- SoonGyu - Performance -

- Mingyu top -

For the person who ask me this, here your request hope you like it and lilyana7890 it's also your request with Soonyoung bottom !


The members of Seventeen's 96 line and 97 line are in their agency's dance hall, getting ready for the performances they're about to give on stage. Soonyoung are the team's leader and main dancer, so he help the members to learn [ Light a flame ] normally this song is done by the 96 line, but for this concert it's the 97 line that's going to cover it, which is why they're all together in the hall, Soonyoung is focused, some of the members are too, but others are not, like Mingyu and Minghao. The two boys are busier talking than listening to Soonyoung's advice, and this irritates him to no end.

After several minutes of analyzing the two boys enjoying themselves together, Soonyoung finally sighs audibly and drops his water bottle on the floor. The members are startled by the noise and they all turn to the dance leader, whose eyes are filled with hatred and anger, and rather than explain and communicate, he prefers to leave the room and go and see other members of the group.

When he arrives at the lounge, he sees Seungcheol talking with Chan and the young man smiles when he sees the little duo, he approaches them calmly and Chan is the first to react he asks what's going on and the dance leader explains, the main leader and the maknae look at each other as they explain and they smile gently when Soonyoung concludes his monologue.

" You're jealous hyung ~ "

" Hm ! "

Seungcheol chuckles softly, taps his friend lightly on the shoulder and at the same time sees Mingyu arrive. The leader tells Soonyoung that the boy is on his way, and without hesitation the dance leader takes the main leader in his arms and asks him to help make Mingyu jealous. Seungcheol is surprised at first, but returns the youngster's embrace all the same, saying that the solution is discussion.

Soonyoung begins to sulk slightly and when Seungcheol slowly raises his head he sees Mingyu's cold gaze on him and Soonyoung, the leader sighs and lightly taps his friend on the shoulder, telling him that making him jealous has worked, given the way he looks at them.

Delicately, the young man detaches himself from his leader's arms and turns around, swallowing hard as he sees Mingyu approaching him with a very mean, cold look on his face. Once he's close to the older man, he grabs his wrist and drags him towards his room.

Once inside the room, Mingyu pushes Soonyoung onto the bed, locks the door and then comes over the older man, Soonyoung's breathing quickens, he places his hands on the younger man's shoulders and tries to understand what Mingyu wants, but he doesn't speak, only the dark look on his face speaks for him and it's starting to scare the older man.

" Gyu-ah ? What's going on ? You're starting to scare me."

" Do you enjoy to make me jealous ? You cuddle Coups just as I come in ? "

" Are you serious right now ? You're the first one to make me jealous with Minghao ! "

" Is that why you exploded your water bottle on the floor and gave up on teaching us choreography ? "

" You didn't give a damn about choreography anyway ! Only Min-"

Soonyoung didn't even have time to finish his sentence as Mingyu came to kiss him on the lips to stop him from speaking, the exchange is very aggressive and extremely torrid, the hands of the youngest slide directly under the shirt of the oldest and quickly Soonyoung's shirt lands on the floor, Mingyu removes his shirt too and when the youngest wants to take off Soonyoung's pants the latter stops him, his cheeks are red his breathing is jerky and his emotions are completely mixed.

" Gyu-ah ? We're going to...do what ? "

" What do you want us to do ? "

" Are we really going to do it ? "

" I've really wanted you for a long time, Hyung ! If you haven't figured it out yet, I've got feelings for you, Tiger..."

" I've got feelings for you too, let's do it but let's take it slow because we haven't finished training and our concert is soon."

Mingyu smiles softly and takes off the rest of the clothes on Soonyoung's body and his own, he gets up from the bed and asks Soonyoung to put his belly against the mattress, the young man does so and Mingyu comes back he settles on the older one and starts licking and biting the older one's skin, the latter starts moaning softly and for the younger one these noises are a bit of a signal.

He stops kissing and moves away a little, puts the protection over his crotch and asks the older man if he can come in, the dancer nods and the rapper inserts himself into the older man, slowly he starts to move and the two moan together, nevertheless Soonyoung's noises are much louder and higher-pitched he's sure he's going to get teased but at the moment he doesn't care.

He asks the younger man to go faster and he lets his groans out, then after several minutes the two men finally come together, slowly Mingyu pulls away from Soonyoung and goes to throw the protection in the garbage can and take some tissues to clean the place that Soonyoung has soiled.

When he's finished cleaning up, he gets dressed again and helps Soonyoung get dressed. They decide to leave the room, as the day isn't over and Soonyoung remains glued to her lover, and when they arrive in the room they see the other members with playful looks in their eyes.

" So Soon, did you have fun with Gyu ? " Minghao asks

" I think even BoyNextDoor heard your moans." Says Jihoon

" I didn't think your voice was that high, though." Said Joshua, laughing.

" Stop teasing the poor guy, besides we haven't finished what we were doing before so let's get to work. "Said Seungcheol.

" Hyung, are you sure Hosh Hyung will be able to teach the members choreography ? " Asks Dino

" Dino ah ! Can you replace me and teach them choreography ? " Asks Soonyoung shyly, hiding behind Mingyu.

" I'm not into the basic choreography, Hao hyung you can do it. Just until our hyung is no longer suffering." Dino laughs.

" Hey ! Respect your hyung you'll see when - "

" I'm top even with him."

Soonyoung is speechless while Chan starts to laugh again, the older man starts to blush even more and Mingyu tries to reassure him and the rest of the day goes well, Soonyoung hasn't moved much but he's still helping the members learn Light a flame even though his role as dance leader is still active.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3
