Beginning to break


"So finals are done, what are you going to do?" Bolin asks me as we walk to the courtyard.

"Probably read, I'll have the entire dorm to myself since I opted to stay this break while Druk and his family travel around for Christmas." I say.

"Cool, well I'm here too if you ever get lonely." Bolin says.

"I don't get lonely. I get depressed." I say with a huge grin.

"I worry about your humor sometimes." Bolin says and I hold his hand.

"I worry a lot about it as well." I say trying not to laugh at my phrasing.

"I also sometimes wonder if english was your first language. I mean, you struggle a lot with it." Bolin says and I begin to laugh. We sit down in the grass releasing hands.

"What are you doing for christmas?" I ask.

"You, why?" Bolin asks and I choke and he laughs. "No Mako and I don't do much, what about you?"

"Nothing, usually I sit around and read." I say as I begin eating my sandwich.

"We can do nothing together." Bolin says.

"How? Do you have room in your dorm?" I ask and shake my head.

"No but you do." Bolin says and I laugh.

"Wait you're series?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" He asks.

"Cause it's the slums of this place, why would you want to?" I ask.

"Because you'll be there." Bolin says and I smile and blush a little as I take another bite of my sandwich.

"Well I mean, I ummm" I stutter.

"You're cute when you stutter. I like it." Bolin says.

"I'm going to get you back for that." I say quietly and Bolin holds my hand.

"I'm sure you will." Bolin says as he begins to unwrap his tacos and shovels them into his mouth.

"Slow down, you'll eat another day unless you choke which is-" I begin before Bolin starts to choke. My eyes widen and swiftly move around the back of him and grab his stomach and then he stops choking.

"hey," Bolin says and I sigh and drop my head into his shoulder.

"You faked it didn't you?" I ask.


"And I fell for it."


"I hate you," I say playfully.

"Love you too," Bolin says as he looks to be and cups my chin. I can feel his warm breath against my nose and lips. We both begin to lean in then I smile and lean away and he loses balance and drops his head into my lap.

"Hey," I say.

"How dare you," Bolin says and I laugh and kiss his forehead and twirl his curl through my fingers. We sigh and look into each other's eyes. I smile slightly.

"You're cute," I say and he smiles.

"What else are you thinking?" He asks me and smile.

"Just about you and you and finals and you," I say and he smiles.

"I'm glad, education is important." He says and I run my hands through his hair.

"It is, well this has been fun." I say and he smiles then frowns.

"Wait are you leaving?" Bolin asks as he sits up and I smile.

"No, I was just saying it's been fun." I say and smiles and lays his head back down.

"I'm going to make you the best and fanciest and most romanitc date ever this Winter break." Bolin says as he closes his eyes.

"Yeah?" I push.

"Yep, candles and flowers and sunsets and so much more." Bolin says.

"What else?" I ask.

"Skeletons and mass murders and slabs of human flesh." Bolin teases as he opens one eye.

"Very romantic." I tease back and we chuckle together. We sit in silence for a little bit before we hear the infamous voice.

"Love birds come on we have practice!" We hear and shoot up and look over to Mako.

"Cant wait to watch you practice today." I say as Bolin stretches off my lap.

"You say that every time." Bolin says as he begins to stand and grabs his stuff. I follow quickly after.

"Well I mean it every time." I say as we begin to walk to the gym.

"I didn't say I didn't like it." Bolin says as he holds my hand.


"Yeah, I love it, helps me get through the practice." 


"Yep, it makes me almost want to sing like a disney character." Bolin says as the gym begins to come into view.

"So you promise me that romantic date?" I ask.

"Of course, everything up here." Bolin says as he points to his head.

"So cobwebs and empty space?" I ask and he nudges me.

"No, there are also some occasional thoughts of food." Bolin jokes and we both laugh as we begin to enter into the gym.

"K well see you later." I say and Bolin goes into the locker room. I head up the stairs of the bleachers and sit next to Asami who was already there.

"Hey you, how are you two doing?" Asami asks as she looks at me. I look down and realize I was covered in mud and grass stains.

"Well we are doing well. I'm just tired." I say and Asami raises her eye brows.

"Did you two?" Asami asks.

"No, no oh heavens no, from finals. Jeez what the heck!" I say in shock.

"Well good, cause I thought from the look of things you two did it in the middle of a patch of grass." She says and laugh.

"No if we did it it would be all romantic and stuff." I say with a small wink.

"First off, awwww, second ew" Asami says which gets us both to laugh on the bleachers.

"You know it's nice talking to you about random stuff." I say.

"Like th eblue whale fact you were spitting out yesterday?" She asks.

"Yeah how it can swallow 400 humans at once. That just seems amazing." I say with wide eyes.

"Here we go again." Asami says.

"I wont go into it but you have to agree, it's amazing." I say and she smiles.

"It is, now are you going to do something for winter break?" She asks.

"Read but that's really it." I say.

"Nothing romanitc with your little unagi?" She asks.

"Well he said he was going to make the most romantic date ever so if that actually happens then that." I say and she smiles.
