
~Maeda Toushirou~
前田 藤四郎

Farming floor 100 is taking a toll on my resources and help tokens..

Mitsuyo looks fierce and unapproachable, while Sohaya is a baby-sitter XD

Once he heard the familiar sound of high heels hitting against the wooden flooring, Maeda then went to greet his master.

"Welcome back, Master."

"Ah, Maeda!" Ruffling his hair, she then continued. "How's today? Report everything now!" Putting her handbag and jacket in her room, she went to her office as Maeda reported about the day.

"2000 whetstone and steel have been found today during expedition, and they are recorded in the inventory list. For sorties, Taroutachi, Akashi and Yagen were seriously injured, but they are all healed up." She nodded, and gave a few thoughts about the arrangements she made.

Taking up the part-time job as a sage, she always had to rush back from her office and travel through portals, staying the night in the citadel before going back at daybreak. There were exceptions, such as weekends and public holidays. All instructions were written in a piece of paper so as to facilitate the running of her citadel.

"Maeda, Ichigo will be in-charge for tomorrow. Here are the list of things to do." Setting the brush down, she passed him the paper written with instructions. As she stood up, pain was felt from her toes, causing her to cringe her face a little.

"What's wrong, Master?"

"Seems like I got some blisters on my feet.." Removing her heels, her ankle was red and swollen. Analysing the situation, Maeda then went off without telling her before coming back with another sword.

"Y-Yagen! Maeda, didn't I say not to call him-"

"You're mistaken, General. I came because I wanted to. Maeda told me you hurt your foot. Sit down and just let me take a look." Wearing his glasses and gloves, he squatted down and took her feet into his, observing the blisters. Taking her feet, he lightly turned it around before the sage lightly gasped in pain. Exerting pressure on the sole, the sage suddenly let out a cry.

"General, you sprained your foot, so don't wear those heels anymore. I'll bandage up so that it wouldn't worsen." Taking a roll of bandage, Yagen swiftly wrapped the injured foot, took a nearby pillow and set her foot on it.

"Maeda, look after General. Call me if anything happens." Yagen then went off, leaving the latter with the sage.

"Sorry, and thank you, Maeda."

"This is nothing to be sorry about, Master. Please leave the work alone and turn in for the night. It's a weekend tomorrow."

Stretching her upper body, she then looked at her sprained foot.

"Maeda, I'll need your help to get back to my room."

"Yes, I understand."

He walked forward, taking her hand into his as she stood up, walking back to her room slowly just next to her office.

"Thank you, Maeda. You did well today. Have a good rest."

"I understand, I shall excuse myself then. Have a good night's sleep, Master." Closing the door, he too did a stretch before turning in for the night.

He missed that familiar feeling of his master ruffling his head.
