Maddie on Deck

ON THE SKY DECK, Freya was helping London prepare for Maddie's welcome party with Cody and Bailey. Maddie was a nice girl who worked at the Tipton hotel at the candy counter. Freya had met Maddie a few times when she was visiting Moseby at the Tipton. They got along very well and even though they hadn't seen each other in a while, they kept in touch here and there. Moseby was very fond of Maddie, so naturally, he was very happy when the two girls got along. (Even though Freya had visited the Tipton many times before, Moseby didn't trust the boys so he always made sure they stayed as far away from Freya as possible, but he never told her that. When she finally met the twins, Moseby's biggest fear came true; Freya fell for Zack's charm)

"Look! I made a welcome Maddie sign!" London exclaimed. The sign read 'London Tipton' is large, bold letters while 'welcomes Maddie' was significantly smaller.

"Oh yeah. I guess I do see Maddie's name. If I squint really hard." Cody said.

"Is Maddie here yet?" Bailey asked.

"Not yet." Freya answered.  Zack walked over to them. They all got a big whiff of whatever he was eating. "Zack, what is in that sandwich?" Freya asked, plugging her nose.

"Who knows? I just pulled it out of my underwear drawer." Zack shrugged.

"That's your boyfriend?" Bailey mumbled to Freya, teasingly. Freya rolled her eyes with a grin. "You know, I'm surprised Maddie could afford a vacation like this. London's always telling me how tragically poor she is." Bailey commented.

"Well she saved up all her babysitting money." Freya began.

"And her candy counter tips." Zack added.

"And all the change from between her couch cushions and finally had enough money." Cody said.

"For the bus ticket to the airport." Zack finished.

"So I paid for her flight to meet us. Coach, of course. Wouldn't want her to feel out of place." London grinned. Moseby jogged down the stairs with a big grin on his face, cheering quietly about Maddie before he noticed the kids weird stares.

"What I was saying was that I think I saw Madeline on the gangplank." Moseby trailed off awkwardly.

"Ooh! I'm gonna take Maddie shopping right away! Freya, you're coming with us!" London cheered, looping her arm through Freya's.

"No you're not! Me and Freya are gonna get lunch with her!" Zack frowned, pulling Freya closer to him.

"After Freya and I take Maddie to the ship's planearium!" Cody got in the middle. Freya and Cody enjoyed going to the planetarium together to escape their friends drama and stupidity. They began arguing over each other as Maddie entered the sky deck.

"I'm here!" Maddie tried to shout over them but they continued to yell.

"Why don't we give her a chance to relax and unpack?" Moseby ushered.

"Unpack what? She can't afford luggage?" London asked. They began to yell over each other again as Maddie walked around them, trying to gain their attention. Freya's eyes widened as she finally noticed the blonde girl. She squealed as she ran over to her.

"It's so great to see you again, Maddie!" Freya smiled, hugging her.

"You too! I haven't seen you in so long!" Maddie grinned. The two of them turned back to group who were still arguing, unaware that the blonde girl was even on the ship yet.

"Why don't you just flip a coin?" Bailey yelled over them, gaining their attention.

"Wait, who has a coin?" London asked.

"I do!" Maddie spoke up.

"Wonderful, thank you Maddie." Moseby said before turning back to the group. He turned back with wide eyes.

"Maddie!" They all shouted and ran up to hug her.

"London, it's good to see you!" Maddie smiled. "And Mr. Moseby, rocking the knee socks."

"And I have a crest!" He giggled.

"And, Cody, no sweater vest?" Maddie asked.

"Oh, Maddie, that was the old Cody. You're looking at the new, cool Cody!" Cody grinned as he hugged her. She squeaked out in pain as they departed their hug.

"Sorry, that was my astronaut pen." Cody smiled as he showed off his pen.

"And you must be Bailey, London's roommate." Maddie said. "Did she give you any space for your clothes?"

"I just got upgraded from a nail to hook." Bailey answered.

"Nice!" Maddie complimented.

"Maddie! What's up?" Zack nodded.

"Zack, are you feeling alright?" Maddie said, her voice laced with concern as she felt his head to check if he had a fever. "You're not trying to hit on me or anything..." She eyed him suspiciously.

LYeah I'm fine." Zack shrugged. He grabbed Freya's hand and lifted their intertwined hands. "But I'm locked up and the key has been thrown away." He smirked, then gave Freya a quick wink. Maddie was about to give Zack a hug before he ran over to the hot tub and threw up.

"Again. That's your boyfriend?" Bailey asked Freya, Maddie nodding along with a disgusted look.

"Are you okay?" Freya asked, patting his back.

"Yeah, yeah. I think so— no wait— yeah I'm fine." He hesitated, gagging slightly.

"For future reference, you probably shouldn't store food with underpants." Cody grimaced

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

The four girls made their way to Bailey and London's cabin. London and Freya led Maddie, Bailey following a little farther behind, causing the door to almost be slammed on her from London absentmindedly closing the door.

"Wow, this is cute!" Maddie complimented. "But not much closet space. You must've gotten rid of a lot of stuff."

"Nope! I have a shoe submarine that follows the ship." London giggled. "Anyway, this is my big beautiful bed, and that's where you'll be sleeping." She pointed to Bailey's bed.

"But that's my bed." Bailey spoke up.

"Bailey, we have a guest! Don't be so selfish!" London scolded.

"Oh, don't worry! I brought a bed from home." Maddie reassured.

"Told you she's poor. She sleeps on a raft." London chuckled.

"London, they make very comfortable inflatable mattresses these days." Bailey said.

"They do! But this happens to be a raft." Maddie agreed.

"You know, Maddie. We could probably ask the staff if they have an extra mattress or something." Freya spoke, trying to save the blonde girl.

"Oh no! That's okay. I'm fine with this old thing!" Maddie smiled before beginning to manually blow up the raft. "I'm so be on cruise...going to see castles...woah getting lightheaded." Maddie said, taking breaks between her words to blow up her raft.

"Here! Give it to me!" London groaned. "Bailey blow."

"Sure. I've got strong lungs. During the big frost of '06, my sisters and I blew in the crops to keep them warm." Bailey smiled.

"No way! When our electricity got cut off, my sisters and I used to blow dry each other's hair. Literally! I even taught Freya how to when she was visiting the Tipton!"

"It took me a while to do it correctly." Freya laughed.

"But after you got it, you were a natural!" Maddie smiled. She, Freya and Bailey began giggling together.

"Well! One time! One time my blow dryer broke, and I had to buy a hair salon!" London stammered, trying to relate.

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

Once they were docked, they got off the ship, and looked around at the beautiful castles and architecture of the city of Lichenstamp. They walked into the grand entrance of one of the amazing castles and marvelled at it's beauty.

"This is the most amazing castle I've ever been in! Actually, it's the only castle I've ever been in." Bailey smiled.

"My castles are way nicer than this dump!" London retorted, stomping away.

"Cody, why are you holding a role of toilet paper?" Freya asked as Cody examined the paper in his hand.

"It's not toilet paper. It's an authentic replica of the scroll of Lichenstamp I bought in ye old gift shoppe!" Cody corrected.

"Then why is it perforated every five inches?" Bailey questioned.

"I wondered why it was two-ply." Cody mumbled. "But it's still packed full of information. For example, when meeting a member of the royal family, one must bow, stand on one foot, arms spread and coo. Coo, coo!" Cody modelled.

"Yeah. Cuckoo." Zack snorted.

"It's in the scroll!" Cody cried. A man came up beside the group and played a horn loudly.

"Hear ye, hear ye! I bring a message from the prince of Lichenstamp!" The man announced.

"And who are you?" Zack sassed.

"I am the prince's herald, Harold!" The man smiled. The teens laughed at him. "Yes, yes. I'm a herald named Harlod. My brother Taylor is a tailor. It's very funny. Anyhoo. I'm here to announce that his royal highness spotted you from his tower and was take with your beauty."

"Well, not a suprise! But still, I'm honored." London smiled.

"Not you. Her." Harold pointed dramatically pointed at Freya.

"Wait, me?" Freya asked, dumbfounded. Zack put a protective arm around Freya, pulling her behind him.

"Slow your role there, buddy." Zack gritted.

"Wow that must be one tall tower." London mumbled. Freya smacked her arm with an offended look earning an innocent shrug from the rich girl.

"He is so smitten that he wants you to be his date for tomorrow night's royal reception." Harold explained.

"Uh thanks, but no thanks. I have a boyfriend." Freya declined.

"Oh, but it's not a request, it's a demand. 8 pm sharp. And you can bring your...friends." Harold eyed them.

"Excuse me? Isn't that like, illegal or something?" Freya ushered, looking to Cody who was now an 'expert' on the Lichenstamp customs. Cody hurriedly looked threw his scroll, thinking for a moment before shrugging his shoulders.

"I— I don't know, Freya! I don't see anything even remotely similar! I think you just have to listen to the prince's requests!" Cody stamered. Zack glared at Cody and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"Hey! How about we just go to the dinner and break the bad news to the prince. He's a big boy. He can take not always getting what he wants. Alright? Zack?" Freya offered, trying to pry Zack off of Cody.

"Fine..." Zack grumbled with a sigh.

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

Back in London and Bailey's cabin, the girls were helping Freya pick out an appropriate outfit, per London's pleading.

"You know, there's really no point in spending this much time trying to decide my outfit for breaking a princes heart." Freya frowned as she looked down at the horrifying, feather covered dress London had put her in.

"Nonsense! This dress is so you." London smiled. Freya spit some of the feathers out of her mouth and grimaced.

"What the feathers?" Bailey muttered, eyeing the dress.

"I don't think this dress is anyone." Freya commented.

"That is a genuine Arturo Vitali! It's the only one you'll ever see." London whined.

"Why? Did the others fly south for the winter?" Maddie teased. Bailey giggled along with Freya.

"Fine! I am done helping you people!" London began to stomp away before turning back to Freya. "By the way, do not wear that dress during hunting season."

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

It was finally time for the royal reception and Freya couldn't be more nervous. The whole time she was getting ready, she felt like she was about to throw up. All she could think about was Zack and how he was feeling about this whole thing. She knew he definitely did not like sharing. Her stomach completely dropped to the floor when she heard Harold blow the horn and begin announcing her entrance, as she held in her vomit.

"It is with great pleasure that I introduce his royal highness' companion for this evening. The lovely Freya Bardot." Harold spoke. Two girls walked in front of Freya, throwing flower petals on the ground. She hesitantly and slowly walked behind them as a fanfare played. They clapped when she stepped out from behind the wall but the first thing she noticed was Zack who was dressed very neatly and held a rose in his hand. She waved and smiled nervously to the crowd.

"Let's just get this over with..." Freya mumbled.

"Your dress is so beautiful! You look so pretty Freya!" Bailey grinned.

"Yeah! Especially for someone whose about to rip out a prince's heart and stomp on it!" Maddie added.

"Thanks?" Freya questioned.

"Freya!" Zack called out, walking over to the girl.

"Zack! I'm so happy to see you." Freya smiled. The moment she was within a foot of him, a large fraction of her anxiety and worry disappeared.

"I got you a—"Zack began before Harold came in between them.

"Compliments of the prince!" Harold smiled as he handed Freya a large bouquet of roses that made Zack's singular rose look wimpy.

" thanks." Freya gritted. She took the bouquet and sneakily placed it underneath a table, making sure the cloth on the table kept it hidden.

"You look beautiful, babe." Zack smiled. "You know I was thinking—"Zack began before being cut off again but this time by trumpets announcing the prince's arrival.

"Hear ye, hear ye! It is with great honor that I present...defender of men, vanquisher of enemies, drinker of lions blood. His royal highness, Prince Jeffy." Harold announced. A very young boy stepped out from behind the wall and Freya couldn't contain her laughter as she saw how large the crown on the boys head was compared to him.

"Hello, sweet cheeks!" The prince smirked. Freya snorted as she looked down.

"You're supposed to curtsey!" Cody whispered to Freya who couldn't stop laughing.

"Yeah, that way you can look your 'date' in the eye!" Zack joked causing Freya to laugh even more. Zack and Freya laughed until they cried, holding onto each other.

"That's your competition!" Freya sarcastically remarked. The two stopped laughing when they noticed the judgemental stares of the Lichenstamp people.

"So ready to get freakyyy on the dance floor?" Prince Jeffy asked with a bright smile.

"I'm sorry, what?" Freya asked in disbelief.

"I'll teach you the Lichenstamp stomp. It's very similar to the pee pee dance." The boy said before dragging Freya to the center of the room as the music started. Prince Jeffy danced around Freya weirdly. He ushered her to join in but she just stared at him with a blank expression.

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

After a few more tries of getting Freya to dance with him, Prince Jeffy decided to compromise with her and just slow dance. Which Freya was still not happy about. She shared glances with Zack now and then, the two wishing they were dancing with each other instead.

"You're very light on your feet." Jeffy complimented.

"Yeah, well, you're heavy on mine." Freya grimaced with a fake smile as she looked down at her feet which the prince were stepping on.

"Uh oh! Potty break! Don't go anywhere!" The prince quickly ran off the bathroom. Freya stomped over to her friends with a frown. She hugged Zack as a way to calm her anxiety with all of the people of Lichenstamp constantly looking at and talking to her tonight.

"You know, your night is actually turning out worse than that one time my family of 12 piled into a hatchback and drive 2000 miles to see the big canyon." Maddie commented.

"You know, you're not really helping." Freya sighed. "Wait, don't you mean the grand canyon?"

"I wish." Maddie shook her head.

"Freya, it's not so bad." Bailey tried to comfort, putting her hand on the girls back. "One day, you'll look back on this and laugh."

"Or you could laugh now. Like me!" London giggled.

"Look, Freya, everythings gonna be okay. Do you wanna dance? Calm your nerves a little?" Zack offered.

"Yeah." Freya smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek but the sweet moment was cut short by something short.

"Hey! Hands off the royal babe!" Prince Jeffy yelled, running back up to Freya. "Freya, this has been the most wonderful evening of my life. And to commemorate it..." he began, walking over to Harold who was holding a pillow with a small cloth covering something on it. He pulled out a small rubber bouncy ball and handed it to Freya.

"Um...thank you..." Freya trailed off, bouncing the ball a couple of times.

"Your highness, the queen has informed me that it is past your bedtime." Harold told the boy.

"I don't wanna go to bed!" Prince Jeffy stomped his foot.

"Well, if you come now, maybe your date will read you a bedtime story." Harold tried to convince him.

"Can you please stop offering me up for things I am not agreeing to?!" Freya exclaimed. The prince jumped into Freya arms unexpectedly. "Whenever I pictured this type of situation, I always thought my Prince Charming would be carrying me."

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

They were all back on the ship for the time being and Freya couldn't be more relieved to have free time away from the small prince. She, London, Maddie, and Bailey all sat on chairs on the sky deck with smoothies.

"So, how did the rest of your evening go with Shrimp Charming?" London giggled.

"I helped him with his long division and then he took a nap." Freya deadpanned.

"Don't worry Freya." Maddie spoke.

"Yeah, your real prince is Zack!" Bailey smiled.

"You're right. And at least he shaves." Freya rolled her eyes.

"I do." Zack said as he walked up to them. "I'm already getting my mid-September shadow." Freya got up to give Zack a hug but Harold was in between them once again and blew his horn.

"Do you have to blow that thing every time you announce something?" Zack growled.

"Yes! Best part of the job!" Harold smiled. "I have a royal declaration for you from his highness Prince Jeffy. He demands your hand in marriage."

"Marriage?" Freya yelled. "He's 8!"

"And three-quarters!" Harold defended.

"I am not going to marry him!" Freya yelled, stomping away from him.

"You should have thought about that before you accepted the royal sphere of eternal commitment!" Harold said as he and basically everybody else on the sky deck followed after her.

"She never accepted any special sphere!" Zack defended.

"Yes she did! The rubber bouncy ball." He began, "By accepting it, you are now betrothed to him.

"Well, I don't want that stupid, cheap ball! He can have it back." She frowned.

"I'm afraid that's not possible. He officially declared tap-tap no give back." Harold exclaimed. The crowd oohed.

"That's serious..." Bailey grimaced.

"There's no mention of any sphere in this scroll." Cody spoke up.

"It is clearly stated in section three, sub-section one." Harold remarked.

"I don't see it!" Cody quipped.

"Ooh yeah...I might have used that sub-section to wipe my sub-section." Zack admitted. Cody groaned and looked down at his toilet paper scroll.

"Moseby walked onto the sky deck and noticed all the commotion. He waited for a moment to find out what was going and when he found out what they were doing to Freya, Moseby became fairly heated.

"Excuse me, excuse me!" Moseby spoke. "Do not worry, Freya. There will be no wedding. It's not like he can stop the ship from leaving! Besides, I can just call your father and get his word on the matter." Just as he said that, there was a loud boom before a canon ball was launched clean over the boat and into the water.

"Looks like somebody used his tooth fairy money to buy a cannon." Zack sang.

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

The girls were back in Bailey and London's cabin and Freya laid on Maddie's raft as she anxiously awaited her fait, chewing on her nails while the other girls attempted to comfort her.

"I can't believe I'm being forced to marry a child prince at gunpoint." Freya frowned.

"More like cannon-point." Maddie corrected.

"For your wedding, I'm buying you a sterling silver pail and shovel set. It comes with matching beach blankies!" London cheered.

"Not helping London." Bailey gritted.

"I'm buying her a nice gift. I'm her maid of honor." London rebuttaled.

"London, you're not my maid of honor." Freya denied. "I don't know who it is, but it's not you. I don't even want to have this stupid wedding..."

"Ooh pick me! I'll throw you a traditional Kettlecorn bachelorette party! Do you prefer banjos or washboard?" Bailey asked.

"Go for banjos!" London clapped.

"I'm not getting married here, people!" Freya shouted.

"Hey babe!" Zack said as he and Cody ran into the cabin. "We think we found a way to get you of this marriage. Cody, read the toilet paper."

"Any other suitor, even a worthless peasant—" Cody read off.

"That would be me." Zack pointed.

"—can challenge the prince to a duel for his betrothed. The woman goes to the winner." Cody finished, wrapping his scroll back up.

"The woman goes to the winner?" Maddie scoffed. "That's so sexist! Women are not some prize to be won or lost."

"Well Freya's only other option is to marry the royal runt." Zack spoke.

"Oh yeah, stick with duel." Maddie said, giving Freya a pat on the back.

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

The wedding ceremony began and Moseby walked Freya down the aisle.

"Did you get through to my dad?" Freya hurriedly asked.

"No. I'm terribly sorry but his assistant told me he was going to be in and out of meetings for hours." Moseby frowned.

"Well what about the embassy?" Freya questioned.

"Yes. But sadly, they have no jurisdiction here." Moseby sighed. "However, they are sending you a salad spinner."

"The only green things my future husband eats are his boogers." Freya cried.

"Don't worry, Freya. Zack will save the day." Moseby comforted her. They looked over at Zack shoving his tie up his nose. "I can't believe I just said that." Moseby groaned as he left from his spot beside Freya and took a seat in the front row of chairs.

"Boy, I can't wait until our honeymoon!" Prince Jeffy began. "Two weeks, you and me, Splish-Splash water park!" He winked.

"How fun." Freya sarcastically deadpanned.

"Royal subjects, visiting dignitaries, others..." Harold spoke, eyeing Freya's friends weirdly again. "We are gathered here to celebrate the union of his Majesty Prince Jeff and lady Freya Maria Bardot. Now before we start, does anyone object to this marriage?"

"Ooh me! I do!" Freya exclaimed with her hand raised.

"Besides you." Harold rolled his eyes.

"I object!" Zack jumped up as the crowd gasped. "I challenge thee to a duel for the maiden's heart. And the rest of her." Freya held onto Zack's hand tightly.

"Aww! But I don't wanna duel!" Jeffy whined.

"You have to. It's written in the toilet paper!" Cody retorted.

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

Back in the main entrance of the castle, Zack and Jeffy were getting ready to fight.

"Because he was challenged, Prince Jeffy will select the method of duel." Harold announced.

"Pick your punishment, puny prince." Zack scoffed. "I'm taking your woman and your lunch money!"

"I choose the joust." Jeffy crossed his arms.

"That's not fair! The only horse I ever rode, I had to put a quarter in his head." Zack cried.

"Whereas the prince probably has years of equestrian training." Cody sighed. The prince bounced by them jumping on a bouncy ball that had a horse covering.

"Yeah...on a ball." Zack scoffed again.

"Sir, your steed." Harold came over to them, handing Zack one of the bouncy balls with the horse covering. "And your weapons, pool noodles!"

"Aww. How come he gets the blue one?" Zack whined out. Freya rolled her eyes as Cody pulled Zack away to ready him for the fight.

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

"Jousters to the ready! Three points takes the maiden." Harold called out. Freya sighed as she walked to the middle of the rung and held up a 'round 1' sign.

"I can't believe I actually have to do this." Freya frowned before walking back from the ring.

"And joust!" Harold yelled. The two boys began to bounce toward each other and swung their pool noodles around.

"Come on, Zack! Bounce him into next week!" Bailey cheered.

"Prepare to eat styrofoam!" Jeffy called out to Zack.

"You're going down, diaper dork!" Zack retorted back. Jeffy ducked Zack's swings and was able to knock Zack onto the ground. " can knock me over with a—" Zack slurred.

"Styrofoam noodle? Yes he did!" Moseby yelled, trying to hurry up this process as to save Freya.

"Point, Prince Jeffy!" Harold called.

"Don't worry. It's just the first round. I'm sure it'll be fine." Bailey tried to smile at Freya.

"I really hope it will! I don't wanna be the one to call my dad once he gets out if his stupid meetings and tell him that I'm never going to see him again and I'll be spending the rest of my life raising my own husband!" Freya sighed and picked up the 'round 2' sign and walked back into the ring.

"Please try to hurry!" Freya whisper yelled over to him before walking back out of the ring. The round began and it seemed to be going well but Jeffy was able to kick Zack's 'horse' out from under him. Cody and Moseby ran over to assist him, Freya following closely behind.

"Second point, Prince Jeffy!"

"Zack, what are you doing? Its 2-nothing!" Cody exclaimed.

"One more point and we'll be tying a 'just married' sign to the back of Jeffy's tricycle!" Moseby lipped.

"Well, I'm trying my best," Zack began. "but that little royal pain in the butt knows his way around a noodle!" Zack belted, throwing his arms in defeat.

"Okay. New plan. Run!" Freya ushered. She grabbed Zack's hand and they tried to run out the door but were stopped by guards. "New—new plan. Zack, win!"

"What am I gonna do?" Zack sighed. "I mean, I'm not just gonna get mad jousting skills."

"Zack, I believe in you." Freya spoke in a soft voice. "I need you to try." She pulled him closer and kissed him. When she pulled away, she noticed he wasn't moving.

"Are you okay?" She hurriedly asked. Instead of responding, he gave her a quick smile and another peck before jumping onto the horse and gripping onto the pool noodle.

The 3rd round began and Zack jumped off the ball and pushed Jeffy off of his and hit him with the pool noodle continuously.

"Point, challenger!"

"All right, I'm gonna need another kiss for round four." Zack smirked, walking over to Freya.

"Forget it! I surrender!" Jeffy cried, taking his helmet off and slamming it on the ground. "Mommy!" He whined as he ran out of the room.

"Zack! You did it!" Freya hugged her boyfriend tightly. "You're like my knight in shining armor."

"Yeah. I know. I'm pretty great aren't I?" Zack nodded. "Now whats say we ride my trusty steed into the sunset?"

"It would be an honor." Freya playfully curtseyed.

"Lady Freya, I just received word that Prince Jeffy's brother, Prince Timmy, has seen you picture and wishes to invite you on a date!" Harold spoke up, stopping the two from leaving.

"Let's try that whole running thing again!" Freya ushered. She and Zack quickly ran out of the castle. Freya couldn't wait until the ship left the Lichenstamp dock. And neither could Zack. He was happy once his girlfriend wasn't constantly at risk of being stolen away from him by some prince.
