Chapter 1: Casting

Swayam, Sharon and their friends decided to make their first film based on their passion dance. They all pitched in to produce this movie as this was their dream project since the day they debuted in this industry. Each one of them specialized in one department of film industry and thus they decided to handle that department for their own movie. 

Nilesh, Amar, Vicky, Simmi, Rinni, Neha, Bharat and Sharon decided to meet up at Nilesh's house to discuss about their debut movie as producers. It was their first home production and they wanted to give their best as they believed in the saying that first impression is the best impression. They had named their production company as Dream and Dance Productions.

Nilesh had tried to contact Swayam to come for the discussion but his secretary informed him that Swayam was busy in some movie discussion and will not be able to attend his call. This has been happening for last couple of days and hence Nilesh and the others decided to go ahead with the discussion without him. 

At Nilesh's House:

Nilesh: Guys, since we have already decided that the movie will be dance based, we need to have two dancers as the lead actors. 

Vicky: I agree with that. 

Simmi: Well, we already have 2 dancing stars among us, Sharon and Swayam.

Sharon: Well, if you guys think I can do justice to the role, I am in.

Amar: We are sure you can do complete justice to the role.

Rinni: I agree.

Nilesh: But I doubt Swayam will be able to do the male lead's role. 

Simmi: What makes you say that?

Nilesh: Simmi, Swayam has not been able to make it to this discussion because of his busy schedule. Do you really think he will have dates for this small budget movie of ours. He may produce the movie along with us but acting in it, I doubt.

Vicky: I agree to Nilesh. Swayam is a rising star and he has got lot of offers coming his way. It's not like he has changed but anyone would prioritize their career before others. 

Amar: And another issue in this case is, can we afford Swayam's fees. 

Rinni: Then Sharon is also a rising star. We need to consider her fees as well. 

Sharon: Guys, I need to talk to you about that. Since this is our home production, we can forget my fees as an actor. We will just consider our profit as producers. 

Everyone look at Sharon and give her a smile. They already knew that this could be her response but they just wanted to hear it from her mouth.

Simmi: Hmm. I guess you guys have a point here.

Nilesh: I think it is better we consider a new face for our movie. Someone who is a good dancer and an actor. 

Simmi: Guys, there is one guy called Shraey Khanna right. He is a dancer as well as an actor. I remember Sharon did a web series with him. He is good looking and decent actor.

Amar: Sharon, what do you think about him?

Sharon: He is a decent actor and a good dancer. I am sure if given a chance, he will do good. We can keep an audition and see how he does.

Vicky: That's a good idea.

As this discussion was going on, someone rings the door bell. Nilesh goes to open the door and was surprised to see Swayam at his doorstep.

Swayam: Hi Nilesh

Nilesh: Hi Swayam. What a pleasant surprise.

Nilesh ask Swayam to come inside and they go to den where everyone were seated. Swayam was surprised to see all his friends there.

Swayam: Hello guys. How come all of you are here?

Nilesh: I called them up to discuss our home production. 

Swayam: Then, why didn't you call me.

Nilesh: I did call you Swayam but your secretary told me that you are busy. I tried to contact you many times in past 1 week but got the same response that you are busy. Finally we decided to have a meeting without you.

Swayam: Hmm

Amar: Anyway, we just started the discussion, so you have not missed much.

Vicky: As you know our movie is going to be a dance based movie. So we have decided to finalize two dancers as our lead actors. Sharon is by default the female lead but we need to keep an audition for male lead. 

Swayam was disturbed to know that they did not consider him for the lead role.

Simmi: However, we have someone in our mind for male lead.

Swayam was happy that they did think about him but his happiness ended the moment, the name of their chosen lead actor was announced.

Simmi: We were thinking of casting Shraey Khanna in the movie. He is a good actor and dancer.

Amar: Best part is Sharon has already worked with him and they share a good rapport. 

Swayam was surprised that Sharon agreed to his friend's choice and did not even bother to think about him. 

Swayam: So, you guys have already decided everything. I don't see a point of me being in this meeting as no one bothered to ask my opinion.

Nilesh: It's not like that Swayam. We are just keeping our individual thoughts before everyone. The forum is open for discussion. You can give your opinion and if it is feasible, we will work on it.

Swayam: Guys, its our home production and I don't understand why should we hire someone from outside or is it that you guys feel I am not good enough to do this role. 

Nilesh: Swayam, you are misunderstanding us. You were always our first choice but then since you have so many movie offers, we thought you might not have the dates for this small budget movie. So we thought of not putting you in a dilemma by asking you to act in this movie.

Swayam: Seriously guys, this is what you think about me. You think I will not work in this movie because of money. I guess you never understood me or your place in my  life guys. I am really dejected by this whole discussion.

Swayam walks out of Nilesh's house not waiting to listen to anyone.

Simmi: Guys, I think we have hurt him badly.

Vicky: Hmm

Simmi: Nilesh, he is your best friend. I am sure he will understand why we took the decision to cast someone else in his place if you try to explain it to him.

Sharon: Simmi, I think we need to give him some space. He is angry and upset right now. Nilesh can go and meet him tomorrow morning. I am sure he will listen to our point of view and understand the same, once he calm down.

Nilesh: I guess Sharon is right. I will talk to him tomorrow. 

Everyone agree to this decision and leave for their home.


Will Nilesh be able to convince Swayam?

Will Swayam and Sharon come back together to work in their home production?
