ᕼᗴᖇO KIᒪᒪᗴᖇ Oᐯᗩ

"It's been a while since I've seen the old man. I can't wait!" I exclaimed with joy, pressing my hands into my chest. Izuku gave me a curious looked carrying my luggage over to me.  "Akito, I'm guessing you know Gran Torino then?" My eyes lit up as we walked further into the train station. "He's technically my grandfather! Since he did teach All-Might when he was younger. And now he's gonna teach us." Izuku laughed awkwardly roaming his eyes elsewhere before I start to ramble on and on. "I-I'm gonna talk to Iida for a bit." He said getting away from me in a jiffy. What did I do this time? I sighed with a pout now becoming bored seeing the rest of the class arriving with their luggage aswell. I layed my eyes onto Shoto who had his back turned to me looking at the book he was reading. I giggled playfully as I snuck up on him with my hands ready to scare him. He still hasn't sensed me yet so I jumped on him with a smile. "My catch of the day!" I said happily seeing Shoto turn his head to me with a glare. A frown came to my lips getting off of him. "Your mean..." He sighed knocking me aside the head with the book he had in his hand. "You don't just jump on top of someone when they're off guard. I've told you this ten times already."  I puffed my cheeks pretending to be emotionally hurt as fake tears began to form in my eyes. "All I wanted was to say goodbye to my Romeo as we depart our separate ways forever!" He sighed running his hand through his red and white locks. "You mean for a week? And it's not forever idiot, and I'm not Romeo." I kissed his cheek with an innocent aura. "To me your my Romeo."

He slightly smiled placing his hand on my head as I admired the feeling. "Akito the train is going to leave soon!" Izuku yelled grabbing our luggage. I frowned, now feeling unhappy looking at Shoto. "Be safe ok?" He nodded as he lifted my bangs and kissed my forehead making my cheeks grow red. "I will. Don't do anything I wouldn't do ok? Promise." I smiled with a nod. "Ok, I promise."

Akito! Please if you can hear me you need to listen very carefully. Your friends are in danger. I can't tell you the details right now, but you must warn them! You can't go to Hosu!

And just then, a clear image of a scary looking villain that I have seen before showed in my mind. "No way."

My eyes widened as I began to shake in fear. "Who is this?" I whispered to myself. A hand was felt in my shoulder and I quickly turned around with fear in my eyes. When I saw it was just Izuku I relaxed taking a deep breath. I saw his worried face, "Are you ok Akito? You look a little shooken up." I shook my head and pushed his hand away, "I'm fine, let's go before the train leaves."


That voice...it sounded so familiar. What is going on? Why is someone trying to warn me about my friends. "Akito we're here. Are you sure your ok?" I grinned slightly, hiding the fact that I'm a bit scared and shooken up. "I was just thinking how All Might is going to hold up the fort while I'm gone. Because when I first started to live with him, his house was dirtier than Mineta's mind." He laughed as we stepped on the train.

I sat down on the seat and pulled put my phone pressing on Google. I typed in the search bar, "Villian wearing long worn out scarf dressed in red." I hit the search button and a picture of a man showed up. It was the same man in my vision. His name was 'The hero killer'. And his crime was killing many hero's in battle.

My eyes widened as I heald the phone tighter gritting my teeth. How could someone be so terrible?! Killing hero's? Why would anyone even take the liberty to do such a thing? Something isn't right. There is something bad that is going to happen. And I'm starting to believe that voice was right. I sighed with a yawn trying to get my mind off the whole idea seeing that we're not going to be at our destination for another 3 hours.


"This place is still here? I thought for sure gramps moved." I said walking up the steps to Gran Torino's house. I rang the doorbell taking a step back for a few seconds I waited there but there was no reply. Cautiously I opened the questionably unlocked door seeing Gran Torino on the floor in a pool of "blood". Izuku dropped our bags on the ground looking like he just saw a ghost. "He's dead!" That's what I said the first time I met this old fart. When he said that Gran Torino lifted his head with a smile. "Hiya!" I face palmed myself as Izuku squealed in surprise. "He's alive?!"  I sighed in embarrassment helping Gran Torino up from the ground. He smirked disappearing from the spot he was in faster than any regular person could see. Sensing his presence I quickly turned around grabbing his foot forcing him to stop. I winked at him as I threw him to the ground while he landed with a loud thud. He laughed easily getting back up from his position. "I see you still have perfect reflexes." I rolled my eyes making my way towards him. "I've been training more often than usual nowadays." Izuku butted in with a smile. "Sorry to interupt but, when are we going to start training?" I jerked me head towards him then back at the old man with an annoyed sigh. He laughed and disappeared once again with his speedy quirk. "Right now!"


"I have a special type of training for you, Akito." Gran Torino said pointing to a giant glass cylinder container. Oh my God why? "All you need to do is get this egg all the way to the bottom unskathed-" I laughed cockily. "Please, this is nothing." I said grabbing the egg from his hand and lifting it into the air using my water quirk but that just resulted in me getting hit on the side of the head which also resulted in me dropping the egg. On my head... "You idiot. You didn't let me finish. You can only use your fire quirk and nothing else. Call me once you've succeeded, there's more eggs in the refridgerator." He said shutting the door behind him leaving me in a giant empty room. I sighed looking at my hand clenching it into a fist. "If Shoto is working hard then so will I."

I grabbed another egg from the refrigerator as I took a deep breath remembering what my mother had once said. " Your fire quirk can't be unleashed. It's too powerful." I shook my head looking at the egg. "Way to boost your confidence Akito." Steam eroded from my body as I lifted my hand up having flames rise into the air. I grabbed the egg with my fire only to disintegrate it the moment it came in contact. I groaned in frustration getting another egg disintegrating it again over and over again until there was only one left. Anger filled my senses, almost losing control of myself. I looked at the clock realizing it's already eight o'clock. Just then the door opened with Izuku in the door way. "U-Um, Gran Torino said it's time to eat." Somehow his voice managed to snap me out of my anger and I sighed with a nod. "Ok, I'm coming." I said walking out of the room, seeing the table filled with three plates of food, Izuku and Gran Torino were already eating so I took my seat aswell.

The food was stuffed onigiri rice balls. I took one and bit it at the top feeling my mouth fill up with stew. "How is it?" Gran Torino asked. I smiled, "It's good." He chuckled. "The food your eating should be the way your quirk should be handled." I have him a confused look. "What's that suppose to mean?" He shook his head with a grin, "That's for me to know and you to figure out." I shrugged my shoulders and continued to eat, ignoring his stubbornness. Stupid old man.


"I can't sleep even if it slapped me in my face." I said rolling out of bed. Reaching into my suitcase I pulled out my hero uniform quickly changing into it.

Once I was sure to be quiet enough to sneak back into the large empty room I was training in, I resumed trying to control my quirk to put the egg into the container unscathed. "Maybe that old man meant my power needs to be contained to the point where my fire doesn't need to burn everything it touches. Almost like an outer shell to prevent the heat from escaping." I said to myself not having any better ideas on what he meant about the rice balls. With a deep relaxing breath I reached my hand out infront of me feeling the temperature rise in the palm of my hand. Control it. Only I can put that egg at the bottom of the container. No one else. Hearing a soft click on the glass, I opened one eye then seeing the egg was safely on the bottom of the container, not cracked or burned. I smiled widely jumping up and down. "I did it! Amen!" Feeimg confident I used my fire to place the eggs into the container and right back out without scathing them at all.

Catching my attention, a loud thud and squeal echoed through my eardrums from outside. I raised an eyebrow and made my way out the front door and to where the sound was located. I found Izuku laying on trash bags, with cuts and bruises on his arms and face. With a face palm I made my way over to him seeing him get up and talk to himself. "I have to get it right this time." He said jumping into the air only to face plant onto the concrete walls. Which probably isn't the first time it's happened.

I quickly made a firm cloud of water having him land on it before he came in contact with actual ground and break his face. He turned towards me and sighed in relief and a look of gratefulness, "Akito? What are you doing here?" I dropped him and leaned on the wall. "Whatever you're doing, you're doing it wrong." He got up on his feet walking over to me in confusion. "What do you mean?" He asked. I shook my head as I walked towards him. "I'll teach you how to use your quirk. I mean, I was the first to get it. So I know everything about it and how to use it." His eyes lit up, "Your really will?!" I nodded clearing my throat. "You need to keep one for all flowing through your body continuously. The only reason your limbs kept breaking are because you were focusing all of your power into one area of your body. Of course All Might is too stupid to explain it like that but I ended it up figuring it out later on. Technically that's all you really need to know." I said tapping my chin. He smiled to me. "Ok, I'll be out here practicing some more."

I put my hands behind my back walking back to the open window remembering something highly important. "Hey, Whatever happens don't lose sight of who you are alright." He was going to say something but I already vanished back into my room sitting down on my bed taking out my phone. "I may be wrong but there is something or....someone who is giving me a sign that the hero killer that I looked up awhile ago is going to attack on us students. Dressed in red, eyes more crimson then blood. Torn scarf that endured more murders on heroes than the human eye has ever seen besides him." I scrolled through my contacts seeing Shoto's. I hesitatingly tapped on the call button and heard it ring a few times before hearing the line pick up.

"Akito? Why are you calling me at this hour? Is there something wrong?"

I took a deep breath looking at the mirror in front of me,

"Are you going to Hosu today to fight villains?"

The line was silent but broke as I heard him take a deep breath,


I held the phone tighter,

"Iida is going too apparently. His brother's hero career was ruined because of the hero killer. I just recently found out about it but I'm very sure his next target is going to be in Hosu. A few of the main heroes are going to be there. Your dad seems to be getting a lot of attention from other villains, so please be careful. As in don't do anything stupid."

"I know, I'll be careful."

"I love you."

"...I love you too."

Call ended.

I fell backwards onto my bed staring at the ceiling, lost in thought. My quirk is Hyrologic and Pyrokinesis. And in no means does seeing the future or having clairvoyant visions have anything to do with that. What is happening to me?


My small body hid behind the traditional Japanese paper door as I watched my young mother work hard to train her quirk. Somehow, she managed to pull water out of thin air and control it so effortlessly around her until it began to take shape of a bow and arrow. My curious eyes widened in amazement seeing her pull the arrow back with the support of the bow string made of liquid water and shoot it directly into the center of the archery target which resulted in a major explosion of spiraling ice and water droplets. "Wow...."


"Akito? Are you alright?" Izuku asked me, leaning forward so he could see my face. I gave him a confused look because I was so lost in my own memories I must not have heard him. He leaned back into his seat, glancing at me. "You didn't answer when I said your name." The darkness from the tunnel we just went through made my body feel completely relaxed for some reason. "Sorry, I kinda zoned out there." I assured, while scratching the back of my head. Suddenly, a large explosion sprang through my ears, making me cover them in reflex.

My discolored eyes widned as I caught a glimpse of the devastating damage that was caused by an unknown source. Screams of terror and pain rang through my ears. From what just happened, this tells me this is a very serious situation and that I should lock in to it. My whole persona changed because now I was aware that there is a new objective and that was to protect the civilians. Gran Torino quickly jumped up from his seat, protecting us all from a Nomu monster that could have killed a few people. "Stay here!" He exclaimed, while jumping out of the moving train with the Nomu. Just then, an even bigger explosion erupted, it was so large my ears were ringing. A cloud of red and black smoke shined in my eyes and there was nothing more I wanted to do than help. This is a serious villain attack, I won't just stand around and do nothing. With no hesitation, I jumped out of the train using One for All, landing on the ground near a trashcans and dumpsters. I sprinted towards the chaos on Hosu city seeing the same type of monsters from the U.S.J incident, mindlessly attacking other people and heroes. There was so much going on. So much blood, death, screaming. I'm scared... but I have to power to make it stop. Fuck my feelings right now. They don't exist. Blazing fires flared up into the sky sending heat waves my direction. These fires need to be put out.

I took a deep breath, trying to locate water. With the special move that only applies to a water quirk user such as myself. It was easy to find some since their were some fire hydrants in the area. One of them explained due to the water pressure I was controlling. All of the hydraulic liquid soared into the sky giving me the opportunity to bend it over to homes and building being engulfed in flames. The fires one after another started to go out and extinguish is as little as a few seconds. All of the search and rescue hero's stared at me in awe that I was holding my own and actually doing more than them now. "Get these people out of here, I'll put out the rest of these fires!" I yelled, bending more water onto the remaining buildings when I revived a message by Izuku. It was his location.

"Why would he send his location without and explanation?" I asked myself.... after thinking about the message I finally understood it, "I can't leave him alone for a second can I?!" Realizing he may be in trouble I ran over to the destination passing intense battles with the other heroes and the Nomu monsters.


"Get out of here! I don't want you to get killed because of me!" My eyes widened as I ran faster to the sound of the familiar voice. Quickly turning the corner, I stopped in front of a dark alleyway seeing the hero killer charging at Shoto with his ridged  katana blade. I gasped, knowing if I didn't do something, Shoto can be seriously hurt. So as quick as I could, I used one for all to reach him, blocking the hero killers sword with my arms that I shielded with shards of ice. I then kicked him in the abdomen which propelled him into the wall at the end of the alley. He coughed up blood and groaned in pain, unable to get back up for a while.

I looked around seeing Izuku against the wall immobilized and Iida majorly injured on the ground. "What the hell happened here?" Shoto stood up and pointed to the hero killer. "He tried killing Iida. Izuku sent me his location just about fifteen minutes ago-You brat! I'm gonna slice you into a million pieces!" The hero killer said, charging at me with his twin katana swords. I glared at him feeling more and more angry by the second. Heat waves started to radiate off my skin until small sparks and cinders started to form around me. "Go ahead and try." The cocky grin that was plastered on my lips made him stare and slow down for a split second. Maybe he was suprised on how confident I was. He didn't see any fear at all. I wasn't scared of him. Training to never be scared and turn fear into excitement and adrenaline is all I ever trained for. In certain situations, I am capable of controling my fire quirk. But only to the extent to where I don't get too hot and lose control. My mother said I should never unleash my flames.... but I have to accept the fact that she's gone. And her restricting me from my full potential is only going to make controlling myself even harder. So, using both sides of my quirk makes me ten times stronger. If I keep a level head, I won't lose control. Red flames started to form and rise into the air like they were hungry, starving for a host to burn and melt away. Now, using just a pinch of One for All, I reluctantly grasped the ridged yet razor sharp blade that easily cut through my soft flesh.

A high pitched yelp of pain escaped my lips. The blade appears dull but is sharp as hell. This villain, he's smart... strategic. I may have a few ideas on what his quirk may be. He hasn't used it yet. At least not after I arrived. The palm and fingertips of my hand grew hotter and hotter by the second until the blade started steaming and then melting. The now molten, dripped onto the ground and onto the hero killer's shoe. He winced I'm pain, jerking with the burning sensation. That split second he let his guard down again, gave me and opening large enough to attack him again. My other fist became engulfed in flames, and using a bit of One for All for some extra strength, I punched him dead center in the abdomen, propelling him straight into the cement pavement. "I am the daughter of the number one hero All-Might. Don't underestimate me even for a second."

He smirked taking out a pair of sharp daggers while holding his remaining sword infront of him. "And why should I believe you? Anyone can say that. You need to prove who you are, this is the real world kid." He charged at me but I gladly dodged using one for all to punch him in the back. Wings of fire covered the edges of my eyes as my body was engulfed in red flames. My eyes turned a fiery red and my hair faded from its natural blue and pink to to a flame red, almost vermillion. I took a deep breath to stay calm and created a tornado of fire that sucked up the hero killer into the sky. I thought I had him for a second, but that would be too easy. My flames began to fade away being extinguished by him, and that suprised me. "The only person in this world who has the right the kill me is the symbol of peace! All Might!" He exclaimed, falling back down to the ground. A glint of metal shined in my sight but it was already too late for me to dodge. When I wasn't paying attention, he tossed his dagger at me which cut my cheek. Taking that as an opportunity, he wall jumped to break his fall and grabbed the dagger that landed in the pavement and licked it.

"Akito!" I heard Shoto yell. Just then my body felt limp and I collapsed the the ground. My arms, legs, fingers, I couldn't feel any of it. I was completely immobilized. I collapsed on my side seeing an injured hero who was also under the same type of immobilization.

He's scared.... "Your dead!" The hero killer said charging at me from above. But before he did, Izuku punched him in the face saving me from my being seriously injured or killed. "I won't let you hurt her!" He said as Shoto used his ice to make a giant wall. Separating us from him for a few seconds. "Shoto, Izuku." I said seeing them both fighting for me. I looked back at the traumatized hero. Then a sudden memory came to mind. It was of my mother, she was smiling at me yet I couldn't see her eyes. But her smile was so wholesome, and worth fighting for.

Slowly, the feeling in my body started to coming back. Taking advantage of this, I struggled to get up, with the help of my arms that pushed me up off the ground. My mother is the reason behind my power. The reason why I'm so strong, the reason why I decided to become a hero. I've always wanted to become strong enough to protect her from my father, but now that their both gone, I have to focus on protecting the ones closest to me. And not just them... but everyone. In just a split second, my eyes and hair started to glow and change into an icy and aquatic blue while I now had full control over my body. Keeping an image of what my mother had done in her training, I tried to replicate it with my own style. Miraculously, an arrow of ice started to form in my left hand and a bow of ice in my right. There was no string, not that I needed it. Trusting my own raw power, I cocked the arrow back that was now accompanied with a primrose of red flames that acted as the bowstring. Izuku, Tenya, and Shoto, couldn't believe what they were seeing. They got to see up close what my true power is. How powerful I really am. They've already seen it when I broke free from the Hero killer's quirk so easily. Two strands of water and fire circulated around me as I released the arrow that went right through Shoto's ice, melting a nice little hole in is and going straight into the back of the hero killer.

In a matter of seconds his body was burned and frozen and the same time plus drenched in water that was slowly crystallizing. My eyes went back to their original color as a glowing sparkly blue mist left my body flying into the air. My regular hair and eye color came back and my body felt weak. But I didn't let that beat me, I broke off a peice of ice from Shoto's ice wall and melted it. The liquid flowed and circulated over the palm of my hand as I walked over to the injured hero. He has a minor cut across his abdomen, the healing properties in the water should do the trick. My eyes glinted and looked at the hero seeing he had a look of relief.
"Glad another pro showed as you did. Or those kids could've been in big trouble." I chuckled as the water flowed into his wounds and healed them. "Im flattered really. But I'm a U.A student, those three idiots are in my class." His eyes widened in disbelief. "Your joking right?! Such power, at such a young age." A sweet smile plastered on my plump lips as I helped him up. "I've still got a long way to go. We all do. But, promise me you keep what you just saw a secret. If word gets out I used my fire quirk the press won't leave me alone." I pleaded. He smiled to me holding my shoulder. "Your secret is safe with me kid. I'm glad we have young heroes like you four to protect the next generation." Shoto ran up to me worried if I were ok. "Are you ok? Your not hurt are you?" I shook my head holding up my hand. "It's just a sprain. But other than that I'm alright." He sighed closing his eyes relived that I wasn't hurt that badly. "That's good to hear." I blushed because of his worried tone. He usually isn't this... caring to others. Has he really grown a bigger liking to me than I thought? I mean like yay for me but still... "Y-Yeah." I stampered. Everytime he's near me or touches me, it feels like my stomach does backflips over and over again... in a good way. The pro hero tapped on my shoulder making me turn towards him. He had a smirk on his lips wiggling his eyebrows which made me blush even more furiously, "Oh shut up." I said, clearly embarrassed that he knows how much I like him. I think everyone knows I like Shoto more than the other students... it's quite obvious actually. Maybe not to this airhead though.

I saw Tenya had a stab wound through the arm shoulder and back which made me feel bad for him. "Your a reckless and selfish idiot. Do you have any idea on what could have happened if neither of us showed up?" Yeah, I was pissed. Tenya talks about how smart he is and mature, and then he does something as stupid as this. He frowned, not daring to look into my eyes. He was guilty, maybe giving him the wake up call he need was enough for him to realize his mistakes. I sighed taking the melting ice from Shoto's ice wall and used the same method I did on The pro hero on his wounds. Quickly, hid wounds began to close until they were as good as new. "Do something like this again, and I'll kill you." I threatened. Maybe I sounded a little bit too serious. Before anything else happened, Endeavor ran around the corner out of breath and... worried? Is this asshole ok? Him, worried? Please. "You kids alright? What happened here?" Shoto pointed at the hero killer that was now tied in ropes, thanks to Izuku. "We managed to capture the hero killer if that's what you were asking."

I sighed leaning against the wall now compeatly drained and over exerted. My usual vibrant colored eyes dulled from color and I was slowly falling over. Shoto's eyes widened barely catching me in time. "Damnit, I was if you were ok idiot." So tired, I must've not realized how tired I was until I stayed in one place for a bit... Shoto is so warm and comforting. I guess there no denying it. I really like him.


"That girl, I'm room 211?"

"Yeah, I heard she beat the villain Stain in just a few seconds."

"Yeah, well I heard she almost killed him. They took him in on the verge of death with a punctured lung."

"Ugh, my head." I complained, rubbing my temples and slowly getting up. Somehow my wounds and tiredness went away. Healed. It's probably some involuntary boldly function my quirk does when I'm injured. My face turned a bright pink seeing I only had a hospital gown on with nothing under it. I searched for a change of clothing with the hope it's somewhere around this room. I sighed in relief finding it on my nightstand, along with under garments and my necklace.

There was a black half-cut sweatshirt and black joggers. I put them on and looked in the mirror seeing my eyes changed into a violet color and my hair was a darker blue and magenta. "What the hell? My hair, a-and my eyes. How did-." Honestly, there were so many questions and no answers. Is this a side effect from using both quirks at the same time? Will this go away? Am I stuck like this... well, I mean, I don't look bad. This is actually kinda cute. Ugh, I'll figure this out later. Where is everyone?


"No I'm serious I'm like the hand crusher or something."

"The hand crusher?! That's priceless! I didn't know Todoroki had a sense of humor!"

Following the familiar voices to another hospital room I opened the door seeing Todoroki, Midoriya, and Iida. "A-Akito, you look... different." Midoriya said, standing up to greet me. Keeping my composure, I closed the door behind me and the lost it again. "Different?! What the hell is this?! Even my eyes are different colors!" Obviously I wasn't taking this very calmly. I actually liked my regular color thank you very much!

"You look fine. It's probably a side effect of some sort." Shoto said. I pouted with blush on my cheeks. "I miss my old hair." Everyone laughed at how childish I sounded with made me smile genuinely and laugh too. Maybe this color isn't so bad....
