The Little Fox


Enjoy~~ ^_^
Spawned KBC in map 2-1... such luck.


The day begins as usual, with you and Mitsutada preparing breakfast while your right hand man Kogitsunemaru waking the other swords up.

It's been almost one and a half year since you came here. Of course, the four seasons do apply to this environment, but you never felt this cold in this winter.

"Hey Mitsu... This winter is seriously killing me..."

Fortunately your hand doesn't feel cold at all as you were by the stove, immersing in whatever heat the stove produced. But your body still felt the chilly cold even wearing a down jacket.

Mitsutada gave a small chuckle.

"Aruji-sama, you have to bear with it until the winter passes. The weather is so bad that even the government can't send the resources we need."

You whined at his reply. True, the weather is really bad to the point where your last frontline battle was 2 weeks ago. No battles, no expeditions, which meant that all your swords had to stay in the citadel doing whatever they want. That also meant more resources even used up at a faster rate. Just a thought of it made you sweat about life with no resources at all.

"Nushi-sama, all the swords have woken up. Is there anything you need me to do?" Kogitsunemaru entered the kitchen, rubbing his hands together to produce heat. When he realises that it didn't have effect at all, he places his hands near the stove and attempt to regain the feeling of warm hands. You gave a chuckle as you see him doing that.

"Ask Ishikiri to review the troops his team has. I want his team members to be equipped with at least 1 shieldman troop each. Mitsu, feel free to allocate any troops you feel best for your team members." You turned your head towards the eye patch, telling him what to do. You continued and focused on Kogitsunemaru again.

"As usual, Hasebe's team is in charge of duties for the week. Ask Otegine to form a team. And tell him to include Ookuri and Shishiou in . They'll be doing sparring with Izumi and his team since we can't go for any expeditions or battles. Those who are not involved in anything are to clean the citadel and they are free afterwards. Hmm did I leave anything behind... Ahh yes, please see me after breakfast, Kogi. Thanks!" Giving a smile towards the fox, you focused on preparing the last meal for the last sword, and it was finally done after 2 hours.


After breakfast, each team is sent to their respective duties. Going back to your room, you settled down on the wooden table and started doing paperwork. At the end of each year, every Saniwa is to hand in a detailed report, recording every single battle and expedition done in the one year long period. You even had to include which sword got injured in which battle, and how much time it took for them to heal, making it difficult to finish this report in a day's time, although the deadline was set 2 days later from now. You just wanted to finish it up and submit it.

Shitty paperwork... I really hate writing reports..

You cursed at the amount of work you need to do, before hearing a knock on the paper door.

"Nushi-sama, I am here. May I come in?" You asked him to come in and sit on the opposite site of the table. You gave a deep breath.

"Kogi, I need your help in sorting the battles we fought in each individual place. I recorded in a notebook, but I didn't categorise it... I need to submit a report to the government. You know, that annoying annual report... Yeah that. My brain is going to explode..." Whining, you handed the fox a stack of papers and notes you took down for the past year. You felt that it was a burden to ask help instead of letting him a day off.

"Sorry for troubling you."

The fox looked at you before giving out a chuckle.

"Nushi-sama, I am happy enough as long as you use me in anything you do. I am grateful towards you, who forged me and giving me life. For that I am deeply indebted, for you who breathed life into me." The fox then continued sorting out the notes and papers into categories. A small blush was seen. You had never seen Kogi act in such a way, and that made him even more mysterious. You shook your head to clear the thoughts and focused on your report.

Let's start then.


"Nushi-sama, I am done with the sorting. Is there anything-" The fox said and lifted his head up, only to realise that you dozed off after writing the last sentence of the report. Your head was on the table, sleeping with steady breathing being heard.

It was quiet, and tranquil.

The fox smiled and stood up, careful not to wake you from your deep sleep. Removing his haori (A/N: a type of jacket worn with a yukata), he draped it over your shoulders. With one hand on your shoulder and another hand on your head, he carefully moved you into lying position so that you could sleep comfortably. Covering you with a thick blanket, he turned on the heater to make your room warm again. Despite all these movements, you didn't wake up at all. The fox then knelt down, brushed your fringe to one side and gave you a kiss on your temple.

"Have a good rest, nushi-sama."

The next few nights, you were seen rushing the report in your room as the little fox served tea and inari sushi every night as an act of support.
