ask with a confusing look in his face

" Yes brother Marcel is back  and he brought new vampire cause he heard that the originals are back" .

"What he brought new vampires soo what's the problem in that" Klaus ask his brother

"Marcel heard about Caroline and he what to know her" Elijah said

"What! That is s actually a problem" Klaus said while Elijah is trying to keep him clam

"Soo you're going to let Marcel know you're Caroline?" Elijah question

" Of course no"  Klaus said while a higher tone

"Ahhh excuse me I think I heard my name" Caroline said

"Good morning Caroline" Elijah greeted caroline

" Good morning Elijah what's the problem" Caroline ask Elijah
