Ep 5: To Yeji


All the scenes and happenings in this book is fully fictional and didn't happened in real life.


Few hours passed, Yeji is still in the operation theatre. Minhyun already arrived and waiting outside. Ryujin is sitting on the bench while sleeping. Soobin tried to sleep few times but he just can't. He can't close his eyes knowing that Yeji is still in there, fighting to live.

Slowly, Beomgyu pat Ryujin who have her head on his shoulder to wake her up. "I'll go buy some drinks". Ryujin nodded and lean against the wall to continue sleep. Beomgyu stood up and told the same things to Soobin and he walked away.

He bought two coffee at the hospital cafeteria. When he reached the main exit, he looked around and walked outside. He saw Yeonjun, sleeping on the bench while hugging himself. 'Bro, it's spring why the heck would you sleep there?'

Beomgyu walked to him and sit beside him. Yeonjun open his eyes right away. Beomgyu handed him a coffee. "It's cold outside. What are you doing here?", Beomgyu sips his coffee.

"No one want me inside anyway", Yeonjun looked up and watched the night sky. "Then go home", Beomgyu said coldly. Yeonjun shook his head. "Not until she wakes up".

"She won't", Yeonjun eyes widened. He turned towards Beomgyu. "W-what?". Beomgyu sighed. "At least not today. Her brain injuries are severe. If she's lucky she'll wakes up in few days".

"If she's lucky?", Yeonjun asked, he obviously worried. "Yeah.. That's for mild condition. Severe takes weeks,even months. In some cases, years". Yeonjun looked down, his eyes got teary.

Beomgyu stand up, "You should go home. It's 3 am and you have to work tomorrow". He walked away.

"How do you know?", Yeonjun asked. Beomgyu stopped ,wanna answer but he continue walking. "I know you still care, Beomgyu". He ignores him and leave him.



Beomgyu gives Ryujin the coffee he just bought. "I got your latte". Ryujin take it and take a sip. "What took you so long?"

"I met Yeonjun outside", said Beomgyu while playing with his phone. "That annoying jerk? Why did you talk to him? Yeji is still in there because of him!".

"You know he's not!", Beomgyu raised his voice. Although he doesn't like Yeonjun's attitude but he's getting annoyed with everyone putting all blame on Yeonjun. "I know you didn't like him but stop accusing him!", Beomgyu whispered, not letting Soobin hear it.

"But it's obvious!", Ryujin still stood up with her thoughts. "Not it's not! He's not the one who hit her!".

"But he caused it!", Beomgyu took a deep breath. "You know what? Whatever honestly I'm tired talking to you". Beomgyu stand up and walked away. Ryujin run and grabbed his hand. "Are you mad...?".

Beomgyu sighed. "No". Ryujin pulled him and make him sit. She sit beside him. "Take a rest. You haven't sleep yet".

Around 5 am, a doctor finally walked out from the operation theatre. Minhyun and Soobin stand up and approach him. There's a big smile on his face. "Thankfully, the surgery went very well". Minhyun eyes widen and he smile. "Really?! Thank god!". The doctor nodded and pat Minhyun's shoulder.

"For now, Hwang Yeji will be transfer to the Intensive Care Unit because she's still under coma. We'll let you visit her a few hours later". Minhyun take the doctor's hand and shake it. He also bow a few times. "Thank you so much! You worked hard!".

Minhyun and Soobin looked at each other and hug, happily. Both of them turn their heads to the two cuties sleeping. Soobin shook Beomgyu's shoulder and he wake up. Since Ryujin put her head on Beom's shoulder, she woke up too. "What? Is it finished?".

Soobin smile widely. "Yeji's fine but she's still unconscious. She'll be transfer to the ICU". Ryujin grabbed her purse and stand up. Beomgyu stopped her by grabbing his arm. "Where are you going?". Ryujin looked clueless. "To Yeji". Soobin chuckled. "She just got transferred. We can visit her in couple hours".

"Ah whyyy?!", Ryujin stomped her foot. "I want to see her nowww!". She started whining. Beomgyu got panicked and stand up. He knew Ryujin will act like this. He grabbed her shoulder. "Hey you stupid. Stop crying like a baby", he wiped her tears. "Let's get home first and we'll come here again", Beomgyu convinces her. But Ryujin just won't stop.

"NoOooOoO! I waited for hours now I've to wait again", she rubbed her eyes and her voice got even louder. Beomgyu grabbed her bag, pulled her arm and dragged her. "We'll come back for Yeji. Excuse us". Minhyun an Soobin just watched them from afar.


"We arrived", Beomgyu said. Ryujin unbuckled her seat belt and stop. Beomgyu looked at half-asleep Ryujin pouting. "How dare you drag me, Choi Beomgyu".

He laughed. "You're so stubborn Shin Ryujin ssi". Ryujin scoffed and open the door. "I'll call you later", Beomgyu said before Ryujin closed the door. "I know". She closed the door. Beomgyu smile when he looked at sleepy Ryujin. 'Cute'


"I'm home", Ryujin whispered to herself while taking off her shoes. She was about to climb up the stairs when suddenly an old woman run towards her and slap her back. "Ouch!".

Ryujin turns and rubbed her back. "Grandma! That's hurt!". Her grandmother hit her shoulder this time. "Where have you been until 6 am you young girl. I'm worried to death!". Ryujin started whining again. "Yeji got involved into an accident and i was at the hospital, why are you hurting me T.T?".

Her grandmother face expression change and he rub her shoulder. "Oh my! I'm so sorry. I don't know. Is she okay?". She sat beside Ryujin at the stairs.

"She is but Ryujin is not", Ryujin whine even louder. Her grandmother pinch her cheek softly. "Oh my, my lovely Ryujin, I'm sorry. You must be hungry right? I'll cook some fried rice, and I just bought your favorite, walnut pastries!".

Ryujin pout. "Ryujin is hungry but Ryujin wants to sleep first. Ryujin is tired". Her grandmother nodded while stroking her hair. "Okay. Go upstairs and rest. I'll wake you up later". Ryujin smile and kissed her cheek. "Love you grandma". She stand up and walked up the stairs.


Beomgyu took off his shoes and walked inside. He let out a heavy breath since he's very tired. He saw her stepmother looking at him while sitting on the sofa in the living room. He ignores her and walked to the stairs. "Did you go somewhere?", he heard his stepmother's voice asking. Without answering he continue his steps. But Mr. Choi stood up in front of him.

"She asked you, young man", the man with hoarse voice said. Beomgyu tilted her head slightly towards her stepmother. "Yes". He was about to take step forward when his father stop him. "Where did you go?".

Beomgyu sighed. "I'm so tired right now. Excuse me", Beomgyu hurriedly walked up the stairs towards his room. "You ungrateful brat! Don't you have manners?!". Beomgyu heard his father. He stormed to his room and lay down on his bed. 'Huh, loud ass man'


a/n: haven't i told you that beom is whipped for ryu? cause he obv is!
