
Friday. It's Friday today isn't it? But why do i feel hungry? According to what Mr. Roberson said, i should not feel hungry until at least next Tuesday.

I looked at the clock on the bedroom wall and saw that it was 9o'clock in the morning. So i went to the bathroom too shower.

When i entered the kitchen after i was fully dressed, Estelle, Brian and Maxim was there and greeted me. I went to the fridge and poured myself a glass of orange juice, but i regretted even taking a sip. I ran to the sink and started to hurl.

After that, Brian came to me, turned me around to face his and looked into my eyes.

"Why didn't you say anything?" He said , then turned to the others. "Come on. We're taking Veronica out hunting."

Maxim and Estelle nodded and started to head outside through the back door that i had not noticed before.

"How do you know im hungry?" I asked Brian as we followed Maxim and Estelle out the door.

"Have you forgotten how long i've been a vampire? If you must know, when you're hungry and need blood, you cant drink or eat any normal food. And you eyes changes colour a bit. I grows darker." He told me.

"Oh, so that's why the orange juice taste horrible and i cant swallow it?" I asked him again.

"Yes." He answered.


We walked until we reached the edge of the clearing, heading towards the forest behind the cabin.

"Are you ready?" Estelle asked me.

"I guess so." I answered her and she smiled at me.

"Just follow us , okay?" Maxim said.

I nodded and went to stand next to him. We all crouched down, ready for the run. As soon as i saw Maxim run , i started running too. Dodging trees and bushes along the way, trying to keep up with them. After running for what seems like hours, the others finally stopped and crouched down low. I followed what they were doing, and crouched down next to Estelle.

"What is it?" I whispered to her.

"Look". She said, pointing at the direction directly infront of us.

When i looked , i saw a stag, a big one, trotting amongst the trees by itself. Instantly my mouth was watering and i could smell its blood running through its veins.

"Go. It's yours." I heard Brian said. As soon as i heard that, i jumped out from the bush that we were hiding behind and ran towards the stag. Before it could even take more then two steps away from me, i got a hold on its neck and bit it. When i tasted blood, i retracted my fangs from its neck and started to suck its blood , holding it tight like it was my lifeline. At first the stag was trashing, trying to get away from me. But the longer i sucked and the more blood i drank from it, the trashing started to weaken and finally the stag was still. I drank as much as i could until the stag's blood was dry. I released my hold on it , stood up and wiped my mouth with my sleeves.

I turned around to see that Maxim, Estelle and Brian was walking towards me with a smile on each of their faces. They look like parents who are feeling proud of their child. I just stood there smiling sheepishly at them, a little bit embarassed that they had to see me like that.

"Good job." Brian said, patting my head, like im a 5year old.

He bend down and slung the stag over his shoulder and started to walk back towards the cabin.

"Looks like Lyle is going to have a busy day. This thing is huge." Maxim said, inspecting the stag on Brian's shoulder. "Lyle does all the butchering." Maxim said to me when he noticed my confused look.

Afrer that, we started running back towards the cabin, with the stag swinging dangerously on Brian's back. When we got there, i saw Lyle leaning against the back door. He looked at us, and then to the stag on Brian's shoulder.

"Seriously? This is going to take me hours to finish. Cant you guys find something smaller?" He huffed, while taking the stag from Brian.

"Sorry Lyle. Totally my fault." I said to him, feeling guilty that he had to break down the huge stag that i killed.

"Yeah. Next time try finding something smaller alright?" He smiled at me, thumping my back. "Good job , by the way. This is your first hunt right?"

I nodded and smiled at him. He patted my head and went into the cabin with Brian and Maxim following behind.

"So, how are you feeling? Full? Or do you need more?" Estelle asked me, looking into my eyes like Brian did this morning.

"I feel fine now. The hunger is gone."  I answered her truthfully. The hunger is gone now and i hope this time it will last longer.

"Good. Your eyes are back to normal to." She said.

"Can i ask you something?" I said to her.


"Why did i felt hungry so soon? I thought i had atleast until next Tuesday before i need to feed again."

"It's because of the training you did yesterday. You're still new, so you will get tired and hungry faster than us. But dont worry, after a few years your body will get used to it, and will not get tired and hungry easily." She explained to me.

"Years? Really?"

"Well, not necessarily. It depends. If you train like you did yesterday and always run around and use your abbilities often, your body will adapt faster. It all depends on you. Just imagine yourself going for a jog, its your first time, so the first day, you only jogged around the block one time, because you're tired and cant run anymore. But as the week or month passes , you could run longer and not get tired easily. Its the same thing as what you're going through now. So the more you run, the better it is for your body to adapt. You wont get tired easily and dont need to feed frequently. Understand?"

"Yeah. I guess so. Thanks Estelle." I hugged her and went inside to take another shower. I smelled like a beast and my shirt has dried blood on it. Then i remembered that i only packed two shirts. So i asked Brian for one of his shirts. Because lets face it. Estelle has a body like a model, there is no way i would be able to fit in her clothes.

After having a rather uncomfortable conversation with Brian. Went to the bathroom to shower. I tried on Brian's shirt and it fitted me , which was a relief. I did not want to wear my filthy clothes again. I decided to wash my clothes so that i wont have anymore awkward conversations about borrowing more clothes from Brian or the other guys again. I gathered my dirty clothes and went to the bathroom and starting scrubbing using soap as a detergent.

"Want are you doing?" Estelle asked me when she passed by the bathroom. Seeing me crounching on the floor scrubbing my blood covered shirt.

"Urm. Washing." I said.

"We do have a washing machine you know. Just because we live in the woods, it doesnt mean we dont have one." She said to me, shaking her head. "Come on. Let me show you."

She lead me to the kitchen , where i saw the stag laid on the island in the middle of the kitchen with no Lyle insight, and into a small laundry room that i thought was a storage room. She told me how to use it and i dumped my clothes in it.

"How do you guys even get electricity this far into the forest anyway?" I asked. I have been using the fridge and lights this past two days, and only now i noticed, so perceptive of me.

"We use generators ofcourse. Come on. I'll show you." She said, stepping out of the laundry room.

I really need to start knowing my surroundings better. There is so much more to this cabin that i haven't realized. Estelle lead me outside and went to the right side of the cabin. Leaning by the wall of the cabin are three big generators. I never walked this way before , and besides the generators ,there were also a huge water tank that i assume supplies the cabin with water.

She told me how the generators work and what to do if they suddenly stopped working. I just nodded my head while she talks, trying hard to understand and memorize everything she said.

"What are you girls doing here?" I heard Lyle's voice asking us.

I turned around and saw Lyle coming out from the forest with a bag slung on one of his shoulders.

"Im telling her how the generators work and what to do when it breaksdown." Estelle replied.

"What were you doing in the forest? I thought you had to butcher the stag in the kitchen." I asked him.

"I just went to get my tools". He said, showing me his bag.

"And your tools are in the forest , because?" I asked again, getting curious. Who leaves their stuff in the forest?

"Because my dear sweet , not paying attention to anything, Veronica, i live in there. I have a treehouse a few minutes away from here. Haven't you notice that im not always around?" He asked me, looking ammused.

"Wow. Really? I seriously never would have though you lived somewhere else. I though you just liked to keep to yourself and hangaround in there." I said, pointing to the trees.

He shaked his head and went into the cabin, laughing at me.

"So, he really lives in there?" I asked Estelle.



Thats it for this chapter. Thank you for reading. Please vote if you like it. And comment is you have any suggestions.

Thank you 😚
