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W͎a͎r͎n͎i͎n͎g͎!͎ F͎l͎u͎f͎f͎ a͎n͎d͎ L͎e͎m͎o͎n͎

Finally a break from school. I thought I was never going to relax. I'm gonna go shopping and hit up the beach later!

Since it's a hot and sunny day, I picked out a floral romper just for the occasion. I might happen to run into Shoto today. Once I looked depart enough to leave, I grabbed my brown leather purse and slipped a pair of sandals. All Might had a meeting with the pros today, letting me have the house to myself. Which is fine by me, I'm still mad at him after all.


The salty and calming breeze of the ocean eased my senses as I took a sip of my mango pineapple smoothie sitting down in a booth chair. I leaned my elbows on the bar counter resting my eyes on the crashing ocean waves. Nothing like a water quirk user setting eyes on the mother of all bodies of water. Distracting myself from the ocean, I saw a boy who looked exactly like Shoto. On closer inspection, it was him. I smiled happily as I got up from my chair jogging toward him. But the closer I got the more I saw. He was touching another girl in a romantic-like manner, but something was off about it and I couldn't figure it out. My heart raced out of my chest watching the scene unfold. His face inched closer to hers and their lips had met. It felt like at that moment, he was taken away from me. And that girl knew I was watching. I shook my head in disbelief slowly stepping back and tripping on a rock. A louder than I anticipated yelp escaped my lips making Shoto look in my direction. Our eyes met for a split second and that was all he needed to know that it was me. He called out to me even and ran towards me.

As quickly as I could, I got back on my feet and ran as fast and as far away as I could. But in just a few seconds of me running, a giant shockwave of excruciating pain pulsed throughout my whole body. It was like my legs stopped working and I tripped on my sandals falling miserably onto the concrete pavement skinning my knees. Tears formed in my eyes until they fell down my cheeks. Thunder, lightning, and pouring rain followed shortly after. "Akito, wait!" I heard Shoto say from behind me. The pain in my body intensified after I remembered what I saw. With whatever strength I had left, I got back up and kept running away from him. The pills that Recovery Girl made for me are at home and I'm at least an hour's walk from there. A sharp pain stabbed through my abdomen making me yelp in pain and slow down. Just then, I felt a hand on my wrist that pulled me backward. "Akito, I'm asking you to wait. What you saw back there was not what it looked like!" I shook my head, breathing heavily. "Even if it wasn't what it looked like, you have to learn to be loyal! You don't see me kissing other boys because they asked me to do you?!" What am I saying? Maybe this is a big misunderstanding.

"I-." Shoto tried to say but I yanked my arm away from his gentle grasp in anger. "You can go ahead and make up an excuse. But I'm not feeling well so I'm going home. Don't follow me." I warned beginning to walk away but fell to my skinned knees, hissing in pain. Shoto kneeled to my level in worry putting his hand on my shoulder. "You can't walk. Your knees are injured and you're catching a cold. Let me take you back to my place." He said, trying to pick me up. I glared slapping his hand away. "I'm not going with you until you tell me the truth right now." Please don't be cheating on me. He sighed putting his warm hand on mine. "That girl asked me to kiss her romantically...as her dying wish." My eyes widened as he continued, "An incurable disease that makes her organs fail one by one. I would feel terrible to turn her down, so I did what she asked. But that's it nothing else happened I promise you." He said trying to look into my eyes. My chest ached, slowly feeling the pain in my body fade away. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. "I feel like a big asshole right now."

Shoto stifled a laugh, picking me up bridal style. "No. It was my fault. I should've been more considerate of your feelings. I'm sorry." I slightly smiled kissing his cheek. "Take me to your place. I wanna sleep with you tonight." He blushed a deep red at my words as he continued to walk. "You say these things like it's the easiest thing in the world."


AN: If you do not like highly sexual scenes then skip this chapter cuz shits about to get hot 🤤

"My elder sister let you borrow these. If they don't fit you can just wear one of my sweatshirts." Shoto said, handing me a pair of shorts and a long sleeve shirt. I nodded taking them from his hands. "Thanks," I said quickly changing into them in the bathroom. I laugh a little, looking into the mirror seeing they were sliding off of my slim body. I opened the bathroom door with a laugh making Shoto look at me. He laughed as well, crossing his arms. "I guess, it's the sweatshirt." I smiled with a nod as he handed me one of his. Once again I changed the clothes into his sweatshirt, opening the door again. "Well, I feel tiny." I joked, showing him how my arms don't even reach the ends of the sleeves. His cheeks turned a light pink looking at my small figure in his clothes. "You look so beautiful." He said in awe. But once he realized he was gawking at me, he blushed even harder looking away, "I-I mean, you look good in that."

I laughed a bit hanging my arms over his shoulder, guiding him to the bed. "Just so you know, your lips are mine. No one is allowed to kiss them but me. That girl was the only exception." I said, making sure my warning was clear. He put a stray hair behind my ear, leaning down to my level, and pecked my lips. Shoto figured out how to shut me up in any situation. My tan cheeks turned a vibrant red while I pouted, "Your not being fair." I said now crossing my arms over my decent-sized bust. It's not that I'm angry at him... that's not the right word for what I'm feeling... jealousy. Yeah. So what? I'm his girlfriend, I should be jealous. He belongs to me.

Shoto snickered at my cuteness, engulfing my smaller frame into his warm embrace. The intoxicating scent of his cologne made me feel dizzy with desire. It's sweet, like vanilla, but also has a masculine fragrance in it. "You smell so... nice." I moaned, admiring his every detail. The way he smelled, the way he felt, his warmth. Even his breathing, his heartbeat, made me want him more and more. His deep chuckle sent chills down my spine, he knew exactly how he made me feel and took advantage of it. Shaking away the rest of my wits, I slowly walked into him with my slender fingers gently pushing him into the bed. His muscular body landed on his soft bed as he slowly scooted up against his bed frame.

I caught the way his breath would hitch in his throat when I gently rested on his hips and grind ever so slightly over his now growing bulge.

Shoto chuckled a bit at my efforts making me feel a bit embarrassed.

"Look who's not being fair now," he murmured, leaning closer to my lips.

"I know," I mumbled back against his lips.

But although our lips were touching, neither of us made a move to kiss each other. Instead, we relished in each other's body warmth for the moment we had. We both decided to take things slow and easy. Shoto's eyes were trained on mine as he waited for my next move, and when my hips involuntarily shifted on their own, he pulled me even closer to him and captured my soft lips into his. The sudden shift from Shoto, ground my pelvic bone across his growing erection, and I whined at the feeling.

Shoto ran his hands up the sweatshirt I was wearing, gliding his fingertips lightly against my soft skin. We parted, gasping for air. I panted looking into his eyes. "I want you now Shoto." He panted as well, running his hand through my hair and flipping himself on top of me pressing his lips against mine once more.

I put my hand on his nape feeling his warm hands reach down to my thighs and then back up to my chest. His touch feels so good. I want so much more of it. "I know I told you to put on the sweatshirt. But now I want you to take it off." Shoto said staring into my eyes. I grinned, doing what he said leaving me with my bare chest. He pulled off his shirt tossing it aside as he trailed his surprisingly soft tongue across my jawline and to my neck unexpectedly. I'm sure he wants the same thing that I do. His hot breath tickled my skin sending goosebumps all over my body. I don't know how but he found my sweet spot and started to nibble and kiss it. I couldn't help but moan as he did so.

I slightly dug my nails into his back feeling myself getting turned on. He reached over onto his desktop grabbing something off of it and putting it in his mouth. On closer inspection, it was a condom. My face became redder than it already was as I stared into his eyes. He saw this and took it out of his mouth, "We don't have to if you don't want to." I looked away in embarrassment, shifting my legs to a more comfortable position. "N-No, it's ok. I want to." Ugh! Why am I acting so vulnerable right now?!

With those words, he opened the package and put on the condom, leaning down lower to my level. Am I ready for this? Do I really want him to take away my only innocence?
Cutting me off, a painful pressure was felt in my womanhood. I flinched a little in pain, feeling tears starting to prick my eyes. Shoto saw this and stopped for a moment. "Sorry, are you ok?" He asked me in worry. I slowly nodded with a pink face. "Don't mind me, this is my first time so it's going to hurt a little bit that's all." He nodded as he continued but this time went a little bit gentler. The only way to get himself inside of me is to slowly inch his way in. And yes, it hurt like hell.

Finally, after about two minutes, he was all the way inside me. Oh, thank God! The pain and suffering are over! He began to move slowly, picking up the pace when I felt comfortable enough for him to do so. Quiet moans filled the room as I dug my nails into the skin of his back. He felt really good. My breathing became heavier now feeling pleasure. Once he saw I was beginning to like what he was doing, he went faster and my moans became louder. He leaned down to my lips and quickly kissed me. "If your too loud, my siblings will get suspicious." I pouted and kissed him back. "...let's resume this on another day where there's more privacy...at my place." That was my excuse of course... If I want to be able to walk tomorrow, we'd have to stop now before he rails me a little bit too hard.

He sighed in disappointment but complied. "If that's what you want." I furrowed my eyebrows at him flipping myself on top of him. "Oh enough with this attitude!" I said ruffling his hair. He laughed plopping down next to me. "Stop acting like a kid and lay down." He said closing his eyes. I smiled laying down on his chest. "Stop being so salty. You can do whatever you want to me later." I whispered into his ear while kissing his neck. He blushed and rolled on his side with me in his arms. "Go to sleep!" I really hate to remind myself that Shoto is one year older than me. It feels like he's a pedophile!! Man, the jokes that I make in my mind. I mean, am I funny or what?....and I'm talking to myself ....again...I need help.
