Chapter 12 : Memories

After Rihan dropped her home, Sharon went to her room and closed the door behind her as she wanted to be alone for some time. She was really disturbed by what happened at Swayam's house. Sharon slowly moves to the favorite corner of the room, SwaRon Corner,  where all her pictures with Swayam was kept along with gifts send by wellwishers. She had a collage containing her and Swayam's onscreen as well as off-screen pics. She had taken help of her friend to make this collage as she did not want to spread any unnecessary rumors by making it herself. That corner also had show pieces, cups, frames, key chains, pillows etc which were customized with their pictures. It was truly a SwaRon corner. She kept this corner hidden from her family, friends and media as this was her very personal space and she didn't want anyone's intrusion. Sharon took a frame from the corner which had a pic of Swayam dancing. He seem to be so happy in that pic. She fell in love with him the day she saw him dance for the first time.Dance connected her heart to his and she always lost herself when she danced with him. 

Sharon talking to Swayam's pic:

How can you even think that I am dating Rihan? I know news channels had reported few days back that I was on a date with Rihan but you should understand that everything mentioned on the news are not true. Yes, I went out with Rihan during the weekend but it was just a dinner with a good friend and nothing more. You always said that we are just good friends and nothing more. You just proved that statement when you let me walk away from you with Rihan. I wish I could tell you what you mean to me but I don't want to lose you by sharing my feelings with you.

I still remember the first time I met you. It was actually a fan moment for me. You were already a star and I had just joined the show. I was so nervous that I could not even say a single dialogue without fumbling. I was so frightened that you may get angry and walk away from there. But you were very patient with me. You taught me how to deliver a dialogue, how to express my emotions on camera, how to put on a diva attitude. You became my mentor and support in my initial days of acting. I was so touched by your behavior that my admiration soon turned into respect. With time, I started to open up before you and soon we became friends. You were the first person who always came into my mind whenever I needed any advice or I was stuck in a problem. You became my go to person.

As the show progressed to it's last days of shooting, I realized that nothing is permanent in our life. Soon we would be going in different directions and may hardly get time to meet each other. The thought of being away from you left me restless and aching. At that moment, I realized that I have fallen in love with my friend but I did not have the guts to confess my feelings because I didn't know how you could react. What if you got angry with me and broke our friendship. I couldn't even think of that moment. So I let go of my feelings and accepted the fact that we cannot be anything more than friends.

Once the show came to an end, I missed you so much that I wished to just get a glimpse of yours. I made excuses to come to your sets so that I could just see you once. Whenever our friends decided to have a get together, I felt so happy thinking about how I would be able to spend some time with you. There was a time when we fought with each other and stayed away from each other but our fights never lasted for long because we could stay angry with each other for a long time.

One fine day, luck smiled on me and I was offered a role opposite you in a movie. I was so happy to get this chance because it meant spending quality time with you. Fun was back in our life as we were together again. Soon we signed a second movie together and I was so thrilled. It felt like old times as we were spending most of our time together. But fate intervened in the form of Diya Kapoor. Her entry into your life changed our equation. She began to spend more and more time with you and I felt like I am no longer needed in your life. Our talks gradually decreased and it came to a complete stop the day we finished the shoot of our movie.

Few days later when our movie got released I thought of ending this silence and celebrating our success together but I was in shock when I saw Diya at your house so early in the morning. When she told me that you both are in a relation, I felt like my whole world has crashed. She also told me that she is not comfortable with my presence in your life. After this conversation, I decided to stay away from you for your happiness as well as sanity of my mind. Neither could I see you with anyone else nor could I see you unhappy. So the best thing to do was to show indifference and attitude towards you so that you will start hating me and move away from me without any questions. I was successful in my plan and we drifted apart. But when I saw you in trouble because of Diya, I could not hold back myself. There is nothing more important than you in my life and I could not let you to be alone when you need a friend the most.

When I saw you in a depressed and shattered state, my heart broke into million pieces. I moved away from you because I thought Diya is your happiness but when she became the cause of your pain, I could not forgive myself for letting her be part of your life. At that moment, I was ready to do anything to bring back that smile on your face. I am thankful to God and Rihan that they helped me to get you out of trouble and get that smile back on your face.

But today when you said that you are happy to see me with Rihan, I felt like my love has failed completely. Even though I never confessed my feelings, I thought you would understand me.I don't blame you for that. You have always considered me as a good friend and I was stupid enough to fall in love with you. This time, I will not go away from you because of my feelings.

Tears had started falling from Sharon's eyes by now.

Sharon: I will give up my love for your friendship.

Voice: What if I don't want you to give up your love?

Sharon was shocked to hear the voice.

Sharon: It can't him. How can he be in my room? It's just my mind playing games on me.

Voice: Sharon

Sharon: Swayam

Sharon turns around to see Swayam standing before her.

Few minutes back:

Swayam had decided to meet Sharon that night and clear all their misunderstanding. He didn't want to wait till morning and take the risk of losing her. He quickly drives to her house, thinking about what to say. Soon he reaches her house and parks his car outside the building. He knew that Sharon was angry with him and will not open the door if he go directly. So he decides to climb into her room through the window. He somehow manage to fool the watchman and get into her room through the window. As he entered the room, he was surprised to hear her talking to someone. He tries to hear the conversation and realize that Sharon was talking to a photo. He goes a bit closer and was shocked to see that she was talking to his photo. He decides to listen to entire conversation without interrupting.

After listening to Sharon's conversation, Swayam's eyes were filled with tears as he realized how much she had loved him all these years. His heart skipped a beat when he heard her say that she will give up her love for his friendship because he no longer wanted her to be just his friend. Yes, Swayam Shekawat had fallen in love with his best friend and he didn't want her to stop loving him. He decides to confess his feelings to her as he didn't want to be away from her even for a second.

Present Time:

Sharon and Swayam look at each other with tears in their eyes unable to say anything to each other because of the emotions they were going through.


Will Swayam be able to confess his feeling and will Sharon accept him?
