The Suite Life Sets Sail

"AH FREYA!" Marion Moseby delightfully exclaimed, opening his arms to hug the young girl who had just walked into the lobby after unpacking her luggage into her cabin. "Its so nice to see you again!"

"You too!" Freya mumbled into his shoulder with a large smile while hugging him. Freya Bardot was a normal 14 year old girl. She was quite shy but still spoke her mind when needed. She was always one of the highest scoring in her classes. Though she was very book-smart, she wasn't very street-smart. The girl's father had grown up with Marion and were still close to this day. So, whenever he mentioned that there were still spots open for the school, the Bardot's couldn't say no.

"I send my best wishes to your father. And your mother, of course." Mr. Moseby said, patting her back.

"Sorry they couldn't be here. Dad's away on a business trip and mom told her boss that she was on her lunch break so she had to leave quickly. But my dad said to tell you that he says hello and wishes he could've been here in person." Freya frowned. Her parents were working constantly. They made good money and Freya was constantly spoiled but there was one thing they neglected; giving the girl attention.

"Oh that's alright! Its the thought that counts." He grinned, ear to ear. "By any chance, would you like to help me check the passengers in? It's quite busy but I'm sure with your help, it would go a lot smoother."

"Sure!" Freya said before following Mr. Moseby's instructions.

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      For the next little while, Freya sat at the front desk of the S.S. Tipton's lobby, greeting the guests with a welcoming smile as Mr. Moseby, who was practically her uncle, got them all aquatinted for their stay aboard.

"I'm Marion Moseby, your cruise ship manager.Welcome aboard!" he exclaimed, walking out from behind the desk, revealing his very tiny shorts which gained some stares from the guests. "Oh, you can get a pair just like these on the plaza deck. The shorts not the legs!" Mr. Moseby joked. Freya rolled her eyes with a small smile. The couple walked away as Mr. Moseby laughed hysterically.

"Gangway! London Tipton coming through!" The young girl sat atop her luggage as it rolled over Mr. Moseby's toe. "Wow. Bumpy seas." Mr. Moseby limped over to London in pain.

     "That was my foot." he croaked out.

     "Well what was it doing under my trunk?"


"Freya!" London yelled with extended arms, pushing passed Moseby to get to her friend. The two had met a few years back when Freya was visiting Mr. Moseby with her father when his job had once again gotten in the way of quality time, leaving Mr. Moseby to watch over both the young girls on his own. The two had quickly become close friends. The first thing they truly bonded over was their busy-with-work fathers.

"London!" Freya yelled back, standing up from the desk and quickly walking up to London. They hugged before London turned back to Moseby, remembering how just seconds ago he was "complaining" about his foot.

"Moseby, enough of your problems, I'm on vacation! Yay me!" London gloated, clapping her hands in Moseby's face.

"Well actually, 'yay you' is on this ship to atten Seven Seas High School. While it may be on a cruise ship, London, it is not a vacation." He lectured.

"Yeah. You were put on this boat so you couldn't just jet off to Paris for lunch and miss your afternoon classes." Freya spoke, leaving the girl in shock.

"I had afternoon classes? Whats next? Classes in the morning?" London questioned distraught while Mr. Moseby rubbed her shoulder comfortingly.

"There, there, London. You know, the older I get, the more I realise you have to look adversity in the eye and say, 'you dont scare me!'" Mr. Moseby said wisely, gently patting London's shoulder.

"Hey Mr. Moseby!" Two voices boomed from the deck as the short man shrieked, practically jumping into Freya's arms.

"Moseby, you're shaking like a chihuahua." The woman standing behind the twins said, concerned.

"Oh, it's sea breeze." He trembled as the young girl let go of him.

"Probably shouldn't have left your pants in the dryer for so long." The woman grimaced.

"Hello Carey, boys." Moseby gritted.

Zack took notice of Freya standing next to London.

"Hey there, sweet thang. What's your name?" He smirked, taking the girls hand. Freya's demeanour shifted and she stiffened at the foreign compliments. She had never been hit on so forwardly. She honestly kind of liked it but she knew the boy was a big womanizer and if Brittney Spears had taught her anything, it was to never trust boys like those.

"I'm Freya, it's really nice to meet you. If I'm correct, I've heard a lot about you two." Moseby would complain daily about a rambunctious pair of twins or constantly wreck the hotel so Freya had gotten to know the things that the boys were prone to. Freya's face was heating up, but she powered through it.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl." He winked. "I'm Zack, and that's Cody, but you can always just call me the man of your dreams, babe." His hand lingered as Carey pulled him back. When Zack had finally let go, Mr. Moseby put a protective arm around Freya.

"Sorry about him. This one hasn't been people-trained yet." Carey glared at Zack pulling him by his shirt backwards.

"I'm Cody." Cody shook Freyas hand before he pulled a small spray bottle of hand sanitiser out and spraying his hands, then turned towards Mr. Moseby. "Did you miss us, Mr. Moseby?", smiling brightly at him.

"Oh why, yes! I mean with out you, the last three months on this floating paradise have been sheer torture." Moseby sarcastically smiled.

     "Well, you're sufferings over!"


     "We're going to be attending Seven Seas High!"


"They said, they're going to be attending Seven Seas High!" London shouted to Moseby's ear. "He's getting old."

"Believe me, it was not an easy decision, but it's such a great opportunity. And I can afford it with my
employee discount, so how could I say no?" said Carey.

"Well! Like this.." Mr. Moseby ran off the decks railing, screaming.

"He took that better than I thought." The boys nodded.

"I should probably go help him. It was nice meeting all of you. See you later, London." Freya said with a sweet smile, waving to them as she walked away. The twins and Carey waved and said their goodbyes back to her.

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         "..but it's almost like he wasn't happy to see us." Freya overheard Cody as she stood on the sky deck, waiting for Mr. Moseby to be lowered from a crane where they had picked him up from the water, as the boys and their mother walked down the stairs.

"Not true. I was jumping for joy." Moseby gritted his teeth after he spat seaweed out of his mouth. "Now put me down!" His wish came true as he plummeted to the floor. Freya helped him, pulling some of the seaweed off of him.

"Oh come on, Mr. Grumpy pants! You know you're happy to see us!" Zack smiled.

"Yes. I'm smiling on the inside. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I swallowed a flounder." Moseby walked away, coughing.

Freya grimaced, walking over to a table that had passenger rulebooks and schedules . She looked over Zacks shoulder as he read off one of the schedules.

"Woah, check out our schedule! 8:00; bingo breakfast buffet. 9:00; volleyball tournament and donuts! 10:00; water sports and omelet bar. Man, I love this school!" Zack smiled.

"Zack, I'm pretty sure thats the passengers schedule. Here's the student schedule." Freya flipped a few pages forward.

"8 hours of school and then a cheese sandwich." Zack deadpanned.

The bells chimed over the intercom, announcing that there was only 10 minutes left until the boat departed from shore.

"I'll see you guys in class. Again, it was really nice meeting you, Carey!" Freya waved, walking back to her dorm, which she later found out she shares with a very hyper girl named Addison who talked her ears off the moment she entered the room.

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            The class entered the lab. London had been annoying the teacher, Ms. Tutweiller, since class began. "Moving on! This is the state-of-the-art marine biology lab-" Ms. Tutweiller changed the topic before London had cut her off.

"Which my daddy paid for! Can I go now?"

"No. Now if you'll all follow me, we'll go up one deck to the planetarium-" Ms. Tutweiller tried to begin again.

"I don't know what that is, but my daddy paid for it! Can I go now?" London interrupted once again

"NO. Though nothing would make me happier." Ms. Tutweiller mumbled.

The class followed Ms. Tutweiller out of the lab aside from Zack, Cody, their roommates who Freya had yet to meet, and Freya herself. She decided it would be nice of her to introduce herself to the current strangers.

After Freya's introduction, Zack turned to Woody, Cody's roommate, smiling wildly. "Wanna feed the octopus?"

Bailey, Cody, and Freya stood by the glass, looking at the octopus. "That's one good-looking cephalopod." Cody remarked.

"Yeah! And you know they're highly intelligent." said Bailey

"They can even be taught to open jars." Freya added on. The three of them looked over at Zack and Woody, struggling to open the octopus food jar. "We should get a hammer!" Woody exclaimed.

Woody walked over to where Freya and Bailey were standing and picked the octopus up out of its tank. "Woody, what are you doing?" Bailey exclaimed.

"Eww, its mushy!" Woody whined.

"And delicate! Just put it down!" Freya spat. Before Woody could even move a muscle, the octopus had sprayed black ink directly onto his face. The rest of them laughed until Woody threw the octopus onto Zack, covering him in ink, who then threw it to Cody, then spraying him. Cody then threw it to Freya, who shrieked when she was sprayed. As she panicked she threw it to Bailey, making him throw it out the porthole.

"Cody peeked his head out of the window. "Can you see it?" pleaded Freya.

"Yes! It's stuck to the side of the boat! Hold my legs and lower me down. I think I can reach it." Cody ushered. Zack held his legs, the rest of the group holding onto him. "Okay I got him! Seagulls attacking! Seagulls attacking!!" Cody yelled. The other four were trying to hold onto him when they all heard seagulls squawking.

"Don't hurt the octopus!" called Bailey.

"You're right. It's cool. I'll just let them peck my eyes out! Pull me in!" Cody demanded. When Zack went to pull him in, his pants had fallen, revealing his colourfully printed boxer shorts.

"Are those Share Bears?" Freya giggles, not being able to avert her eyes.

"This is a nightmare!" Cody cried

"Nothin too pretty from this side either." Zack retorted as he pulled Cody and the octopus back down. The group heard the rest of their class coming back to look for them, so, as quickly as possible, they put the octopus back into it's tank, and put on their calmest, least suspicious faces as Cody pulled his shorts back up.

"What in the world is going on here?" Ms. Tutweiller snapped.

"Nothing." They all said at the same time as Cody's pants fell down, once again.

"Are those Share Bears?" Ms. Tutweiller laughed.

"Eventually, everyone went back to their dorms to clean themselves from the ink.

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        Once everyone had washed the black ink off of themselves, they headed down to the arcade. "So, why didn't you want to switch roommates?" Cody questioned asked Zack and his roommate.

"Uhh..we figured opposites attract!" Zack spewed nonsense.

"And by "opposites," he means like in clean and messy. Not like boy and girl!" Bailey nervously laughed, earning weird looks from Cody, Woody and Freya.

Why don't the three of us go play some pool and let Cody and Woody work out their issues, huh?" Zack offered. They walked to the pool table as Woody sadly looked over to Cody.

"We have issues?" Woody whined.

No, no, no!" Cody started. Woody smiled. "Yes." Cody said again making Woody frown and storm off.

Freya watched as Zack put his arm around Bailey to show him how to line up the shot. "Thanks Zack!" Bailey cheered. Cody came over, eyeing the pair suspiciously.

"What are you doing?" Cody inquired.

"Uh how about them Patriots?" Zack quickly stated.

"Yeah!" Bailey played along. Just then, London walked in, complaining once again.

"I hate this stupid sea school and I hate this stupid boat!" She crossed her arms in a child-like manor.

             "Hey that Galaxy Raider game is open!"

"I love this stupid boat! Dibs on the gold headphones! They match my outfit." London smiled, modelling the headphones. The rest of them ran to the game putting their headphones one. As they started playing, there was an announcement about a lifeboat drill. The only thing they had heard was the three consecutive alarm bells. "Boy, thats a loud bell! I can barely hear myself not thing!" London pondered.

"What does three consecutive alarm bells mean?" Freya asked.

"I don't know. Let me check." Cody pulled out the passengers pamphlet. "1 bell, breakfast. 2 bells, lunch. 3 bells, sinking ship. Sinking ship!" They all began panicking.

"Which way?" Zack exclaimed.

"Port!" Freya replied. They ran out onto the deck while London ran in the other direction. "London, your other port!" Freya yelled after her.

They continued running until London stopped them.

"Hurry, the boat is already tipping over!" London shouted.

"No, you just broke your heel." Bailey pointed.

"Worse!" London gasped.

"Look, life jackets!" Zack pointed to the chest of life jackets as they all ran to put one on. London threw a few on the ground before turning to the rest.

"Are they all orange? I need to go change!" London started to run off before Freya pulled her back.

"Look, an exit! Let's get out of here!" They all ran to the door, all trying to go through at the same time.

"One at a time! One at a time!" Freya suggested.

"Right!" As they all tried to go first again, the door swung open, sending them all into the water.

"We fell overboard! Why is the ocean so hot?" London splashed around. Other passengers stood by, watching as the 5 panicked teenagers sloshing around in the water.

"Probably because it's a hot tub." Mr. Moseby gritted.

"Why is there a hot tub in the middle of the ocean?" London yelled. Freya picked up Baileys hat which was floating in the hot tub and handed it to him.

"Here's your hat, Bailey." Freya said. They all looked to Bailey, noticing his, or rather, her hair.

"Dude, you're a girl!" Cody exclaimed with wide eyes.

"I am? That explains so much!" Baileys looked around nervously.

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

          After getting some towels to dry off, They sat at the juice bar as Ms. Tutweiller and Mr. Moseby questioned Bailey.

"Miss Pickett, why on earth would you masquerade as a boy?" Tutweiller asked.

"Well I," she hesitated, "I don't know."

"Yes you do! It was her only way to get out of Popcorn Kansas!" Zack said.

"Kettlecorn." Bailey corrected.

"Whatever. This girl was meant for bigger things than to shuck hogs." Zack continued.

"No, you shuck corn. If you try to shuck a hog, it bites you." She corrected again.

"Work with me. Anyway, Seven Seas High was Bailey's one chance to get off the farm, which she's dreamed of doing her whole life. You can't send her back to Caramel Corn!" Zack defended her, quite poorly.

"Kettlecorn! If you've been to Kettlepot, you've driven right through it!" Mr. Moseby exclaimed, passionately.

"Well, Bailey, your application was by far the most impressive." Ms. Tutweiller reasoned.

"Wait a minute, what? What about my essay on barnacle reproduction? I had pictures!" Cody scoffed.

"Can I see em?" Woody smiled.

"Bailey, I'd let you stay but we don't have a cabin  to put you in." Ms. Tutweiller changed the subject back.

"She can stay in my room! I'm willing to take one for the team." Zack said, making Freya slap his chest.

"I meant a girls cabin. Every girl has a roommate." said Tutweiller.

"Except for me!" London bragged. Bailey ran up to her.

"London! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She cheered.


"London, so nice of you to offer to share your room with Bailey!" Mr. Moseby praised, smiling at her.

"I wasn't offering, I was gloating! Here's a diamond necklace, drop out!" London pulled the necklace off of her neck and handed it to Bailey.

"I wouldn't drop out for all the money in the world!" Bailey smiled sweetly.

"I can get you that." London stated.

"No. I wanna stay here and be you BFF!" Bailey hugged London making her stiff up.

"Get o-f-f! I will not share a room!" London stomped her foot down, pouting.

"Well, you will if you want to stay in this school." Mr. Moseby warned.

"I don't! Hasn't anyone been listening to a single word I've said? Stupid Sea School! Ugh, it's just a big pain in the butt!" London stomped away and when she turned, they all saw the octopus they had tossed around earlier was now stuck to her butt.

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