the night went by fast. i
didn't sleep though, i kept
starting at the wall or keiji.

there was no way i could
leave him. the way his skin
was so clear, his long lashes.
his messy bed hair.

the next thing you know
it was sunrise. i caress his
face ever so lightly. his eyes
opening to see me awake. not
knowing i've been up for hours
on end.

did you sleep darling?

no, but it's about to start
sunrise i thought maybe we
could go watch it? you can
go back to bed if you want.

i'd love to.

we go out to the flat roof
of his house, where you had
to go out a window. placing
chairs down as the roof was
wet from the rain. we sit and
watch the sunrise.

cigarettes after sex playing.

the sky turned pink almost
purple. mitski started playing.

i turn to akaashi and say

this moment we're having
right now. it's so bittersweet.

we sigh as i rest my head on
his shoulder.

it is bittersweet, but
hey you want your

mhm please

he laughs knowing
how inpatient i can
be. it was only 7 am
i look from my phone.
the wallpaper of me and
akaashi slow dancing in
an art museum.

i remember that time.
we were on a school field
trip. bokuto had taken the
picture. it was one of the
most liked pictures on
my instagram, and it was
pinterest famous.

akaashi comes back, box
in hand. it was neatly wrapped
in hello kitty wrapping paper
and a pink bow. him knowing
how much hello kitty means
to me from growing up.

i smile at it, before ripping it.
i open the box hesitantly.

to my surprise i see new books,
candy, some other nicknacks.
at the very bottom of the box i
see a brand new copy of romeo
and juliet.

i thought you could need
a new book, the other one
is still better it has more
memories. this one can have
new ones though.

one last tiktok?

one last tiktok.


getting up and getting ready.
i put akaashi's hoodie on and
bringing a fresh one in my bag.
he gave me a bottle of his cologne,
as i gave him my perfume.

look at the sleeve of your
brown sweater when you
get there ok.

i smile and nod.

i place my phone on his desk as
i press start for tiktok.

we end the tiktok with a long hug.

i place it in my drafts to post


after a few hours of enjoying
each other's company, it was time.

the moving truck has came to
take the boxes. akaashi and i
sit on his porch and watch. i
sit in between his legs and his
arms around me.

we watch as my mom place
some things into her black
suv. she turns to look at me,
signaling we have to go.

i walk to the car door with
tears in my eyes.

i hug akaashi

i love you

i love you so much.

call me when you arrive

"parting is such a sweet

i quote from romeo and
juliette. making us crying

i kiss him one last time before
opening the car door.

why is love so bittersweet?
