ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ ᔕI᙭Tᗴᗴᑎ

ℐ 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇ℯ𝒹 𝒷𝓁𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓁𝓎 at the wall as I layed on my side under the warm blankets of my bed. "I can't stop thinking about that night. Why did he break up with me? I've done nothing wrong. The only one who could force him to do something like this is his father. Seeing me a distraction. But still...I don't have any right to get in the way of his future. Maybe I should just...let things stay the way they are."

I hugged my pillow tighter to my chest closing my eyes with a sad sigh letting tears flow freely until I fell asleep.


I opened my eyes still dull of color. I sighed and kicked my legs over my bedside, "Stupid dream. Playing tricks on me once again. Haven't I had enough?" I asked, standing up to turn on my lamp since it was now dark outside. I walked over to my closet grabbing long black spandex and a black sports bra. Once I put them on I reached at the top shelve of the closet grabbing a box. Then I opened it seeing brand new pink silk point shoes with the ribbon. After I dressed in my clothes I exited my small little dorm room to the dance room. Footwork is key in fighting. Dancing will help... I can't sleep anyway.


"When fighting, my moves have to be crisp and clean. Elegant yet deadly." I said doing all positions for warming up to dance. Once I was finished I danced a simple waltz. This is the only way to keep him off my mind. Occupy myself with training. No matter what, a relationship cannot alter my goals.

"Damn its 3:00 already." I mumbled. My body was so tired. And hot. Heat waves started swarming off me making me whine in pain. It's so hot.

"Didn't you hear? That Todoroki guy broke up with Asahina." "Yo, how could any guy dump a chick as hot as her?" "And powerful. Maybe we could get a shot at her. You know, now that she's single again."

I looked at the ground emotionless on the outside, yet in pain with emotions and physicality. Once the people left, I opened the door walking down the dark hallways to the exit, "Shoto." Can't feel his warmth, Can't smell his sweet scent. Can't tell him my thoughts and feelings. Shoto, when I met you, and got to know you, I knew I wanted to be a hero with you. Fight side by side with you....Spend my life with you. I promise though, that even if we were apart. I won't stop thinking about you... "Shoto you jerk." I whispered opening the door of the exit all in the midst of wiping away my tears. Before the door was completly open I heard two familiar voices.

"What the hell is your deal? You broke up with Akito?! Do you have any idea what you've done to her?"

My eyes widened. "Izuku."

"If you brought me out here just to talk about this. Your wasting your time."

I covered my mouth pressing my forehead against the door. Shoto...

"You know just as well as I do that she controls her emotions very well. But when you broke up with her...She wasn't the same. There was no life in her eyes like there usually is. Without that, shes just a hollow log with legs. You can't leave her like this."

I lifted my head from the door having a shadow covering my eyes, "Stop getting into my bussiness. Stupid."

"I didn't have a choice, my dear old dad has more power than me. I still have to do what he says."

"What?! Are you afraid of him or something? Your suppose to protect her from harm. If your afraid of your father then you're not the person I thought you were."

It was silent after that.

I need to get out of here. Taking a deep breath I opened the door feeling two pairs of eyes burn holes right through the back of my head. I lowered my gaze to the floor walking slowly making sure I don't fall. I happen to get clumsy when I'm upset. "Shoto, that girlfriend of yours. I want you to break up with her now." Endeavor said sitting at his desk. He was dead serious. Shoto's eyes widened in shock that his father just said that to him. "What are you even saying? She's everything to me, I'm not going to break up with her!" Endeavor forcefully pushed out the chair to his desk and marched towards Shoto and punched him in the stomach. The force of his attack was so powerful, He ricocheted him off the wall. "Your weak! I did not train you all these years to be a weak useless child. Get rid of her or I will!" I stopped in my tracks, completely shocked and enraged. I don't know how I can see these flashbacks but Endevor is forcing Shoto into a corner that he can't get out of alone. Everything we've done together was to make eachother stronger. But how am I going to talk to him now? Even if I do know the truth, I have no idea how to confront him with the matter.


"Mirage!" I yelled as six clones made of rock hard ice went into a straight line with me directly in the middle. Beads of sweat rolled off my forehead as I breathed heavily holding my hands out infront of me looking at the rock wall of the side of the mountain I was on top of....another one. The one I didn't destroy... My eyes glowed a bright blue taking a deep breath before exclaiming with my now projected voice. "Ice Shower! Exploit!" When those simple words left my mouth. My clones reached into the air and clenched their fist which created a giant grey cloud in the sky. It was a storm cloud. Once it formed completely, they all pulled their fist down forcing the ice being held up in the sky to clump together and form into sharp blades of ice. It all scattered over the area I was in and impaled the trees and any animals around. The sounds of the ice breaking was similar to shattering glass. Dust and ice crystals polluted the air for at least two three minutes before everything dispersed. I groaned in exhaustion while falling face first into the ground. "Ugh!"

"And I thought you were just coming out here banging pots and pans at four in the morning everyday." I sighed turning around to the familiar voice and met eyes with red ones. "And what are you doing out here at this time Bakugo?" He put his hands in his pockets and walked up to me. "I need to talk to you..." Now that caught my attention. Bakugo actually being calm for once? That's weird. But complying with him, I got up and sat down on a rock with crossed arms. "Talk to me about what?" He leaned on the wall next to me and stared at the glistening lake in the distance. "I over heard you and Icy hot's conversation the other night." I nodded leaning back against the wall with a sad sigh. "Of curse you did..." He side glanced at me then back to the now rising sun. "I just thought you two were inseparable." I pursed my lips. Remembering what he said to me that day, "We should break up." Even if I knew those words weren't true... just hearing him say it makes me feel like breaking down. "What are trying to say?" My soft voice started to get weaker. Tears were starting to form in my eyes. We were inseparable. And now hearing it from Bakugo, it's making me forget all about Shoto's true intentions. Bakugo saw me crying and panicked like a child. "H-Hold on are you seriously crying?! The whole reason I came to find you was to cheer you up ok?! How the hell am I going to sleep at night knowing I made it worse?!" With that said, I couldn't help but cry and laugh at the same time. He just isn't very good at this sort of thing... "I'm trying! But...I really love him...nothing will change that..." I sniffed trying to wipe away my tears with the palm of my hands. Darn, I really didn't want him to see me cry like this. "Do you think he hates me?" I meant it too, I really don't know what goes on in Shoto's head. Maybe he now saw me as a distraction later on and really did break up with me on his own accord. Bakugo sighed angrily while scratching the back of his head. "No way. That damn Icy hot is just being a piece of shit right now. He loves you...like a lot and stuff..." I slightly smiled giving him a hug, which he stiffened up of course, but at this point I didn't really care, I knew deep down he enjoyed my embrace. He's actually lucky, I don't just hug anybody. "A-Anyway just keep your head up ok? He'll come crawling back like the piss baby he is." Bakugo said slipping out of the hug. I punched his shoulder at that comment making him chuckle. "He's not a baby!" My tone of voice was more childish and annoyed. I may be having mixed feelings with Shoto, but I still won't tolerate trash talk, even from him. He cleared his throat and made his way down the mountain side. "That's all I wanted to say really... see ya'." I nodded waving him off until he was out of sight. See you...

"I know your there." I said leaning against the wall with crossed arms.

Shuffling was heard from behind the rock wall until I was able to see who it was. My heart began to ache meeting gazes with those same alluring heterochromatic eyes. That same cute red a white hair that I've missed so much even though it has only been two days. I just can't get enough of him, I have already admitted that functioning properly just isn't going to happen without him. But I stayed strong and held back my tears that were begging to fall. "Mind telling me why you were eavesdropping on me?" He pressed his finger against my lips which angered me. I may love him but I don't like to be controlled like this, especially when he has A LOT of explaining to do. "Don't you sush me! Hey are listening to me?!—Hey!" I yelped as Shoto yanked me with him and hid behind the wall placing me between his legs. Since that really was the only way to keep me protected and out of sight. This wall wasn't very wide...

His arm wrapped around my waist softly placing his hand over my mouth. I squirmed trying to get out of his grasp but his grip on me only tightened. "Be quiet." He whispered into my ear, which immediately made me stop moving, I felt like a dog but the way he ordered me was serious.

"I thought I heard that bitch somewhere around here."

"Can't wait to get my hands on that smoking body of hers."

My eyes widened at those familiar voices. Those are the boys from the dance studio last night.

For some reason, I was becoming extremely scared. Never a moment in all of my teenage years have I ever been afraid of people like them. My breathing instensifyed as the  footsteps came closer and closer towards our direction. I squeezed my eyes shut and hid my face in Shoto's chest. Hesitantly he held me tightly in his arms, making me feel at ease. He held me as close to his body as he could, the feeling of my trembles made him feel extremely bad for me.

"Damn where is she?!"

"That bastard. He gave us the wrong information."

"Tch, come on let's get out of here. There's no point to search the premises. And even if she was here, she'd be long gone."

"Ugh! I woke up at five am for this?"

Soon enough the foot steps faded and the boys were gone. "Hey, they're gone. We don't have to stay like this anymore." I frowned allowing tears to escape my eyes placing my hand on his bruised abdomen. "I'm so sorry....Your hurt because of me. I'm sorry if I'm a distraction, or if I get in the way. I-I'm sorry-" Before even finishing my sentence, Shoto cupped my cheek and he kissed me. My tears couldn't stop falling at this point. I'm sorry. We parted after a second to catch our breaths and that's when he spoke first. "None of this is your fault alright. I guess being treated so harshly by my father growing up still makes me feel intimidated by him. But I've realized that I don't have to listen to him anymore. Not after what he's done. Never again will I allow him to pull us apart." I sobbed hugging him as tight as I could burring my face in the crook of his neck. "I'm sorry I said I'd burn your face. I didn't mean any of it!" The grip on my waist became tighter feeling his lips rest on my shoulder. "I know. Please don't cry Akito." My heart ached even more at his words making me cry even more. "Why are you so calm?! You should hate me! I got so mad at you that day. So why?..." I felt him smile as he massaged my back. "Hate you? That's impossible. I was in the wrong. So you had every right to me mad at me... I love you."

My eyes widened and cried again. "I...I love you too."
