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Jeno smiled, humming to himself as he sat on the bed, happily hugging his stuffed bunny close to his chest with his eyes closed. Jaemin had to go out to get groceries so he was left alone in the apartment for a bit, just him and Bongsik, doors locked and stuffed animals lying about. He did have to admit he had made a bit of a mess in the room- not in that way you dirty fucker. As in he had scattered his stuffed animals all over the room. It made him feel safe for some reason, having all of his stuffed animals keeping watch around the space. He hugged the plush closer and opened his eyes, snuggling under the covers and peeking out from the top with wide eyes.

"Doyoung, we'll be okay, right?" He hid his face back under the covers and looked at the bunny. "Yeah.. Jaeminie will come back quickly and then we can cuddle, and watch TV, and-" he froze when he heard a crash in the kitchen, his blood running cold and his eyes widening. He drew in a shaky breath and held the stuffed toy closer, wishing to be anything but alone at that moment.

He should call Jaemin.

He should call Jaemin and then call the cops.

He nodded at the thought and with all the courage he could muster, he got out from under the covers and reached for his phone-

But it wasn't on the dresser.

He must've left it at the table after breakfast, or on the coffee table when him and Jaem were watching TV. He whimpered a bit and sunk back under the covers slowly, his breathing quickening as he curled into a tight ball and shut his eyes. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he listened very carefully for any other noises.

There were a couple. One sounded like someone rummaging around the kitchen drawers, a couple more crashing sounds like someone shoving everything off the counter. He shook his head and scooted further into the corner of the bed, as far from the door as he could get while still staying under the sheets.

Breathe Jeno, breathe...

He listened to himself, trying to relax. He took a couple of slow, deep breaths, slowly opening his eyes a bit and relaxing his body. He couldn't have all this stress, he couldn't be freaking out all the time. He needed to be strong.

For Jaemin, and Chenle, and-

Another crash.

This one was different, more like a bag of things being dropped on the floor and heavy steps towards the door. His eyes widened in fear, staring at the blanket he was under as he heard the door swing open.

"Jeno, baby, what happened?" The older sighed, relief washing over him at the sound of Jaemin's voice. He pulled the blankets off from over him and sat up, tears falling down his face as he reached out for the younger.

"J-Jaeminie.." He cried. The pink-haired boy rushed forward, sitting on the bed and taking Jeno into his hold.

"Jen I'm so sorry I left you alone.. Is everything alright? Are you Okay, did you get hurt?" Jeno shook his head.

"I-is the scary thing g-gone?" He asked. Jaemin furrowed his brows.

"What do you mean?"

"The thing that m-made all that noise?" Jaemin let out an airy chuckle.

"That.. That must've been Bongsik. I came walking through the door to see that goddamn cat knocking everything off the counters. The kitchens a wreck cause of em'." Jeno sighed and nodded, more relief filling him. He tried to pull away to let Jaemin go take care of the groceries, but the younger kept his hold around the other's waist.

"Let's stay like this for a second Nono.." He murmured, placing his forehead against Jeno's with a smile. Jeno looked up into the other boy's eyes and saw a warmth within them that he had never before known to be possible. This all felt so surreal to him, like he was truly living in his own fantasy, his own happily ever after. With a small content smile he spoke to the younger.

"I love you so much Nana.. So so much." Jaemin's smile grew.

"I love you too.." Jeno tilted his head and leaned forward, capturing the boys lips in a soft kiss. He felt safe like this, held in Jaemin's arms, lips lovingly captured by the one he valued most. He loved this boy before him with all his heart. He always had and he always would. They pulled away slowly, almost reluctant to end it before letting themselves sit peacefully like that.

The soft evening sun the filtered in through the window streaked across their skin, catching on the dust in the air and making the whole moment even more beautiful. The contentment that had settled between them was only interrupted by Jeno moving. He gently grabbed Jaemin's wrist and placed it on his slightly swollen stomach, feeling warmth flow through him at the touch. He leaned his forehead against the youngers and closed his eyes, the smile still sitting on his lips.

"Jaem.. This is our baby...." He whispered, the thought still crazy and unimaginable to him. Jaemin chuckled as he gently rubbed the small bump of his lovers stomach.

"Yes, it is.." He whispered back, his voice low. Jeno laughed and moved to put his arms around the other's neck. He contently sighed and fully relaxed his body against Jaemin, said boy moving his hands to be back behind Jeno to hold him there. There was a moment of pause before Jaemin spoke again. "Let me take care of you." Jeno opened his eyes slowly with a small confused frown on his face, pulling away and meeting Jaemin's gaze.

"You already take good enough care of me though.." Jaemin shook his head.

"Not just making you dinner and giving you cuddles. I mean let me spoil you and treat you like the prince you are. You deserve so much more than I could ever afford ever with Chenle's money but, let me spoil you so hard and take the best care of you. From now on ask me for anything you want and I'll get it for you... Okay?" Jeno nodded slowly. "And no denying the gifts I get you, got it?" Jeno nodded a bit more surely and Jaemin smiled. "Good.. Now then, what would you like?" Jeno smiled gently as he thought about it.

"Well, right now I want to watch movies and cuddle.. And have pizza for dinner." Jaemin's smile widened and his eyes sparkled, standing up and carrying Jeno in his arms as well. The older squeaked and clung onto Jaemin who just laughed, bringing the boy out to the living room. He sat on the couch, Jeno still cozily in his hold, and took out his phone to order pizza. Jeno snuggled into the boy's neck happily.

"Change of plans Nana. You can play Overwatch while I give you cuddles." He said with a giggle. Jaemin tilted his head.

"But I wanted to-"

"No buts! You deserve to be taken care of too.. You've been through just as much as I have and you've given me so much more- the least I can do is return the favor a bit." He said before nuzzling back into Jaemin's neck, leaving small kisses here and there. The younger nodded a bit, enjoying the feeling of being loved as he ordered something else he loved.


It had been a couple of minutes since he had ordered the pizza, now in a quick play match on Overwatch while Jeno remained seated in his lap. The older had been resting for a while, occasionally lifting his head and placing small kisses onto Jaemin's neck. The younger just tried to focus on the match, playing bastion and needing to be sure he stayed behind the fucking shield but the goddamn Orisa kept MOVING THE FUCKING SHIELD LIKE JESUS HOW HARD IS IT TO PLACE THE SHIELD ON THE PAYLOAD AND STAY WITH THE BASTION AND MERCY SO THEY DON'T FUCKING DIE, but it wasn't working out in his favor. Especially when Jeno started to leave longer kisses while moving his hands to thread into the other boy's hair and pet it ever so softly, delicate hands carding through the faded pink locks. Jaemin hummed a bit at the feeling, understanding that maybe Jeno had no clue what he was doing to him.

But oh did he know.

He especially knew when he subtlety shifted in the younger's lap, moving slightly against the other boy in a manner that seemed anything but innocent. Jaemin groaned a bit, blaming it on the fact that the enemy Phara had killed him and not on the fact that Jeno was beginning to grind slowly on his member. He tapped the boy's back lightly with the controller.



"Can you um.."

"What is it Jaemin?" The older asked innocently. Jaemin opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the sound of a knock at the door. He gave an awkward smile and handed the boy his controller.

"Could you take over for me for a sec?" Jeno pouted, giving a small whine and shaking his head. He clung tighter to Jaemin. "What you wanna come with me?" The older nodded, wrapping his legs tightly around the other's waist. Jaemin chuckled and set his controller on the couch, not caring if he got removed for inactivity, before standing up from the couch, holding Jeno close to him. He had paid online so all he had to do was take the pizza boxes and put it on the counter. So, with Jeno clinging to him like a koala, he answered the door.

The pizza man looked up from the boxes and melted at the sight of the two boys, Jeno clinging tightly to Jaemin. The younger smiled, be it a bit awkwardly before he began to reach out for the pizzas. The man shook his head.

"Just show me where to put them I can set them down for you. You seem to have your hands full." Jaemin hesitated before nodding, leading the man inside a bit and showing him the spot on the counter where he wanted them.

"Tell me your name sir."

"Yuta. Nakamoto Yuta." He answered with a small bow. Jaemin smiled and carefully fished 5 dollars out of his pockets, handing it to the man.

"Thank you, Yuta. Have a good evening." The man smiled warmly and nodded.

"You two as well.. Enjoy your pizza." He said before heading for the door, Jaemin following so he could shut and lock it.

"Buh-bye pizza guy.." Jeno murmured, sounding much sleepier than earlier. Yuta melted a little more as he walked out the door.

"Bye." He said back before heading down the apartment stairs. Jaemin shut the door gently and locked it before walking to the couch, gently setting Jeno down who had grown sleepy from being carried around he assumed.

"Baby, what kind of pizza do you want?"

"One cheese slice.." He muttered. Jaemin nodded and did as told, getting a slice of cheese pizza for Jeno and a slice of sausage for himself before going back to the couch. He set the plates on the coffee table and looked lovingly at the half-asleep boy on the couch who looked so beautiful. He always looked so beautiful, no matter what he did and it amazed Jaemin. He was so lucky to have this boy in his life... So lucky..

The video game now long forgotten, he leaned forward and moved a strand of the boy's hair from his face.

"So pretty..." He whispered, mainly to himself, until Jeno slowly opened his eyes and sat up, lips only inches from Jaemin's when he did. Hot breath fanning against the other's mouth and a teasing hand now rested on Jaemin's thigh, smirk on his lips and eyes glinting with something slightly beyond innocent, he said one thing.

"If I'm so pretty, then how about we make some strawberry cake together?" Jaemin wasn't sure what the cake had to do with that, but all he could do was nod, already so high on love that it was intoxicating him.

That's alright. High or not, he would've made that boy some strawberry cake anyway.

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