
Shayle on the side

Jamal POV...
When me and the guys left Brianna house we didn't go back to the trap cuz we got our kids with us so hell nahh when I got to the car the first thing I did was change Jermaine cuz these clothes his momma put on him is a shame got my nigga looking gay and soft. I put a yellow wonzy on Jim that had his name written in blue on it. I put him on some blue joggers and some blue and yellow jordans. There u go lil man yor momma trippin putting u in dat gay shit. He laughed. I put him in his car seat in the back and followed the boys cars I didn't no we're we we're going I just no it was some were...

Brandon POV...
the guys following behind me and we finna go to fat boys. I looked in my rivu mirror and saw kaleb just sitting there wide awake quiet. I smiled and turned on some music no new friends came on and I turned it up a lil bit...

At fat boys.

Jamal POV...
After 20 minutes of driving we finally got to our destination. We we're at fat boys. I got out the car and grabbed a sleeping Jermaines car seat. I put his paci in his mouth so he won't wake up it was a blue paci. I walked ova to the guys and capped them up. We entered fat boys and it was chill. This waitress with brown skin and short hair stop above her shoulder a lot of makeup on came and was flirting. She swayed her hips showing us our seats. She barely had a ass she ain't got nun on Nichole. After we sat down we looked at the menu it was a big Booth so all of u could fit even the girls can fit up in here. Ill b right back with your orders she said hitting her lip. And winking at me. I looked at Derick and he was laughing. Nigga what's funny I asked him. U u funny got the ratchet black waitress and don't let me forget crazy and now u got this one. Nigga fuck both them I got a wife. Well technically a fiance y'all getting married in a year so stfu Derick said. I mean mugged him. I decided to call the girls to see if they wanna meat us down here.

Nichole POV..
I was finna fall asleep when my phone rang. I sighed and answered it. Yalll wanna meet us down here at fat boys jb said. Yea b right there I replied. We both hung up and I woke the girls up y'all let's go we finna meat the guys at fat boys. They got up and we grabbed our purses and was out we rode in separate cars except for Brianna this Bitch look like she finna have birth she rode with me. We talked the whole way there. We got there in 20 minutes I got out my car and so did Brianna. I walked to the rest of the girls and we walked in. The waitress showed us the guys and we walled over there. Tani ran to kaleb and picked him up Bitch u just saw him a hr ago I said. So I miss him still no telling what dum dummy dummer and dumest gone do to my baby she said pointing at all of them as she name them. They mean mugged her and she flicked all them the finger I laughed this Bitch crazy. We all sat down by our man and the waitress came back meanmugging us. Who is these she asked poling her gum pointing at us and looking at the guys. This our lady's Jerome said. O I guess I thought y'all was single. Bitch take our order dumb ass hoe look at thus ring I shower her the ring and she hit my hand down. All I saw was black. Jb saw it in my eyes and he held me and whispered in my ear u pregnant and u not finna hurt my seed or yourself then he kissed me. I smiled and said look Bitch don't ever touch me u don't no me I don't no u I don't want to no u if I didn't have my son or I wasn't pregnant I would jump over this table and beat the shit out of u. Brianna tani and aliyah was mad cuz she hit me but they couldn't get up the guys was holding them tight. The waitress smirked and ask us what we wanted we all said hot wings so she got the 80 piece hot wings spicy but not too spicy. And I had a drink. So I won't kill this how but not a drink that can get me drunk just a little strong. the whole time we was eating this Bitch was being disrespectful she said my son ugly I laughed cuz everybody calls him cute and he is very cute she called tani son a girl so I no she finna go off when we leave here. She called Brianna big and aliyah a white Bitch. Then she start talking close to aliyah like she was slow. I'm bilengwal I speak Bitch too aliyah said. After we finished eating the boys took Jermaine and kaleb and grabbed our hands tight. Let me whoop this hoe I asked. No u pregnant jb said. When we was walking out I stepped on her toe.
I kissed jb on the lips and walked to my car Brianna wanted to ride with Jerome.

4months later

Nichole POV...
I am now 6 months pregnant Brianna had her pretty lil girl and her name was shayle she is so cute and aliyah is having a boy while I'm having a girl tani is 3months pregnant. right now I am sitting on the couch watching tv eating ice cream with jb we been hanging out all day we really need to get started on my baby girl nursery. Babe we need to go to the store and get things for her nersury and then pick out wall paper we need to get started right Now becau I was cut off by a passionate kiss from jb OK come on let go he said grabbing his keys. I was wearing some yellow Capri tight yogo pants that stop at the bottom of my knee and a shirt to math with my yellow pink and white Nike's. I got off the couch and we walked out the door hand in hand. He opened my car door and I got in. Then we got in and we we're off to toys are us Jermaine is 1 and he is trying to walk but he is over tani house. She wanted to keep him cuz she in love with my baby Jermaine can also now say mommy and daddy yup he can say it that's the only two words he no how to say he. He has teeth just not all of them maybe idk but he has teeth in his mouth. when we got to baby's r us. And we walked I in hand in hand. I got pamers clothes toys baby oil baby powder baby lotion baby blankets and jb got stuff for Jermaine like clothes and toys after we paid we left and went to another store to get paint and a cradel car seat play pin a rocking chair books glow stars and I had jamiyah name made and I'm going to hand it over her crib all her stuff say her name I got her a pillow with her name on it. After 2hrs of shopping I went hone to start on her room her name is going to b jamiyah Monroe brown I like it and jb does too. When we got home I tried to help jb with the bags but he wouldn't let me take a step closer I laughed and went upstairs to her nursery when jb brought all the stuff in the house we got started on her room. We painted two walls pink and two walls purple then jb put the cradel in there and her rocking chair all of the stuff we bought in her room it looked so pretty when we was done. We walked out her room hand in hand and took a shower I'm tired. We fell asleep together and I was happy to b sleeping with the man I love and b having a girl with my son life is perfect right now I just wish my momma wasn't always gone I call her from here and there but she went off and got married now she live in new York city. She comes down here on holidays with her husband jermey but that's all....
