Kitchen Casanova

      HOME ECONOMICS was not a class Freya was looking forward to. It's not that she was bad at cooking, in fact, she was pretty okay at it and genuinely enjoyed it sometimes. It's just that every time she cooked, all she could think about was her old, happy memories with her dad. He was the one who taught her to cook. He always let her help while he prepared dinner. They bonded through cooking. But she needed the credit so she was going to suck it up and take the class anyways.

Freya and Bailey walked into the home ec room and found Woody already there, saving two seats for them.

"Woody, I'm glad to see one guy in our school is evolved enough to sign up for home ec." Bailey said as she sat down. That's when Freya noticed there were only girls taking this class. Well, girls and Woody.

"Oh I'm just here to hit on Addison." Woody giggled, glancing over at the chatty girl. "Plus, it's the only class where you can eat your homework."

"I can totally set you guys up." Freya grinned at the curly haired boy. "I know all her likes and dislikes. She never stops talking about them." At that, Woody vigorously nodded along.

"Hey Freya!" Addison yelled, jumping from her seat to run over to her roommate. "I didn't know you were taking home ec! This is gonna be great." Per usual, Addison spoke extremely fast. She took notice of Woody and Bailey sitting beside Freya and turned to them. "Hey guys!" She waved. "What do you think we'll make today? Maybe it'll be a salad, a casserole, a hearty soup or—OH! I hope it's something with broccoli!" She continued to rant but Freya blocked out whatever she was saying, like always.

"Whatever keeps her mouth busy." Bailey murmured. "How do you live with that?" She asked Freya who seemed unfazed by Addison's rambling.

"After a while, you just get used to it." Freya shrugged.

"Good morning, class!" The voice of presumably the teacher said as they entered the room. Freya was not expecting to look up and see Cody. But apparently that's who the staff of the S.S. Tipton wanted to teach home ec. "I am Mr. Martin. But you may call me sir or chef, or sir chef."

"I think I have a crush on the teacher." Bailey whispered, sending Cody a flirty wave. He awkwardly waved back.

"What happened to Mrs. Westphall?" Reina, one of their classmates asked. Freya never really liked her. Reina was always belittling Freya, saying she didn't understand why Zack would be in a committed relationship with a 'girl like her.' It definitely made Freya insecure but, at the end of the day, she knew that Reina was just jealous that Zack quit his womanising ways for Freya and not her.

"Mrs. Westphall was chopping onions when we hit that big wave." Cody grimaced. "Yeah, it wasn't pretty."

"So they're letting you teach?" Woody skeptically asked.

"I should've just taken art with Zack and London." Freya huffed, putting her head down.

"Well food is art. Art that you can eat." Cody began. Woody gasped excitedly at the mention of eating. "For example, is this a tomato?" Cody showed the class a tomato before turning around. He took a knife and started cutting the fruit up. A moment later, he turned back around and showed off the tomato. It was now in a small cup and was cut in a way that resembled a rose. "Or a rose for your dinner date?" Cody walked closer to Bailey then turned and handed the tomato to Reina.

"Alright, let's start with some basics." Cody started, walking between the tables. "Who knows how to reduce vinegar and shallots to make a buerre blanc?" Nobody spoke up. "Okay...Who knows how to flash-caramelise filbert shards?" No one said anything.

"Cody, I know all of those words separately but not a single one of them together." Freya raised her hand as she spoke.

"That's sir chef to you, Ms. Bardot." He crossed his arms and sent her a warning look. "Alright. Who knows what an egg is?" Everyone raised their hands this time.

"I know everything there is to know about eggs." Bailey grinned brightly. "I've collected them, canceled them, and even pulled them right out of the cloaca. The single multipurpose opening in the chickens vagin—" Bailey's graphic explanation was quickly cut off by Cody

"Okay! Let's save the chicken chit-chat for the lunchroom." He walked back over to the front of the classroom and grabbed his supplies. "Let's learn how to crack an egg. Or shall I say...four eggs?" He picked up four eggs and cracked them into the bowl at an almost expert level. The class clapped at the sight. "When you're done with that, we are going to be making a meringue so everybody pick up their whisks."

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

The rest of the class went by slowly in Freya's eyes. The girls in the class were all flirting with Cody and he was acting like he barely knew Bailey. Freya didn't want to worry Bailey so she stayed quiet. Once it was over and reality had seemed to be restored, Freya went to her safe place which was weirdly Zack's single cabin.

"Hey babe." He grinned, opening up the door and letting her in. "How was home ec?"

"Weird." Freya huffed as she sat down on his bed. "Cody's the teacher and all of the girls are hitting on him. It's like I stepped into an alternate reality."

"Girls? Hitting on Cody?" Zack scoffed. "And you don't mean that they're literally hitting him, right?"

"No. They think he's a hot chef who can teach them how to make a meringue. A mediocre meringue if you ask me." She rolled her eyes. "Anyways, how was art?"

"Well I wasted the whole class eating pudding and now I gotta actually make art." He pointed to the canvas and painting materials scattered on his desk.

"Oh! Do you need me to leave so I don't distract you?"

"Nah. I could turn in a stick figure and it wouldn't matter. It's a makeup class. I can just do the bare minimum." He waved off her concerns, turning back to his canvas. "Besides, your beauty inspires me."

"Alright Romeo. Get to painting." She rolled her eyes, trying to play it off like his compliments didn't fluster her.

Over the next half an hour, Zack painted while Freya laid in his bed. There was music playing softly in the background from the boys iPod.

"Done!" Zack called out, making Freya jump from her relaxed state. "What ya' think?" He held up the canvas which was now painted with a cartoonish-style fruit bowl.

"Wow." Her eyes widened. After what he had said earlier about the bare minimum, Freya was not expecting him to draw anything serious. Or good. "It's a really cute!" She titled her head, looking at it from all angles. "Definitely a B+ at the least. Good job, Zack."

"Eh. I figured I might as well have fun with it." He kissed her cheek as a thanks for her compliments. "I just gotta sign it." He picked up one of the paint brushes and started to sign his name before London barged in.

"Zack!" London yelled. The sudden loud noise made Zack jump, smudging his signature across the canvas.

"My painting!" He frowned. "London, knock next time!" He scolded before pointing at Freya who was still sitting on his bed. "We totally could've been making out."

"Ew! TMI...Look, guys, I have a problem." She stomped her foot.

"London, is this about your polo pony needing plastic surgery again? Because we already told you; his face is supposed to look horsey." Freya said as she walked closer to the rich girl.

"No, this about art class. Turns out, you have to hand in a painting! Or you fail! So I need yours." London gasped, pointing at Zack's painting of fruit.

"Hey, hey!" He tried to stop her. "No way! I worked really hard on this."

"Okay then..." London stood in thought for a moment then turning towards Freya as if a lightbulb had turned on her head. "Freya! You paint something for me."

"I'm sorry London, but no way." Freya shook her head, copying her boyfriend's protest. "Thanks to Cody, I have to learn how to make gazpacho tonight." She rolled her eyes once again, thinking back to Cody's weird chef talk.

"Huh?" London hummed. She didn't understand a single word of that.

"I can't paint for you." Freya dumbed it down.

"Hmm." London sighed, looking around before finding another canvas that had been thrown into Zack's trash can. "Ooh! How about this? I'll give you 20 bucks for it." When London held it up, Freya noticed that it just had brown paint splattered across it. 

"That's the canvas you ruined by making me sneeze pudding." Zack laughed it disbelief.
Never mind, Freya thought, that was not brown paint.

"Hey, you see trash, I see D minus." London shrugged, handing Zack a 20 dollar bill.

"This is awesome!" He sang as he took it.

"It's just 20 dollars." London's face shrivelled up in confusion as she watched Zack celebrate.

"Hey, you see 20 dollars, I see an 8 foot churro!"

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

When Freya went back to her cabin, she found Addison with a mess of ingredients surrounding the room.

"Freya!" She shouted when she heard the door open. "I need help with the my gazpacho! I think I messed it up." She shoved the bowl in front of Freya, holding the spoon in front of her mouth. "Try it." Freya sipped from the spoon and her face immediately scrunched up.

"'s definitely got a lot of...flavor?" Freya tried to find the right while also trying to get the overpowering taste off her tongue.

"Yeah I used salt, pepper, garlic, cayenne, cumin, turmeric—" The girl ranted at the speed of light, pointing to each of the spices that were scattered around both the roommates desks.

"Alright, Addison. It's gonna be fine." Freya cut her off. "Let's just ask Cody for help, okay?" She led Addison out the door and into the hallway. Freya pulled out her phone and texted Cody, asking him where he was and that Addison was having a food related emergency that needed his assistance. He texted back fairly quickly that he was at the juice bar with Bailey so that's where Freya and Addison speed walked toward.

"Cody!" Addison called out as soon as he was in her line of sight and ran towards the juice bar. "I think I over spiced my gazpacho! I added salt, pepper, garlic, cayenne, cumin, turmeric, shallots, cilantro, and a dash of tarragon."

"Very experimental." Cody complimented. "But let's try it." He stood up as Addison handed him a spoonful.

"Oh, Cody, I don't think you should..." Freya shook her head from behind the chatty girl, trying to tell Cody not to try or to just give him some kind of warning but he disregarded her and swallowed the spoonful. He coughed immediately.

"I also may have blended in my retainer." Addison pursed her lips in regret. Freya was not actually that surprised. She had noticed her roommates retainer missing from their bathroom earlier.

"More cilantro, less metal." Cody murmured in between choked coughs.

"You are so brilliant!" Addison grinned before running off.

"Freya," Cody began. "How's your gazpacho coming along?"

"Oh it's coming along great." Freya lied with a false smile. She hadn't even gotten the ingredients yet. She knew she didn't have much time but she wanted to postpone the cooking for as long as possible.

"You want me to try it?" He asked.

"No!" She answered too quickly, making the boy send her a confused look. "No, that's alright. I'll just get Zack or Woody to try it. I mean, those two are always eating, they must know when food tastes good."

"Fair point." Cody shrugged. "Although, with how fast Woody scarfs down his meals, I'm not sure he's ever tasted them. But good luck, student!"

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

Reluctantly, Freya picked up the ingredients she was going to use in her gazpacho and made her way to the home ec room. When she arrived, the only other person there was Woody, who seemed to have the same idea as her.

"Hi Woody." She sent him a small smile.

"Hey Freya!" He smiled brightly as he turned towards her. "You ready to make some gazpacho?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." She sighed, taking a seat next him at one of the counters.

"Great. Now, can you repeat the steps to me?"

Freya spent the next 30 minutes trying to explain to Woody what to do/what not to do and when he still wasn't getting it, she was starting giving up.

"So after I chop the tomatoes, then what do I do?" He asked with a tilt of his head. His hands were now covered in bandaids that Freya had to quickly retrieve when he repeatedly cut himself while chopping.

"Then you blend it in with the peppers and onions." She absentmindedly told him, now trying to focus on her own dish. She had yet to realise it, but instructing Woody the whole time was actually distracting her from those sad thoughts she was having earlier.

Woody put the tomatoes and vegetables into the blender and was about to turn it on.

"Make sure the top is on!" She shrieked before he could continue.

"Ohh! Right." He grinned, revealing his shiny blue braces.

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

The next morning, Bailey and Freya walked to class together. All the girls in home ec were checking their makeup and fixing their hair with compact mirrors.

"Woody, what's going on in here?" Bailey asked as she and Freya took their seats next to the curly haired boy.

"I don't know, but...I feel this strange desire to powder my nose." He said, grabbing the top of one of the metal pans and checked his reflection in it.

"Here comes Sir Chef!" Reina called out with a smirk. The rest of the girls giggled and quickly put their mirrors away. Reina walked back to her seat and glared down at Bailey.

"What's her problem?" Freya mumbled.

"Hello, class!" Cody grinned excitedly, entering the classroom.

"Hello, Mr. Martin." The other girls, and Woody for some reason, sang out in flirty tones. Bailey and Freya looked around the room in confusion.

"Ok girls, and Woody," Cody nodded as he walked to the front of the room. "today we're going to knead ciabatta dough. Now, the key is not to work from the wrist, put from the upper arm." He started to knead the dough for example.

"Hey Addison!" Woody got up and rushed to Addison with two bags of flours. "I got you some flowers. Bleached and whole grain! Get it?" He joked, but Addison wasn't able to take her eyes off of Cody kneading the dough.

"Woody," Cody scolded. "Is my teaching getting in the way of your talking?"

"Sorry, Mr. Martin." Woody sadly walked back to his seat next to Freya. "I thought you said that would work!" He whisper-shouted at her.

"I thought it would." Freya whispered back. "It probably just didn't because, for some weird reason, every girl in this class is in love with Cody!"

"Now, if you're doing it right, you should feel it in the tricep." Cody said as he went back to kneading the dough. A bunch of the girls, plus Woody, gasped and jumped up from their seats to go feel his triceps.

"Um, aren't we supposed to be getting our assignments back today?" Bailey asked while she and Freya sat back, watching Cody get felt up.

"Considering I ate them, I don't think you'd like that. So, instead, I frosted your grades onto these cookies." He picked up a basket of sugar cookies that were all marked with red frosting and started handing them out. Freya peaked over Woody's shoulder and noticed he had a B+.

"Freya, here's yours." Cody handed her a cookie that was marked with a B-.

"A B minus?" Freya shrieked. "I helped Woody make his and he got higher than me?"

"Next time, go easy on the onions." Cody commented. Reina smirked evilly at Freya.

"Freya, what did you get?" Bailey asked her friend sadly as she sat by her.

"B-." Freya said, resting her elbow against the table and propping her head up to pretend to seem interested. "What about you?"

"A C+." Bailey sighed. The rest of the class went back to their seats and Bailey spoke up again. "Um, excuse me, Mr. Martin. You didn't like my gazpacho?"

"It was...traditional. But Addison made hers extra chunky and Reina added mint." Cody pointed. "Sometimes a guy just wants to try something new."

"Yeah." Reina smiled innocently, walking closer to Bailey and pointing at her with a wooden spoon. "Sometimes the same old, same old can get so boring." Bailey snatched her spoon and snapped it in half. "Mr. Martin, Bailey broke my spoon!"

"Ms. Pickett!" Cody raised his voice. "Abusing kitchen utensils is an automatic demerit! I'm afraid I'm going to have to lower your grade to a C." He took her cookie and bit the plus sign off of it and handed it back. He walked back to the front of the room without another word.

"You better watch out too, Bardot." Reina said, crossing her arms as she looked at Freya.

"I'm sorry?" Freya asked, completely unsure of what the mean girl was talking about.

"You know what they say; old habits die hard." Reina smirked. "I'm surprised you and Zack are still exclusive. Wait...You don't think he's off making out with some other girl right now, do you?" Reina faked concern.

Freya was by no means a violent person (mostly because she was terrible at fighting) but Reina seriously needed to get some senseknocked into her, mentally and physically. Freya had to take a deep breath before she spoke just to stop herself from lunging at the girl.

But all she was able to mumble out was; "Stay in your lane, Reina."

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

Freya and Woody walked onto the sky deck and noticed Bailey sadly drinking a smoothie all alone near the hot tub.

"What's wrong Bailey?" Woody asked as he and Freya reached the southern girl.

"I'm losing my guy." She looked down at the ground.

"Tell me about it." Woody rolled his eyes. "I'm losing my gal. She's at Casablanca with Mr. Martin."

"Was she ever really your gal?" Freya turned to him.

"Titles are not important!" Woody pointed at her.

"It's not Cody's fault he's so irresistible. Why don't you tell Lanky McStanky and her friends to simmer down?" Bailey stomped her foot.

"You may talk like that on the farm, but we do not speak about ladies that way in Cleveland!" Woody gasped.

"Bailey, it's gonna be okay." Freya rubbed her friends arm.

"You guys are right. We should be working together not fighting." Bailey frowned.

"You know what..." Freya thought aloud. "I bet you guys could solve your home ec problem by cooking something up. Stirring the pot?" Freya nudged Bailey and pointed to Woody. The farm girl picked up on the hint.

"Like lamb chops?" Woody exasperated. "I love lamb chops!"

"She's talking about making Cody jealous." Bailey tried to explain.

"Because we have lamb chops and he doesn't!" Woody nodded.

"Hey babe!" Zack called out from behind the trio.

"Hi." Freya grinned. Even though they had been dating for a while, the mere thought of him made Freya get all blushy and giggly. Woody and Bailey internally groaned at the happy couple and walked away. "How's your shift going?" She asked.

"It's alright. Just kinda busy. How was home ec?" He asked.

"Even worse than it was yesterday." Freya's eyes widened. "I mean, those girls are obsessed with Cody. It's crazy."

"There's gotta be something in the water because obsessed? With Cody?" Zack shook his head. "It just doesn't make sense."

An older woman walked past the couple, holding one of the canvases that Zack sneezed food onto.

"Excuse me, ma'am." Zack grabbed the woman's attention. "Where did you get that?"

"Oh, it's wonderful, isn't it?" The lady smiled down at the painting. "It's called Inner Peace."

"Uh, no, it's called inner peas." He corrected.

"Ew, really?" Freya murmured to her boyfriend, grimacing at the thought of mushed peas being sneezed everywhere. He nodded in reply.

"You're familiar with the artist?" The woman asked.

"Quite familiar." Zack laughed.

"They're as close as two people can get." Freya added.

"It's rumoured that he's a tortured French genius. Zachary Martin," the lady emphasised his name with a heavy French accent before going back to her regular accent. "is going to be the next big thing. I'm buying up as much as I can."

"You bought that?" Freya asked in complete shock.

"How much did you pay for it?" Zack said, in just as much shock as his girlfriend.

"I got it for a steal!" The lady grinned. "I only paid 30." She called out to some other rich lady who walked by and ran after her.

"Thirty dollars?" Zack groaned.

"Zack, calm down." Freya put her hand on his shoulder. This was the second time in the last ten minutes she was having to help calm someone down. "It's gonna be fine."

"No it's not!" Zack scoffed. "I got gypped out of 10 dollars! I gotta go find London!" He ran off the sky deck, dragging Freya by the hand behind him.

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

"London, you open this door immediately!" Zack demanded as he banged on London's cabin door.

"Okie-dokie!" The rich girl grinned when she entered the hallway. She opened the door and closed it behind herself.

"London, you open this door immediately...again!" Zack knocked on the door.

"Oh, hi guys!" London opened the door and waved at the couple, letting them into her room. "Wait, Zack, why aren't you working on you latest master sneeze?"

"I know your secret!" Zack threatened. Freya put her hand back on his shoulder to calm him down. This was starting to become the girls full time job.

" I had my ears done." London frowned. "But this is what I looked like before." She showed them a picture of her younger self, with very large ears.

"He's not talking about that— wow." Freya stared at the picture. Zack eyes widened when he looked at it, he even forgot what he was angry about for a split second.

"No! I'm talking about you selling my paintings for a profit!" He yelled.

"Well did you think I'd sell them for a loss?" London scoffed.

"You haven't been sharing with me!"

"You got your 20 dollars!" London yelled back.

"What about the rest?" Freya asked.

"I have expenses." London shook her head.

"Like what?" Zack scoffed again.

"Frames and hooks...outfits to wear when I buy frames and hook." London came up with something on the spot. "You know, 30,000 dollars doesn't go as far as it used to."

"Thirty...thousand...dollars?" Zack shrieked out inbetween gasps. He dramatically fell back into Freya and she started fanning him with her hand. Freya was surprised anyone bought those painting for over 20 dollars to begin with.

"I know it's not that much but you're just starting out." London said.

"London, it may not be much to you but that's more than what some people make their entire lives." Freya tried, still helping her boyfriend catch his breath.

"Ooh! That's sad." London covered her mouth.

"Well you know what's sad?" Zack said, taking most of his weight off of Freya, gaining his ability to breathe on his own back. "You're my friend and you're exploiting me!"

"No I'm not!" London defended herself. She grabbed a jelly donut, shoved it in his mouth and then blew pepper at his nose. Zack's sneeze started to build up and London grabbed a canvas and hid herself and Freya behind it.

"Achoo!" Zack tried to avoid sneezing on the canvas but London was too fast.

"Ah! Beautiful!" London smiled at the freshly sneezed on canvas. "Let me get your 20 bucks."

"No!" Zack snatched the canvas and his girlfriend to his side. "If you want an original, you can pay market price. Zachary Martin is going into the business for himself!" He dragged his girlfriend and the canvas with him and kicked the cabin door closed.

— —

Zack came up with a plan for tomorrow; after Freya's home ec class, she was going to meet up at his cabin then help him set up an auction to bid his paintings for their rightfully owed prices.

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

When Freya got to the home ec room the next morning, she realised that Bailey and Woody also had a plan that they were currently executing, make Cody and Addison jealous.

"Today, we will be exploring the glory of the potato. Or, as the French call it, the apple of the Earth." Cody spoke as Freya took her seat next to Bailey.

"Woody, could you help me with my potato, you big handsome man?" Bailey asked him with a flirty tone, loud enough so Cody could hear.

"Sure...but aren't we supposed to be starting the plan?" He whispered.

"This is the plan." Bailey whispered back. "Could you maybe help me mash some potatoes? You're so strong and cut!" Her voice now boomed.

"That tickles!" Woody giggled when she put hand on his bicep. "I mean I would be happy to help out a gorgeous female person such as yourself." He grabbed one of the potatoes and a knife but struggled.

"You should use the cooked ones, strong man." Freya whispered, not being able to contain her laughter.

"Oh!" He nodded at the girl before grabbing one of the cooked potatoes. "Hot! Hot, hot, hot!" He started running around, juggling the hot potato in his hands before bumping into a metal shelf and falling backwards.

"Woody, are you okay?" Cody asked.

" hair took most of the blow." Woody groaned as he stood up. He walked over to Bailey and started mumbling something. Freya wasn't paying attention to what they were saying until he romantically dipped Bailey.

"Bailey! What are you doing?" Cody gasped. Bailey jumped out of the curly haired boys arms.

"Clearly she's interested in another guy. Lucky you, because you get me." Reina smirked, dipping Cody the same way Woody just did.

"Oh it's over, Ms. Gazpacho! You're going down." Bailey and Reina started hitting each other with kitchen utensils. The rest of the class started chanting.

"Help! There's a fight someone get a teacher!" Cody shrieked.

"You are the teacher!" Freya called out to him.

"Oh yeah. Rats!" He frowned as he ran in between the two girls who were basically fencing with soup spoons. "Ladies! Put the utensils down! You'll damage the non-stick coating!" Cody's pleas did nothing.

"How dare you kiss my boyfriend!" Bailey screamed, launching lettuce at Reina.

"What do you care? You're into Woody now!" Reina sassed back, throwing lettuce as well.

"Oh please! I wouldn't date him if he was the last guy on the planet!" Bailey scoffed.

"Hey!" Woody voiced sadly.

"Oh, Woody, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it like tha—" Bailey was starting to say before Reina did the unthinkable; threw a shot while Bailey's back was turned.

"That's it!" Bailey practically growled and started walking toward Reina.

"Get her, Bails!" Freya yelled with an excited grin. She was happy that justice was finally being served to the mean girl. Freya's happiness was cut short when Reina ran over to her and pushed her backwards into a sack of potatoes.

Freya gasped and, subconsciously out of her reflexes, slapped the mean girl. Everyone gasped and the room went quiet.

"I totally shouldn't have done that!" Freya squealed in fear, running to cower behind Woody.

"Don't touch her!" Bailey defended Freya, throwing lettuce at Reina again to keep her distracted. The started fencing with spoons again. Bailey shoved Addison infront of her.

"I'll protect you Addison!" Woody yelled, jumping in front of her as Reina started to throw rolls. One hit Woody in the side and he fell to the ground.

"Woody!" Addison screamed.

"I'm just glad I could take roll for you." Woody breathlessly smiled. After that, the fight stopped so Woody could deal with his injury.

"Hey guys!" Zack grinned, running into the classroom. "I heard there was a food fight. Sick!" He looked around and noticed that Freya was still in the room. "Hey Freya, why didn't you ever meet me at my cabin?"

"I'll tell you why!" Reina scoffed, stepping between the couple. "Your perfect little girlfriend slapped me!"

"Did you really?" Zack asked Freya. She nodded shamefully. "That's awesome!" He hugged her proudly. "I wish I was here when it happened. I would've been rooting for you, babe!" He was hugging her so tight that she was practically being lifted off the floor.

"Whatever." Reina huffed and stomped out of the room.

"What's her problem?" Zack rolled his eyes.

"Did I miss the auction?" Freya asked.

"Yeah, but it's alright. Clearly, you were busy." He shrugged, looking around the room that was covered in food and chipped utensils.

"How'd it go?"

" one bought anything." Zack scratched the back of his neck. "But hey, my juice bar check cashes in tomorrow. Wanna have dinner on the lido deck then?"

"Yeah." She smiled from ear to ear.

"What's up with them?" Zack asked, pointing to Bailey and Cody who were having a serious conversation. By now, most of the others students had left the room. Addison and Woody even left to the nurses office (to check on Woody's roll-induced injuries) together.

"Long story but I think they need their privacy." Freya said. She held Zack's hand and pulled the both of them away from Cody and Bailey.

"Wanna go back to my cabin and watch a movie?" Zack suggestively implied, raising his eyebrow. Freya was unsure if he was genuinely implying something inappropriate or if he really did just want to watch a movie, but, either way, she agreed.

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

Home economics didn't end up being as bad as Freya thought it would be. She was so worried that she would just be sad the whole time, thinking about her dad. But, because her friends were there by her side the whole time, she didn't even think about him. And even though she technically did get into her first fight, she had a great time. All thanks to her friends, her friends that means the world to her.
