
Jermaine POV..
when I got out the shower I put on some fresh pair of gym shorts and Nike socks. I left out the restroom to see tay sleep. I smiled and played down with her.

Next day.

I woke up to the sun booming in my face. I got up and put on my house shoes. I brushed my teeth and washed my face then went to go check on ken I walked in her room to see her waking up I picked her up and took her to the restroom. I helped her brush her teeth and I washed her face. Then we went downstairs carefully not to wake tay.shh don't wake up mommy I said putting one finger over my mouth. When we got to the kitchen I took out eggs bacon grits sausage and pancakes u want to help me cook bbg I asked she nodded and held her hands up so I would pick her up. I grabbed her and sat her on the counter. After we finished cooling we put it on a plater and put some chocolate chips and whip cream on the pancakes saying good morning beautiful. I got her a cup of orange juice too and a rose we walked slowly with the dish and went in my room. Go I did signalling ken to jump on tay but carefully. She jumped on her but not on her stomach mommy mommy look she did pointing to me. Tay woke up and smiled I chuckled and gave it her. She kissed me and read the pancake who made this she said looking at me. Me and ken I said this is beautiful. Taste it already ken said I laughed and o watched tay taste is mmmm she said then gave me and ken some. U going to the hospital today tay asked I shock my head then sighed. Alright me and ken coming too cause I want to make sure they alright tay said. OK I said walking to the restroom. I took a shower and when I got out I put on some black sweat pants a green lime shirt that says of in black letters and my white black and lime green nikes. I brushed my hair then left out the restroom. I saw tay in a pink and black hoodie some black tights and her pink ugh boots with her hair in a bun. Ken had on a yellow and black hoodie some black tights and yellow ugg boots. And her hair was in 2 ponytales still but they looked fresh. I grabbed my phone and keys and we was out. While we was driving ken asked for my phone. Daddy can I see your phone ken asked I looked at her threw the mirror and smiled she is so cute no homo. Yea I saidtaking my phone out my lap with the free hand that I never drive with. I gave it to try and tay gave it to ken. We pulled up at MacDonald's so I could buy jamiyah and my mom something I got them a bacon breakfast sandwich a hash brown each and both a orange juice. I got ken a ice cream cone since she kept roaching. When we got to the hospital I helped tay out then I helped ken out the car and I held her stocky hands with lot of ice cream on her face I took a picture then we walked in the hospital. After the lady at the front desk told up which room my mom was in we walled to her room and went in to see her up watching TV. Hey ma I bought u some food I said kissing her cheak. Thank u cause this shit here taste like dirt. Granny ken said running and jumping in my mom I got up quick no ken nahh Shes alright my mom said. OK I said sitting back down. Weres Terrance I asked my ma. He's in jamiyah room my ma said. OK I'll b righ5 back ken u fine stay with GMA till I come back I asked. She nodded and me and tay walked out the room. We went upstairs to jamiyah room when we opened the door I saw Terrance and jamiyah talking hey sista I said giving her her food and kissing her cheak. Hey brudda for me she said acting slow about the food. Yes I said. Thank u u the best brother ever she said hyper I'm the only brother of yours ever I said sitting down. Weres jr I asked. He went upstairs with daddy to go see lyra Terrance said dapping me up. OK I said. Weres ken jamitah asked with a mouth full of hash brown . I shock my head he's downstairs with ma I said.hey girl I am I yay said hugging tay. Hey tay said. Hey nephew jamiyah said rubbing tay stomach. He kicked tay said I felt her stomach then in walked derick I wanna feel he said rubbing tay stomach she piped his hand. Ouch he said snatching his hand what was that for he asked. For fun duhhh. Man wateva were my home girl Kennedy he asked. She in room 27 downstairs I said. Alright he said then walked out.4 min after he left Anthony and g came. Wasssup homeboys jamiyah said smiling hard. Wassup boo g said said acting like a girl. Boy get yo gay ass on Anthony said I laughed y'all a trip I said dapping them up.then the doctor walked in. Ms brown u are free we never u are ready the doctor said giving her the release papers. Terance signed them and we got up and went lyra room all of us. When we got in here my dad ma own Jr and deric was in there around her bed I shock my head because this the sad part then the nurse walked in. She's still not responding to anything the knife hit something on her side and idk this has never happened whomever stabbed her knew what they was doing but she's still has a little life left in her but it will take a mirricale to wale her up she said. I looked at the door to see Cameron standing there with some flowers and a teddy bear he dropped it then ran out the room wait Cameron tay and jamiyah said running out the room after him. I'm sorry for your lost the nurse said walking out with her head down. We all turned around and looked at Lyra to see her still laying there lifeless I walked up to her and put my hand on her heart to feel it beating really slowly I close my eyes and a flashback to my head.
Flashback when I was 12 and she was seven promise me u will never leave me lyra said I promise I will never leave u we stick together u me and jamiyah and if things fall apart I will never give up on u I said thank u big brother she said hugging me. Bet I said putting my hand in the middle she chuckled bet she said putting her hand in top of mines.
Flashback over
I tear fell out my eye and I opened my eyes. I picked ken up and she hugged Lyra and we walled out.

Cameron POV...
when I heard her say she might b sea my heard stopped for a second and nothing mattered. I dropped the stuff I bought and ran out the room. I heard tay and miyah coming after me. I stopped and turned around what I said angry. Hold up they said catching there breathes. Listen cam I no this is just as hard on you as it is on us but we can fight this all together pray go to church just don't beat yourself up jamiyah said. I looked into space for a sec and had a flashback.
Flashback I was on the phone with Lyra when we was in seventh grade do u like me she asked yes fashow I been looking for a girl to come and that girl is u I like u too awww promise me we will end up together she asked. I promise u I said ded serious.
Flashback over. I just bust out crying and fell to the floor. No please don't tay said bussing out crying she is horrible help. Jamiyah just held me. Then Jermaine walled out with ken holding his hand. Uncle cam y r u cwying ken asked. Im not crying I got allergies I said whippign my face. She looked up at Jermaine what is allergies daddy she asked. When yo eyes get watery and u start sneezing he said. I gtg but umm in back I said getting up off the ground. OK they all said feeling sorry for me. I walked out.

Jermaine POV...
when Cameron left we all left and went to my house. Ken and Jr sent with my ma and dad to they house for a little long until night time. When we got in the house I went to the island and sat in the stool. I feel bad for Cameron tay said coming in between my legs. Yass girl that's just plain redocuous jamiyah said. Bro tommorow we need to go to church I said. O yes because I haven't been since my moms died tay said turning her head up looking at me. Yea but we should invite Cameron jamiyah said. Bae move real quick so I can go get a bottle of water. She got off me and I got off the stool and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of plain water and a small koolaid pack. I went back in the dinning room and got back on my stool tay was sitting in the one next to me. I opened my bottle of water and poorer the koolaid pack in it. I closed the top and shock it.I stopped after 5 shacks and opened it it was cold too. I drunk some then I put it down. We should do something big for lyra tay said. I shrugged and walked out the dinning room with my drink.

Taylor POV..
I sighed when Jermaine walked out the living room I no this is hard for him I'll get him jamiyah said walking out the living room. I hope Lyra gone b alright terance said sitting by me. Yea me too I said with my head down I felt my eyes getting watery then tears just fell on my arms. Teeance hugged me and told me its going to b alright. I was stressing to much then bam.

Jermaine POV...
Jermaine y u acting like u the only one hurt she's my sister too I heard jamiyah say. Yea OK wateva I said not wanting to talk quit acting like that u think this is easy on me my little sister in the hospital could be dying we going threw the same thing dude she yelled. Man quit talking to me jamiyah foreal yo I said. OK u right she said whipping her tears. U mad well I'm mad to u hurt I am too so stfu cause I'm tired OK yo I'm tired we ain't in this together u do u and imma do me I said snapping at her. She whipped her tears she was walking out then she turned around and looked at me in this together no worry's just hope love u more yes possible she said using something we always say together she whipped her tears then walked out the room closing the door. I felt sorry ivthrew a picture at the wall then terance busted in tay she passed out he yelled I ran out the room and picked her up bridal style I ran her out the house and started the CSR I rushed the hospital and they took her from me when I brought her in. 3hr later Taylor is alright she was just under a lot of stress and the baby almost died but he's alright the doctor said. When can we see her I asked well she will b out in a few she is free to leave the doctor said I smiled then Taylor came out. And hugged me I hugged her back. Now she can't b in stress or the baby will die the doctor said. Terance hugged tay then we all walked out. We went back to my house. I went inside still not talking to jamiyah. What's going on with u and jamiyah taysaid pulling me in the game room. Nun I was mad and he tried to calm me down and I snapped I said shrugging tay punched me in my arm u wring that's yo sister she said. Mam I ain't trynna hear that my sister laying on her death bed and u wanna come to me with this bull shit I said. She held her hands up in surrender u no what I'm done I'm trying to help u threw this but u refuse to b helped. U don't think I no how pain feel my moms died but no its only about your sister I love her too she yelled then she walked out the game room.

Taylor POV...
I walked upstairs and got my suit case out I put some clothes in it and shoes and all that shit. I'm not breaking up with him I just need time he out of his mind right now. Then I went to ken room and put clothes and shoes toothbrushes her teddy bear that she always have then I zippedi t up and grabbed both of our suit cases. Baby please don't leave Jermaine said holding my waste let me go I'm not breaking up with u we just need space u delusional I said crying I saw a tear run down his face so I walked around him with the suit cases then I got in my car and drove to his parents house to get ken. After I picked ken up she asked were her daddy was. He's not here baby I said smiling in the review mirror trying to pretend nothings wrong. Can I go to him she asked not now I said. She poute then he start crying. I sighed and made a u turn I'll take u bbg I said she whipped her tears. I pulled up to Jermaine house and got out the car. I took ken out the car too and knocked on the door. She looked at me mommy don't u have a key she asked. Not any more I said smiling she looked ate like what the hell u talking about I smiled then Jermaine answered the door. Don't u got a key he asked. Nope I left it in here on purpose. O u want to come in he asked. Nope just came to drop ken off she wanted to stay with u for today I said. OK he said picking her up. Then he looked at me. I love u he said I love u too bye I said turning around to walk away. He grabbed my arm and smashed his lips against mines then I heard ken fart I pulled away and looked at her. What that wasn't me she said looking like she ain't do nun. I shock my head and covered my nose. Jermaien was dying laughing then I ran to my car with my hand over my nose when I got in I took it from over my nose.Then jermaine called me i answered yea I asked. Come home baby I'm sorry I was just hurt I didn't no I was hurting u or jamiyah he said well OK since I don't anywhere to go bit u have a lot of making up to do I said. U right we gone start tonight he said. I laughed no bae doctor said no sex I said. He smacked his lips alright just one home ma he said I'm outside I said getting our the car. I got a big iPhone six plus and one of those blue tooth things that go in your ear to talk in bit I got the other ones that go around your neck and u tall into it with the ear phones coming out of them. Alright I'm finna come outside he said OK babe I said closing the car door and hanging up the phone. I saw him open the door I laughed and walked in. He went to go get bags and after he put all them back he came downstairs. Hey he said sitting on the couch with me hey I said smiling he rubbed my thigh I'm sorry he said I smiled better b I said kissing his lips. I love u I said love u too he said.

jermaine POV...
Kennedy came running to us. Mommy daddy I hungy she said pointing to her mouth. OK baby u want pizza bites tay asked I chuckled what she asked nun its just me and u no what don't worry about
It I said turning my smile into a frown.
Flashback I love u I said I love u too miyah said not possible I laughed yes possible if u ever get lost don't sweat it sister we in this together just hope I said she laughed and hugged me.
Flashback over. I just went upstairs.
