This dump?


Dear Diary,

You know what I learned today, I learned someone I know can sing. Very close to baritone but still a tender voice. You guessed it, Bolin. He started singing some random song that I can't get out of my head. Not cause it was catchy but because he sang it. I can't wait to hear more of his shower singing as this break progresses.



I write in my diary as I stuff it away. Most guys don't find it manly to keep one but hey, I do. I think they are a great way to express yourself if you cant do art like paint-covered Druk. I turn on the radio and dynamite comes on by BTS and I sit down in the bean bag chair. I wait for a while before Bolin comes out from his concert in the shower. He was wearing nothing but his towel so naturally, I tried to hide my blush and looked down.

"So, you gonna say hi?" Bolin asks me since I was the only one in the room.

"hi," I mumble refusing to look at him. 

"Come on it can't be that bad, I knew I was well cute but not cuter than you. So would you look at me?" He asks and I look over to him. He is sitting next to me and he smiles and I do as well. 

"Get some clothes on," I say as I smile and try not to laugh. 

"K, love" Bolin says as he pecks my cheek and I turn red. He rushes away and I fall back fully into the bean bag chair and try not to squeal.

"Someone is happy," Druk says as he walks into the room.

"Go away Druk. Not now for your teasing." I say as I throw a pillow at him and he catches it. 

"Now I got to know, what happened, did you, did you two? Oh my god DID YOU TWO!"


"HEY WHAT'S GOING ON!" Bolin says as he rushes in half-dressed.

"Oh?" Druk says and he smiles and I groan into the pillow.

"What happened?" Bolin asks.

"Nothing," I mumble into the pillow.

"Everything," Druk says as he runs out of the room. Suddenly the song comes on, the song. Into you, air.

"Hey, I love this song," Bolin says and I look down.

"So do I," I mumble.

"I can barely breath," Bolin sings, I'm so dead. 

"Oh no," I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear and he smiles. He continues singing.

"Oh, baby look what you started!" He sings as he jumps on the bing bag chair on me then he kisses me as air sings before I make a move.

"I, I um wow I just." I begin. 

"A little less conversation and a little more-" Bolin begins to sing again before Druk rushes in.

"Keep it down, the next thing I know I'll hear more than just that," Druk says with paint in his hand and a pencil. he then walks out.

"You know he's right, when we do this we shoul-"

"No, don't finish that," I say and Bolin smiles and we kiss one last time before the song ends. He then lays down next to me and I rest my head on his chest and play with his curl.


"Merry Christmas!" Everyone yells. It was nice being surrounded by people. I slip my hand into Bolins and smile.

"Present time!" Korra yells as she almost dives into the pile of presents. Each person got one from each person. So, in short, I got presents from everyone. My final present was from Bolin. He got down on his knee when he presented it. It was a small box. I suddenly got confused and he looked around at everyone. 

"(y/n), I love you so much I was wondering something," Bolin says and I couldn't believe it. I started to shake. 

"Yes?" I ask him.

"Will you, um well, will you make me the happiest man in the world and um..."


"Wear this necklace," Bolin says as he opens the box and shows a forest and a moon above shinning down. 

"It's beautiful," I mumble as he stands up and we hug. I turn around and he clamps it behind my neck and I look down at the dainty thing. It reminded me of Bolin, not the dainty part but the forest did. I then sit down and look around at everyone cooing over the gesture. "Oh shut up,"

"They're just jealous," Bolin says as he sits down next to me. 

"I know," I say as I smile and rest my head on his shoulder.  I brush my hair out of my face.

"Well for all the sing 21-year-olds, I think we need a drink, shall we go mako? Leave the two sets of love birds alone." Druk says as he begins to get up and then walks away, most likely to the kitchen. Mako follows quickly behind him. 

"Well, we best be off as well." Korra and Asami say.

"Wait why?" I ask as they get up.

"Date night," Asami says and Korra nods her head.

"Night then," Bolin says as he waves to them and they walk away.

"Well, I should head back to my dorm. Before nightfall." I say.

"I'll walk you back," Bolin says and I nod. We get up and head out. When we walk into the sun I am temporarily blinded and when I look around I notice I was alone with Bolin. We begin to walk back to the dorm that I live at and when we get there I unlock the door.

"he so I was wondering something," Bolin says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"(y/n), can I stay over tonight?" Bolin asks and I am shocked.

"You want to stay at this dump?" I ask and nods then shakes his head.

"Yes I want to stay but no it's not a dump," Bolin says smiling triumphantly.

"Fine but we weren't expecting any visitors." I say as I unlock the door. I go to my dorm room and its a complete mess of things. I pick up the laundry from my bed and put it on my chest and I hear get picked up by Bolin and we laugh.
