- ChanHao - Werewolf -

- Minghao top -

~ Werewolf style ~

( for the person who wanted this ship hehe )


Minghao is a amazing werewolf in his pack, loved and appreciated by girls and boys alike, he's proved his worth and now runs his own pack. If at first it was very complicated to be heard and respected, now everything is simple. Right now, Minghao has everything to be happy, except his Omega. And he's going to have to find it in the coming period, because it's heat season. He's noticed this because his two best friends are always touching themselves right next to him. So he decided to go and find his Omega today.

He wonders who it is, and if he'll succeed in finding it. It's true that among humans it's complicated to find his Omega, as all the smells seem similar and none of them suit the young man. So he continues to make his way through the town, finally coming across a young people's high school, and decides that if his priority isn't there, then he'll stop looking for the day and satisfy his sexual urges with a werewolf hanging around.

Well honestly, it bothers Minghao a lot to do it with someone other than his Omega, because it's not as transcendent and sensational as he hopes it will be with his destiny.

When he arrives at the establishment, the young man doesn't enter in, but just stands there waiting for a person with the ideal scent. Eventually, the day comes to a swift end and all the youngsters leave. That's when someone notices him.

" Are you new here ? Are you lost ? Did you need something ? Or looking for someone maybe ? " Asks the boy in front of him gently, with a gentle and beautiful smile on his kissable lips.

" Are you talking to me ? " Asks Minghao surprise.

" Who else ? You see someone else with you ? "

The tension is palpable between the two, the older man feels urges inside his stomach and heart, his eyes begin to shine, he can't take his eyes off the person in front of him. He's never felt like this before. The pressure coursing through his being is so strong that all his strength leaves him, he falls on the ground.

It's only a few minutes later that the werewolf wakes up in a totally unfamiliar place. When he opens his eyes, he comes face to face with the blond haired boy he spoke to outside the establishment, who seems happy to see the werewolf awake.
The older sits down on the bed next to the black-haired boy, and their eyes meet again.

The attraction they feel for each other is indescribable. Minghao gets up, and his hands tie themselves around the blond haired neck. He places his hands on the black-haired man's cheeks and, without even knowing why, their lips come together. After a envious kiss, the older man steps back.

" I can't believe you're my Omega." Says the black-haired man, biting his lower lip in envy.

" Can you explain to me what's going on ? Why I'm so attracted to you even though we've never met." asks the human

" Do you know the werewolf legend ? "

" Um, vaguely. "

" I happen to be one, right now, we're in the heat of the year and we need to find our destined."

" And how do you find that ? "

" You believe me so easily. "

" Normally, golden-gray eyes like yours don't even exist in contact lenses. What's more, your hair is sparkling and have a very special color. It's so beautiful,  you look so unreal."

" We're all like that. And to come back to your question, how do you find your destined one ? Well, both feel a deep attraction for each other without even knowing each other. "

The human swallows, he can't believe it but he decide to believe his elder however because ever since he saw Minghao he's needed him by his side, he always feels the urge to kiss him. So he once again brings his head close to his elder's and lays down a gentle kiss, which is quickly deepened by Minghao, the kiss is really hot, torrid and passionate like the first, well it's even more deeper than the first.

So much so that the elder finds himself straddling his youngest, undulating his pelvis against him. The sounds of jerking breaths and wet kisses fill the space, tops coming off...

" Before we do anything, do you really want to do it ? I don't want to force you, my pretty boy ~ "

" Don't you feel my- "

" Yes, but that's a normal reaction, it doesn't necessarily mean you want to."

" Do you want to do it with me ? "

" What werewolf wouldn't want to take his destined during hot spells ? "

" If you want it, I want it too."

" My desire isn't necessarily shared if you don't want it I'll stop here. "

" Oh, shut up and fuck me already. And for your information, my name's Chan, not pretty boy."

" My name's Minghao. Pretty boy sounds better for me. "

Minghao smiled softly and, having understood that his youngest wanted him as much as he did, picked up where he'd left off. Everything returned to the way it had been a few minutes earlier, the rest of the clothes leave the two boys' bodies and the dominant one sucks on the younger boy's skin, he touches him, he marks him and the blond responds with moans, he runs his hands through Minghao's hair and asks him to take them further, the werewolf says he has nothing to protect them and Chan retorts that they just need to make each other come by rubbing their erections together.

Minghao simply nods, spreading the human's legs and settling himself between them, he begins to move slowly and the two boys moan louder and louder, Chan bites his lower lip to avoid being louder than Minghao and the elder appreciates what he sees, he returns to kiss Chan's skin and continues his movements and the two men end up coming together.

The older man gently moves away and Chan says there are some tissues nearby, the werewolf finds the box and comes to clean his and Chan's bodies, at first he wanted to leave but the younger man held him back so Minghao decided to stay, he now lies beside Chan and kisses his hair.

The werewolf are finally happy because he have found his destiny and can stop being the third wheel alongside his two friends, and above all stop sleeping with the first woman he meets. From now on, he's only going to do this with his destiny, and there's nothing better.

- After a few months -

The two lovers are the happiest in the world together, Chan is now part of the pack, and if at first he found it hard to be loved by the rest of the werewolves, finally, thanks to Minghao's help, everyone loves him, especially the two best friends of Minghao's, Jeonghan and Joshua the two boys look after Chan and consider him their son. Of course, Minghao live with him the most. The heat period is over, but that doesn't stop their desire and attraction for each other, and Minghao seems to enjoy to spend all this time with his precious boyfriend and Chan feels so loved and appreciated than he love to stay here.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3
