- Kidnapping - SeokCheol -

- Seungcheol top -

Age gap : Cheol are 28 years old and Seokmin are 18 years old


Seokmin has been locked up in a cell for months and months now, he still has no idea why he's there, his kidnapper still hasn't told him anything, in fact the boy he kidnapped is just playing with him, looking for him and scaring him, asking him to keep quiet, At times Seokmin doesn't feel like doing it, but since the other boy scares him so much, he doesn't feel like saying anything and simply accepts to do what the other boy wants.

At the moment, the boy is alone, his hands are tied, his chest is uncovered and full of hickeys, his body is seriously starting to hurt, he sighs heavily and closes his eyes when he hears the cell door open.

" Open your eyes, now, before I get angry."

Seokmin opens his eyes and his gaze meets that of the older man, the man smiles wryly at the sight of the boy's body, he takes the key and undoes Seokmin's handcuffs, the boy emits a little squeak of pain and Seungcheol takes Seokmin's wrist and throws it on the floor of the room.

" We're going to have some fun, I'm pretty pissed off and need to vent so you're going to serve me now. "

The younger boy nods and Seungcheol smiles as he rips off the younger boy's clothes without a hint of delicacy, then undoes the boy's belt as well and ties Seokmin's hands with the boy's belt, quickly pulling down the rest of the boy's clothes and removing his own as well.

Then he turns Seokmin face down and starts to mark the young man's back with his mouth, the younger man holds back his screams, cries and moans, yes he wants to moan with pleasure too, the older man's actions make him feel many different emotions, from hatred to desire in a fraction of a second.

Seungcheol for his part continues to lick and suck Seokmin's skin and without even warning inserts himself into the younger man, who arches his pelvis and this makes the elder grunt, he holds Seokmin's hips between his hands and starts to move.

" You know what, while we're at it, I'll tell you a little story. You're allowed to moan if you want."

" Ahn ~" Obviously this time Seokmin doesn't hold back, he always waits for the older man's permission to do this kind of thing.

Seungcheol positioned himself comfortably and began to move without delay and quite violently.

" It's all about six months ago, a loving and adorable family come to ask one of South Korea's biggest mobsters if he can take care of their son while he goes away." Start saying Seungcheol without any emotion.

" Fuck... it goes ah ~"

" Obviously being too ashamed to admit this to their child they ask the mobster to make this request look like a kidnapping. "

" Ah ~ A kidnapping ? Ahh ~ slow down.." Obviously Seungcheol doesn't slow down.

" At first the mobster doesn't accept, then finally seeing the astronomical sum of money the family is offering him plus the photo of the young boy he finally agrees, but he has conditions. "

" Ahn, fuck ! Ah here. "

" The mobster's conditions are as follows, that the boy be like a prisoner but that he remain healthy all the same to give pleasure to the mobster in any sense."

" Damn sir ! Ahh, easy sir..."

" The family too bothered with their son agrees to the mobster's terms and he gives the money to the man and still asks that he take care of their son while they leave. "

" I'll come ! "

" They said when just three months they would be back, they lied it's already been six months and the young child is still being held prisoner with the mobster, it's a sad story isn't it ? "

" AH ~"

" It's sad but it belongs to you, Yes Seokmin this story is yours, you can come if you want, I'll come too."

The two men come together in a long moan of pleasure, Seungcheol pulls away from the younger man and he picks up his clothes and puts them on himself, he looks towards Seokmin and shakes his head.

" Get up, and clean everything up. I'll be back in fifteen minutes, so make sure everything's cleaned up or we'll have an even more violent second round."

Seokmin simply nods, when he hears the cell door open and close he stands up, rethinking every word said by the mobster he can't believe his parents got rid of him like that but apparently it's the only thing possible. Is it true that in six months they haven't tried to find him by putting out an APB? Because they're the monsters who cowardly abandoned him, and even entrusted him to a mafioso.

-> Fifteen minutes later

Seungcheol comes back into the room with a blanket, new clothes and something to eat. Seokmin looks up and the older man sighs as he sees the boy's face filled with tears.

" Did you really fucking cry ? "

" Honestly how would you have reacted if you had been in my shoes ? "

" I would have accepted like a child, but since you're a child I didn't expect anything mature."

" Crying isn't a lack of maturity, it's just a normal reaction..."

" Just because I told you your story doesn't give you the right to talk to me like that, I'm still ten years older than you so respect me."

" I've just got too much on my conscience and you're the only person I can get angry at because you're the only person here."

" You can get angry that's legitimate nevertheless respect me is something you owe me. You're lucky I haven't killed you yet."

" You need me to empty your balls and expel the rage you have inside you."

" You've got it all figured out, though you're lucky I'm taking care of you too."

" I sleep on the floor, in the cold and only the light from outside illuminates me, there's only food that's good and clothes that are comfortable. "

" Don't expect anything more, it's your place to be here, don't forget that I do what I want with you, your parents have delegated you into my hands.."

Seokmin nods and sniffs, Seungcheol sighs and throws a bundle of tissues at him, the mobster decides not to reattach the boy and leaves him alone, he leaves the room and lets the boy do what he wants.

The younger boy's mind is at a complete loss, he thinks to himself that maybe it's not a big deal, but knowing why he's there and, above all, having had such a calm discussion with Seungcheol has done him good, maybe little by little he'll manage to get closer to the only human being he can see, at least that's what he hopes.

It's the first time he's fallen asleep so peacefully, but knowing the reason why Seungcheol is keeping him in captivity has done him good, without him even knowing why, he's getting used to this place, he has no choice anyway. His parents won't be coming back, that's for sure, so he might as well try to like it here, because it's going to be his home now.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

SharminAkter455147 Here your request, I hope you enjoy it <3
