Ep 30: Regrets


All the scenes and happenings in this book is fully fictional and didn't happened in real life.


♪ ♬ Seems like everyone else but me is happy
It hurts more to laugh than to cry ♬ ♪

Taehyun used Beomgyu's car to send both Yeonjun and Beomgyu to their houses. Among them, he's the less drunk while Yeonjun already babbling nonsense about Yeji and Beomgyu keep whining something about Ryujin.

After sending Yeonjun, he called Ryujin, telling her that Beomgyu is with him.

"What's wrong with him?", Ryujin asked taking Beomgyu from Taehyun's arm. "Wasted after few sips", he answered.

Ryujin gathered all her energy and dragged Beomgyu into the house. She turned her head towards Taehyun. "It's so late now Taehyun. Just sleep here", Ryujin offer, knowing that the boy doesn't have any transportation to go back home.

Ryujin was having a hard time dragging the boy into his room. Beomgyu rested his head on her shoulder while refused to let go of her.

"You need to sleep Choi Beomgyu", she said to him. Their faces are so close that their noses almost touching. She can feel his breath and although after a lot of alcohol he consumed, he still managed to smell nice.

She bring him towards his room while trying to walk as quiet as she could since Beomgyu's parents were sleeping.

She put him on the bed and cover him in a blanket. When she was making her way out, he grabbed her wrist. She startled and looked at him. "Don't go... ", he said with his eyes closed.

Ryujin looked at Taehyun who's standing at the door. "There's a guest room to your left, at the end of the hallway. I'm sure Beomgyu let you use it for a night". Taehyun nodded and thanked her. He disappeared from her vision, walking to the guest room.

Ryujin sat beside Beomgyu's bed while looking at the sleeping boy. He's sleeping like innocent angel, making Ryujin smile at him. A few seconds later, she heard him whinning something.

Ryujin patted his shoulder making him relaxed a bit. She stroke his cheek using her fingers, feeling how soft it is, softer than baby's.

"Ryujin..... ", she heard him talking. She neared her face, trying to hear him better. "Why can't you see my heart...?". Ryujin froze. She knows, she knows exactly what he felt about her this few years.

She appreciate how he refused to confess to her to keep their friendship. But as a girl, she definitely had felt something towards him too. They have been friend since elementary school, it'll be lie if she said she never have a feeling towards him.

But she's afraid of her own feelings. If she could be relationship with anyone but will end up breaking each other's heart, she doesn't want it to be him. She want to learn on how to love him better.

But now, her feelings change. How would it turn out if Beomgyu was earlier than Hyojin? Will they be in a relationship now? What if she break his heart? What if he's hurt because of her?


Few days passed. Yeji finally got to come back to her home after being hospitalized for almost 4 months and a half. Her legs still aren't strong enough to walk more than 2 steps, but her condition is excellent.

Though she literally forgot more than half of her memories, she learned to recap with all basic things quickly. She can write and eat by herself. She also can reply conversation with long sentences.

But the doctor advice her to have diet  to maintain optimum weight to avoid bedsores. They also stipulates that each joint in the neck, shoulders, wrists, elbows, fingers, hips, knees and ankles be put through as many as 200 movements a day.

She looked through her room. She doesn't remember any single thing she did in the room. She felt a touch on her shoulder. She looked up to Minhyun.

"I'll leave you for a while. Tell me if you need anything", he kissed her on her forehead and closed the door. Yeji moved the wheelchair around her room.

Her gaze drawn to a book on the shelf at the corner of the room. She took it and open it. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at the drawings in it. She stopped at one particular drawing that catches her eyes.

"Who are you.....?", she murmured to herself. Ever since she figured that Yeonjun isn't the Angel she's looking for, she doesn't know who could him be.

She looked out the window and sighed. It's not easier than she thought.


Chaeyeon noticed that these days Chaeryung isn't in her usual self. She don't even remember the last she saw her smiling. Everytime she came to her room, Chaeryung will curled up herself in a blanket and cry.

She came to her room with a food try in her hands. She knocked before walking into her room. "Chaeryung, let's eat". She doesn't reply her and Chaeyeon could hear her sobbing under the blanket.

She put aside the tray on the table and neared her. She pulled the blanket and saw crying Chaeryung behind it. She hugged her before she could say anything.

She know what Taehyun did to her. She know what he accused her and importantly, she know who tell the lies to him.

She knew what she did to him before is wrong but she can't stand seeing her sister hurting. "Wang Yiren that bitch", she whispered.

The next day, Chaeyeon walked straight to Yiren's table after sending Chaeryung to her seat. Yiren greeted her with the annoying smile of her. "We need to talk".

They stand at the corner of the hallway, where nobody could hear them. "What the fuck did you said to Taehyun?!". Yiren looked rather uninterested and unbothered. "Nothing".

"I agreed with your plan on separating both Chaeryung and Taehyun but I never let you spread false shits about her! You got Taehyun now leave my sister alone!".

Yiren looked at her nails and rolled her eyes. "Ms. Lee. I think you're not aware about what happened if you join our squad".

"In order to protect you, we must  eliminate the one who's one step ahead of you. And it's your sister", she looked at her sharply.

She smirked and neared her. "What did you say before? You're sick of your parents pampered her instead of you. And she dance better than you".

Chaeyeon clenched her fist behind her back. "I never said that".

"Whatever, Lee Chaeyeon. That's what you agreed. What do you want to do? Expose who's behind her break up? What will Chaeryung think if she know that her sister caaise it? Let's see who'll suffer more. You or me", Yiren flips her hair, making it brushing Chaeyeon's face and walked away.

Chaeyeon stared at her back that slowly walking further from her. She gritted her teeth, regretting everything she did. "I shouldn't have join the squad for myself".

Behind the wall, stood a girl, who's been hearing everything they said.


who's the girl?
