Ep 16: Let's Go


All the scenes and happenings in this book is fully fictional and didn't happened in real life.


Lia stares outside, not wanting to watch whatever happened infront of her. The sound of girl asking for help is hurting her ears. She stood up and pull Olivia aside. "Enough! She's too loud, let her go"

Olivia stop while caressing her stingy knuckles after knocking out the new student. Lia looked at the others. "The rest of you get out". They're looking at Olivia, asking for approval.

"Get out, I said!", Lia direct her hand towards the door and all of them walked away except for Olivia, leaving both of them with the new student alone.

When Olivia raised her hand to knock her out again, Lia grabbed her arm and pushed her away. "Stop it! That's enough!".

"I haven't done yet, move!", Olivia brushed her arm from Lia and try getting to the new student again.

"Are you crazy?! Do you wanna kill her?!". Lia blocked her way. Olivia took a deep breath before staring at Lia. "Then you wanna get beaten up instead of her?".

"Get out. Just enough for now", Lia held her shoulder. The girl behind them already half conscious after get beaten up by Olivia. She stomped her foot before walking out from the store room.

Olivia went straight to the restroom and cleaned the blood stain on her shirt. She washed her face before staring at her reflection in the mirror. This is what she raised for. She lived for 18 years with everyone around her beat people up to stay strong.

That's the way to survive in this school right? It's better to be scared than to be loved


Yiren walked to Chaeryung's table when she's putting books in her bag, ready to go home. "Hi", Yiren greeted her. Chaeryung smile to her. "Hi".

"I'm Wang Yiren", she reached out her hand. Chaeryung take and shook it softly. "Oh, I'm Chaeryung". Yiren grabbed her arm. "This bracelet is so pretty!".

Chaeryung chuckled. "This is my grandmother's", she said while staring at the pretty bracelet.

"You know.... ", Yiren suddenly talk in serious tone. "I see you pretty close with that boy from class 2-1". Chaeryung tried to think which boy she's close to, and then she remembered Taehyun.

"Ah, Kang Taehyun. Yes. He's a good friend of mine. Why?", she asked curiously. Why did she suddenly asked about him. "No reason. See you tomorrow". She grabbed her bag and walked out. She bumped with Taehyun who's waiting for Chaeryung and greeted him.

"This doesn't feel right", Chaeryung thought to herself.


"Can we stop by the hospital for a while?", Ryujin asked Beomgyu who's driving. He looked at his watch. It's just 6 in the evening. "Okay, but we can't stay longer".

Ryujin's eyebrows crossed. "Why?".

"I took an extra class at 7 so I'm afraid I'll be late", Beomgyu said while keeping his eyes on the road. Ryujin nodded but then she remembered that she'll be alone at house.

"I wanna go with you", Ryujin suddenly insisted. "Eh why? I'll be back at 11".

Ryujin fidgeting, she felt uncomfortable staying at house without Beomgyu with his stepmother glaring at her 25/8. Beomgyu glanced at Ryujin and noticed her worried look on her face.

"Why? You're scared with that woman?", he grasped his fist. That woman really disturbed Ryujin all the time. Ryujin didn't answer. She don't want Beomgyu to be mad at his stepmother. But she also felt uncomfortable with her.

"Okay. Here is it. Just stay at home for today. I'll register your name in the class and we'll go together the next day. How about that? We can study together too", Beomgyu suggested. Ryujin nodded, as long as she's not staying alone at home, she's fine with it.


Soobin walked alone to his home. It's already 11:30 in the evening. He's so tired that he can literally lay down and sleep on the road. He saw a convenient store and he decided to buy some carbonated drinks since his house is still far from there.

He got surprised when he saw Yeonjun's there wearing his uniform. "Do you work here?", he asked him but Yeonjun just nodded.

Soobin ignored him and walked to beverages section. He picked a diet cola and pay it at the counter. While he's waiting for Yeonjun to give his change, he saw someone familiar outside the store.

A middle aged man grabbed her arm and dragged her, fiercely from what Soobin saw. He grabbed his drink from the counter and ran outside. "Hey, what about your change?", Yeonjun asked Soobin but he's already disappeared.

He follow the girl and the man to an alley. They stopped when the girl let go of his grasp and she massage her wrist.


"I said I don't want to!", Lia have been struggling to let go from the man's fierce grasp. She can feel his claws clenching her wrist and left a wound.

"Let go of me!", they finally stopped and he let her go of her wrist. "Just say your price and we'll have fun tonight". The man is getting impatient with Lia stubbornness.

"I don't work there! Go find another girl for God's sake!", Lia slapped him hard without even realizing. She panicked when he glared at her. The man raised his hand and slap her.

The ring on his finger caused a cut on her cheek. Soobin couldn't hold his anger, run towards them and punched him right in his face. "Go away!".

The man felt a blood at the corner of his lips and looked at Soobin. "I'll get you later". Then he run away.

Soobin turned to his back and saw Lia's crying while rubbing her cheeks. He can feel his blood boiling. "What the fuck are you doing here?!".

Lia's body trembling and she hugged herself. "I... I just hang out at the bar. But.... He dragged me here. I didn't do anything in there, I swear!". Soobin is out of words. He can't believe he just witnessed harassment in front of his eyes.

Lia was crying when she felt hot thick blood on her cheek. The cut in her cheek was so deep.

Soobin wanted to leave her behind so bad but he know he couldn't ignore her just like that. He grabbed her wrist but she flinched because of the wound. "Oh my god".

Soobin held her hand and brought her to the convenient store.


"How did that happened", Yeonjun asked while handed a first aid strip. Soobin took it and apply it on her wounded cheek and wrist.

"Don't ask".

Yeonjun shrugged. "Okay. Tell me if you need anything". Yeonjun walked to the staff room to change his clothes since his shift already ended.

Soobin looked at Lia who's still trembling. "Just go home. It's nearly midnight". He grabbed his bag and was about to walked away but Lia pulled his sleeves.

"Can I come with you? I-I'm scared", Lia looked outside, wondering if the man will come back and look for her. Soobin sighed.

"Let's go"

