tomorrow was the first
day of school. i was at home
with the house partly ready.
akaashi was taking a

i decided to go to the
shops for some school
supplies. it's not that i
don't have enough, keiji
and i always loved stationary.
i just needed some new
notebooks. i had a lot
of pens and pencils

getting dressed with beige
straight leg jeans, a white
polo shirt, and a cropped
brown sweater vest.

putting some light makeup
on with my brown shoulder bag.
cant forget my converse and


passing by the stationary
store i saw a jewelry one.
i decided to go in to see some
new rings for my collection.

buying a pearl choker necklace,
and a few rings. i go to pay.

it was only 1pm and i was
getting hungry. walking into
a small sushi store, ordering
my favourites and some edamame.

the old lazy handing my meal
to me gives me a fortune cookie.

it means a lot to me
that you would buy
from my shop. we
don't get as much
customers anymore

thank you so much

you're welcome to come
here whenever. you're such
a beautiful woman.

i smile and wave before
existing the shop. noise
coming from across the
street. a grey haired boy
and a fox looking one. they
were being followed by a
blonde one. well discoloured

i just ignore it and walk
home. practice didn't start
until this week wednesday.

i was going to go practice
but i didn't want to sore
myself out when i have school
the next day.

going on tiktok i decided to
post the one i made with akaashi.

captioning it:
"i miss him going to listen
to mitski now😩 @keijikaashi"

it got 15k likes. going on my
spam tiktok account i decided
to just film random tiktoks.


checking the time it was
5pm. i went to go take a
shower and prepare my
things for tomorrow.

i was very nervous. i don't
want any fanboys like i did in
fukurodani. they always made
keiji feel so insecure, but i always
reassured him i had eyes for
only him.

i look over to the fortune cookie
from my meal. i open it, "an
unexpected love will appear in
front of you! 22 27 51 38 16"

funny, i've never loved
anyone else but akaashi.

it's us against the world.

i roll my eyes at the little
message. putting it in a little
jar filled with other fortunes
i would collect with keiji.

i got a ding coming from
my phone.

hey, good luck tomorrow.
i've also left you something
in your gym bag.

wait what??

incoming facetime
from akaashi

i accept and look at him
confused. him with his snarky
smirk on his face. i roll my eyes
and get my gym bag.

i look through it. a small
velvet box. i see a cute dainty
locket necklace. it was on a
paper clip necklace type chain.

inside was us hugging
on a train. it was from
when we went and snuck
out at 3 in the morning
with kuroo, bokuto, and

i smile at the necklace.

my eyes sparkle remembering
what akaashi said before.

check your brown hoodie

i went to my closet with a
confused akaashi on my
laptop screen.

i walk inside to find my
brown hoodie, i got from
thriftiness with him.

i check the sleeve, it had
a small "k" and a tiny heart
embroidered on it.

i pouted looking back at
my screen. he starts laughing.

i take it off the rack and spray
his cologne on it before putting
it on.

miss me much?

yeah yeah whatever
i'm going to tokyo on

sucks that's like a 4 hour
train ride

i'm very committed to
volleyball so it's ok

you got everything
ready for class tomorrow?

yeah, i have to watch
shins practice tomorrow.
they're going against the girls
team. he said that they suck

kita-san is always so

you can't talk much

goodnight darling
sleep well

i'll try but you're not by
my side.

he sighs softly before blowing
a kiss at the screen and hanging
