The 2000 year old Vampire

The next day, we were all eating breakfast in the dining room when Mrs. Bradley announced that she needed to go grocery shopping because there were a lot of mouths to feed now that she has 5 guests in her house not including her beloved son who could it his weight in food each meal. She inlisted me and and Brian to go with her to the supermarket because apparently we were chefs and we could give her some ideas on what to buy.

After breakfast, Brian and I waited for Mrs. Bradley outside by the car. This woman takes a lot of time to get ready, for god knows what reason.

"After this we need to talk. All 5 of us. We need to fill you in on something." Brian said, this is the first time he's talking to me since they rescued me yesterday.

"Uhh, sure. What's it about?" I asked, getting curious as always.

"Something important." He said, looking at the front door which Mrs. Bradley is just coming out of.

"Sorry for making you wait. Lets go." She said, hurrying towards us.

"No worries." Brian said, getting into the drivers seat.

I went in the back seat while Mrs. Bradley sat in the front seat next to Brian.

"So which way are we going?" Brian said, turning to Mrs. Bradley.

She smiled and proceded to navigate the way to the supermarket while i sat quietly in the back the whole ride there.

The shopping part of the trip was actually quiet fun. We argued a little on what to cook. By the end of it we had the entire weeks meal planned out, from breakfast to dinner.

The ride home was better than the ride to the supermarket too. We talked about stuff, mostly food and stuff that we would try and experiment during the course of the week with the stuff that we bought. Mrs. Bradley even told Brian some pretty embarrasing stories about me when i was a kid, which resulted on me not talking to her for the rest of the ride home.

When we got home, Brian and I helped Mrs. Bradley store the food in the fridge and pantry while she went upstairs to rest before making lunch.

"So, what is it that you need to talk about." I asked Brian when we were finally alone.

"Later. Lets just finish this first." He said, pointing and the mountain of food infront of us. It was a miracle it all fitted in the car. How we were going to stuff it all in the fridge and pantry is a mystery too me.

We started stuffing the food in the fridge, cramming it in as much as we can when we heard a laugh coming from behind us. We looked around and saw Drew doubling over, laughing histerically at us. To be honest, we did look funny, with our hands and feet in the fridge, trying to keep the food from falling out while we crammed more in.

"You guys do realize that we have another fridge right over there right?" He said, holding his laughter in , pointing over too the right side of the kitchen.

"What are you talking about, thats a cabinet." Brian said, looking exasperated.

Drew went to the biggest cabinet and  opened it. It turns out he was right. It was not a cabinet after all, it was a fridge disguised as a cabinet and it is twice the size of the fridge that we were stuffing the food in. Brian and I glared at Drew as he started laughing again when he saw the looks on our faces. We started moving the stuff to the other fridge and we were finished in no time. The pantry was not much of a problem, there was heaps of cabinets in the kitchen where we can store food in. When we finished, Brian and I plopped down on the couch in the living room and sighed with relief.

Drew who was following us sat down on a chair next too the couch. I turned to look at him and asked,

"Why dont i know about the fridge? I've been here more times that i can count." I said.

"Not for the past year you haven't. They installed it like 6 months ago. They just figured they needed a bigger fridge, and than god for that." He laughed. "Some vampires you are." He added.

The both of us glared at him for the second time that day and he went up to his room , still laughing histerically.

I saw Brian take out his phone and started texting someone. A few seconds later, Maxim, Estelle and Lyle came down the stairs and nodded at him.

"Come on." Brian said to me , pulling my hand, helping me up from the couch.

I followed the out into the driveway and made our way to the back of the house walking towards a big tree. The tree that Drew and i used to climb when we were kids.

"So , what is it that you wanted to talk about? Is it about Lucas?" I asked, earning myself with shocked looks from the others.

"How do you know about him?" Estelle asked, eyes wide with disbelief.

"Oh, he was my roommate for the entire time i was locked in that god forsaken mansion, thats how. Imagine my surprise when i saw him infront of the mansion ordering the bad guys to stop chasing us." I chuckled.

"This is not the time for laughing Veronica. This is serious." Estelle snapped at me.

"Sorry." I said, taking a seat on the ground and the others copied me.

"Is that why you guys dissapeared when everyone was at the river?" I asked them.

Maxim nodded.

"And is that why you told us to run when we were in the mansion? Because you saw him?" I asked Maxim.

He nodded again.

"Why? Why are you so afraid of him?" I asked.

The others glanced at one another before answering me.

"Lucas, or his real name, Xanthe Virco. He's been alive for more than 2000 years. Almost every vampire that lives today know who he is. There's a rumour that says that he is one of the first humans cursed to be a vampire along with a few hundred more, but he is the only one that survived this long. It was a mistake trying to stop him. He is too powerful, too strong for any of us too take on." Maxim said, looking at me.

"So what, he's old, ancient even. We are thousands of years younger than him, we can do this." I said.

"No Veronica. Vampires are not like humans. Our powers doesn't weaken over time. We get stronger. The longer we are alive, the stronger we get, the more abilities we possess. Do you understand this? He's been alive for 2000 years, how many abilities do you think he has now? Imagine how powerful he is. How can we defeat him. There's no point in even trying." Brian said. "From now on , we stop pursuing them. Let them do what they must. Im sure it will blow over eventually."

"What are you talking about. If we let them do what they want, the more people they will change and the more bigger their numbers will be. Then we will have no chance of stopping them." I argued.

"Stopping them from doing what exactly?" Lyle said.

"I dont know. But Lucas cant be changing people and building an army just for the fun of it right? There must be something going on. Something that he is planning to do." I said.

"Veronica, listen to us, please. If we go and fight Lucas and his army, it will be a suicide mission. There is no way we will survive. The only reason we were able to get away yesterday was because Lucas didn't join the fight and because he stopped his guys from chasing us into the forest. We had no chance of winning yesterday, even with the hunters help. There were to many of them. And im pretty sure their numbers are still growing." Estelle said, putting a hand on my shoulders.

"So we're just going to let them do whatever they want then?" I asked.

"There's nothing we can do to stop them." Maxim said.

I hugged my knees to my chest and nodded. The thought of a 2000 year old powerful vampire leading an army and not knowing what their planning and how to stop them is making me really anxious. And i still dont know why he was in that room with me yesterday.


Hey guys, tell me what you think about Lucas's real name on the comment section. I would really love it if you could tell me if it's okay or not.

P/s: the picture above is what i pictured the fridge in Mr. and Mrs. Bradley's kitchen

Thank you for reading. Please vote if you like this chapter.😊😊😊
