
"You know I think they have the best Ice cream in the world here." Bolin says and I smile at him.

"Maybe but have you gone to every ice cream shop in the world?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"We should do that." Bolin says and I shake my head.

"Got to much work and it would just be so, whats the word I'm looking for." I say and begin to think.

"Impracticable?" Bolin asks and I nod.

"You know I bet your parents would be very proud of you." I say and he smiles.

"Well, I'm sure your parents are proud of you. Maybe one day I could meet them." Bolin says and I look down.

"I don't think so." I say.

"Why? What's wrong?" Bolin asks as he reaches across the table.

"My parents, like yours are gone. THey died freshman year of college." I say and Bolin nods.

"Wait, then where are you sleeping?" Bolin asks.

"I could ask you the same thing." I say and he nods.

"I sleep on campus for breaks. Now what about you?" Bolin asks.

"I usually sleep with Druk but of recent I've been couch surfing." I say and I feel Bolin's fingers squeeze my own.

"Not anymore." He says and I look up at him. His one strand of hair was falling right over his eye.

"What do you mean?" I ask him and he smiles.

"You'll stay in our dorm. I'm sure Mako wont mind and on top of that Korra and Asami wont be there so you could take on of their rooms." Bolin says.

"Are you sure?" I ask him.

"Yeah I'll talk with Mako and you'll be set." Bolin says and I feel a tear fall out.

"I don't know if you know how much this means to me. It's the first place I can kinda call my own since my parents died." I say as I wipe a tear from my eye. At this I hear the small ring of the bell for the store.

"I have a bit of an idea." Bolin says and we lean in.

"Is this your boyfriend (Y/N)?" You hear Kai say and look over to him.

"What do you want?" I ask Kai and he sits down at our table. I can feel Bolin's anger.

"I want to call a truce." Kai says and I look at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"I wont be a jerk to you if you're not one to me." He says and I raise my eyebrows.

"Deal." I say and we shake and he leaves. I feel something in my hand. It was a small piece of paper.

"Odd wasn't that?" Bolin asks and I nod. I begin to open the piece of paper. It reads, 'hurt him, or I will do it for you'

"What's that?" Bolin asks as I crumple up the paper.

"Another threat. Not the first one I've gotten from him." I say and Bolin grabs the paper and reads it. He looks down in shock.

"He is threatening you, with me?" Bolin asks and I smile weakly.

"It's fine, he can't hurt you, I'll make sure of it." I say and Bolin nods. I look down at my watch and it was late. "I think I should head on home now." 

"Okay, um but at least let me walk you there." Bolin says and I shake my head.

"No, let me walk you to your dorm. I can find my way back easily." I say and Bolin shakes his head.

"Nope I'm walking you home, end of discussion." He says and I nod.

"Fine," I say and we grab our stuff and leave the store. We walk and talk for a while until we reach my building.

"Alright well I guess I'll see you later." Bolin says.

"Do you want to come up?" I ask and he looks around and nods.

"That would be nice." He says in a timid voice. I walk up the stairs with Bolin and into our building. He looks around and seems confused.

"What is it?" I ask him as I begin to unlock the door.

"Oh well I um, in my dorm room it's a lot bigger per person and a lot, newer." Bolin says as I open the door and nod.

"Makes sense, but this is home, would you like anything to drink or eat?" I ask and Bolin walks inside. 

"Could I have some water?" Bolin asks and I nod. I go to the fridge and get some water while Bolin sits on the couch.

"(Y/N)! GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" I hear Druk call out. I set the water on the counter and wink to Bolin and put a finger to my lips. I open up Druk's room and find him on the bed.

"What?" I ask and he looks around.

"Two things, one is I can't find my phone. Second, there's a spider." He says and I nod my head.

"Fine i'll get it for you." I say and Druk sits on the bed. I look around for a bit and find a small spider. I pull it out and it sits in my hand.

"That's it, thats the demon." Druk says pointing to the small spider I have in my hand.

"You are always like this," I say as I walk out of the room and into the main area. I see Bolin struggling not to laugh and I show him the spider. I open a window and put it down outside.

"See the demon, it probably laid eggs in you." Druk says as he comes around the corner in basically nothing.

"Hi," Bolin says and Druk turns read.

"STOP BRINGING PEOPLE OVER WITHOUT TELLING ME!" Druk says as he storms off to find some clothes.

"Is he always like this?" Bolin asks me as I lay down on the couch.

"Nope usually he is also covered in dry paint." I say as I rest my head on Bolin's shoulder.

"Do you want to watch some T.V.?" Bolin asks and I look at him.

"We don't have T.V. here." I say.

"Then what do you do for fun?" Bolin asks.

"Read, write. Druk draws and does his painting. We both scroll through our phones." I say and Bolin nods.

"I'm a bit tired, maybe you could read to me?" Bolin asks and I smile.

"Just don't fall asleep on me." I say as I get up and grab a book.
