
The rest of the day went on without anymore incidents. Drew refused to talk to me and kept glaring at me. I guess his pride and ass still hurts. But that didnt last to long. As soon as i started cooking dinner, he started to cozy up to me. I guess my mother was right, "the way to a man's heart is through is stomach." I smiled to myself and made dinner for both of us.

As we were eating, i started to think about the conversation we had the other day, when he told be about being a vampire hunter. Then something doesnt feel right when i remembered him telling me about following me from work the other day.

"Hey Drew." I started


"Remember when you told me about following me from work?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

"Why didn't i detect your heartbeat in the street? I only hear the heartbeats from the people inside the buildings and the person infront of me." I asked, getting more and more curious.

"Oh, that." He said. "Every vamp hunters has an amulet that makes their heartbeat silent to everyone and everything around them. It's necessary because the creature we hunt," he said , pointing at me with a sly smile, "can hear our heartbeats. And that's a tad inconvinient during an ambush."

"Oh, then why can i hear your heartbeat now?"

"Because , my dear idiotic friend, im not wearing it right now."

"Oohh. I see. And that was so uncalled for."

"What is?" He asked, feigning innocence.

"Just go to hell." I said. "And one more thing. You said you didn't want to bother yourself with following be during the day because i wont be able to do anything around so many people , because i dont announce my vampirism to the world. But why did you follow me anyways?"

He looked at me , confused writen all over his face.

"What are you talking about? I didnt follow you during the day. I was at work." He said, putting his fork and knife down , looking concerned and confused at the same time.

"Really? Are you sure? Because i swear i felt like someone was following me. I thought it was you after you said you followed me that day." I said, sounding a bit scared. If it wasn't Drew, then who was it?

He stayed quiet, so we both ate our dinner in silence, Drew deep in thought while still managing to eat without misssing his mouth, although there's this one time, he almost put the food in his nose.

After we finished eating, Drew picked up the dirty plates and started washing them. Still being silent.

I went to the living room and waited for Drew to finish with the dishes. What could worry Drew so much? He hasn't said a word since i told him about the stranger following me, and it's making me anxious.

When Drew came into the living room, he sat on the couch and motioned for me to sit beside him.

When i did, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and turned on the tv, as if nothing was wrong.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong or not?" I asked, moving away so i could look at him properly.

"I don't know what's wrong yet. I'll tell you when i know more alright? I promise." He said. Looking at me, a small smile on his face.

"Should i be worried?" I asked him.

"No. Not yet i think. Dont worry to much until we know what's going on okay."

"Alright. If you say so."

We watch tv for an hour or so and then Drew started to stretch.

"I'm so tired. All that lifting and organizing drain the living daylight out of me. I'm going to bed. And i have to go to work tomorrow. Urghhh. Im going to die." He said , making a face that i think was suppose too look like someone dying horribly.

I laughed at him and we said our goodnights.

I didn't even bother to try to go to sleep. I knew it was a waste of time to even think about sleeping. It's not like i need it anyways. I stayed up all night thinking about the stranger following me. I know Drew told me not to worry, but that's like telling a kid not to touch the cookies in the cookies jar. I just couldn't help it. So i stayed up all night worrying about it. I just hope Drew will figure this out soon. I hate worrying about things to much, and i knew i would keep on worrying about this until i knew what was happening.


When morning came around, i went out to the kitchen and started making breakfast. I made chocolate chip and banana muffins, one of my favourite breakfast foods. While waiting for them to cool down a bit, i decided to take a shower. Drew was still sleeping from the sound of it, or should i say the lack of sound from his room.

As i was showering, i heard the bathroom door open, and i peeked behind the shower curtain and saw Drew taking a piss.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!" I screamed.

"Argghhh" He shouted back. His hands covered in pee from jumping a foot it the air, spraying the the floor with piss i the process.

"Whay are you doing in here you fucking idiot?!" I screamed at him again.

"Taking a piss obviously. Why didn't you lock the doors damn it?!" He shouted back, grimacing at his hands and went to the sink to wash it.

"I forgot. Im still getting used to having you here. Cant you hear the shower running?" I said, thanking my past self for buying a none see through shower curtain.

"I was still half asleep you idiot."

Now i was the idiot? Great. Thank you so much.

"You better clean that up." I said, poiting at the piss covered floor from behind the curtain that was my savior.

"Fine. Thank god i wont up early. Or i would be so late for work."

I finished showering with Drew waiting on the other side on the curtain. He handed me my towel and i dried myself in the tub, behind the curtain. There is no way he is going to see me naked.

When i finished drying, i wrapped myself with the towel and stepped out of the tub, carefully maneuvering the pissed covered floor so i dont step on any of it.

I went straight to my room and got dressed. Half an hour later , Drew finally emerged from the , i hope, piss free bathroom , grumbling to himself.

He joined me in the kitchen, looking clean and fresh, hair still wet from the shower and doning a black suit and navy blue tie. He grabbed a muffin and took a huge bite, groaning to himself.

"This is so good." He said. "I could get used to this."

"Well don't. Im not your private chef." I said, smiking at him. "You're cooking breakfast tomorrow. Now we live together, i think we need to have a schedule for chores and such. You know, to keep the peace and all that."

"Fine. Whatever you say boss." He said, saluting me. "Im of to work. Oh, and i sending you to work today. So wait for me alright. I'll be here at around 1.30pm."

"But , why? I dont need a chaperone."

"Apparently you do. Until we figure out who followed you , and whether they are friendly or not, im sending and picking you up from work. Every. Single. Day." He finished with a laugh and strutted his way out from the apartment, not before he stuffed his bag with five more muffins.

"That idiot." I said, shaking my head. This is going to be a long, i have no idea, month? Week? I hope we figure things out soon.


That's it for now.

Please comment if you have any suggestions and vote if you like this chapter.

Will update again soon.

