What He Wants From Us

That's all I could see, but, I didn't feel cold. Rather warm and secure.
Even though I felt safe, there was the fear that something would go wrong. very, very wrong.
I began to see the light as my eyelids slowly opened, strong warm arms still around my frame. I blinked a few times to get the fuzziness out of sight. I then see Izzy, Big K, and, to my surprise, Rhonda all surrounding my seat with Kimball having me secured and tight grip. "w-what happened?" I asked groggily, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand. Izzy places a hand on my forehead to check my temperature only for it to be hastily smacked away by Kimball. "Natalie... you fainted once that... that thing flew off," Kimball said as his grasp around me tightened, as if i would be taken within minutes.
"Kimball... a bit too tight bud," i say with what little breath still in me. He loosens his grip but doesn't let go of me; I look around for Minxie only to find her laying down on the bus' seat, sweating nonstop. "Minxie!" I whimper as I get out of Kimball's hold for only a few minutes to make my way to her side. "what happened to her? Is she okay?" I asked waiting for someone to say something. They all just stare at me.
Why the hell wont anyone tell me?!
"She passed out shortly after you did." Kimball finally spoke. Soon after she sits up rapidly, gasping for air like it was her last, sweat pouring off of her head and neck. I was worried sick about her and began rubbing her back; it took a little while for her to respond, but, when she did she turns to me and envelops me in a very tight hug, her arms crushing my neck. I patted her back so that she would loosen her grip on me slightly, I noticed that her breaths were rapid and quick so i rub her back in slow circles and rock her back and forth slowly to help calm her down.
With which she did. She pulls away slightly just to give me a heartwarming smile which a gratefully return. "Minx? Are you play?" Chelsea asks her once she is stable and lets her arms fall back into her seat. "Look at me I thought you were gone girl, you SCARED me. Look at me," Chelsea takes both sides of her face to have her look at her.
"How about you city girl?" Izzy asks me, "you stopped breathing after you passed out." He placed his hand on top of mine while squatting in front of my seat. I suddenly recollect the moment before, of the creature licking the glass, cutting a circle into it that encircled me. I shuddered and quickly nodded, but Izzy knew that I wasn't okay.
I think none of us are at this point.
"I think he's gone, I'm willing to bet my money on it," Jake said as he's waving Izzy over towards the window, he gives my hand one last reassuring squeeze before heading to the empty seat in between mine and Jake's, "yeah well you willing to step off this bus? Cuz that's the real bet."
Kimbell surprises me greatly when he makes his way to my seat by hoisting me up like i weighed nothing, sits down, places me on his lap, and hugs me again. I'm so shell shocked I don't know what words to say, his arms around my top and torso getting tighter again. His face resting in the crook of my neck; all of his actions making me blush tomato red, the butterflies in my stomach making me feel tingly, and my heart rate soar sky high. even though all eyes linger on us for a moment, Kimball seemed to not care and would not let go no matter how much i tried to struggle.
Then it dawned on me..... Who gave me CPR?!?
That's when i decided to speak, "u-um... Kimball?" I squeak, curse my stutter.
He only hums in response, sending a ticklish sensation down my back; trying to recompose myself i ask, "w-w-who gave me CPR?" He tucks his chin over my neck so that his head rested there and his response sends the butterflies to flutter even more and my face to heat up like the sun....

I did.
Does that mean he's taken my first kiss? It probably doesn't count, I mean he had good intentions in him and he probably doesn't like me..... Right? He's only doing all of this to be nice.... right?!
UGH I'm so new to all this lovey-dovey stuff.
My thoughts are so confused right now I feel a headache coming on again.
"How long has it been?" Jake asks, "It's gone, it did it's thing and went away."
"what the hell was it doing then?" Izzy asks slightly annoyed. Then another spoke, "what do you think it was doing?" It was Minxie and by her tone she sounded angry and upset. She stares at everyone with a deadly glare, then it clicks in my head...
"He was picking people out," Minxie and I said simultaneously causing her and I to share a small smile. Scott steps up a few steps and asks for a more clarified answer as to what we mean... well actually all he said was "what?"
Minxie continues as the bus turns silent, "He can smell something in our fear, something that helps select and pick people out." "pi-pick-pick people out for what?" "I don't understand how you know that sweetie." Both Chelsea and Rhonda ask her, she replies with a simple "a dead boy told me."
Everyone looked at each other in disbelief and wondered if she was crazy, but I could believe it... Psyches run in my family as well, but skipped my line. She then continues, "I think he was trying to warn me, to warn ALL of us; that this thing has been around for thousands of years and nothing has been able to kill it."
"And all of this was from a DREAM that you had?!" Scott was infuriated by this point. "Well the boy was dead so im ASSUMING that it was a dream Scotty." "You were waving your Pom-poms this morning and now your some kind of psychic hotline or something?!?!" Scott was relentless to her until I spoke "Lay off of her Scott!"
"YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP FREAK!!" he bellowed and it sends a sharp pain in my chest, wishing I would crumble there and then. Kimball slightly tightens his hold on me as if saying that he's got me; at that point I give in and hide my face in his chest, away from the bastard known as Scotty.
"I dont know! You wanna explain it to me because I can't you bastard!" I giggle slightly in between sobs when Minxie says the word I mentally called him, but after she says this the bus is in momentary silence. She then begins to explain how today is his last day to hunt and by morning he goes back underground for another 23 years and for those whom he's picked it's pointless to hide because what he wants from them is something he wants to eat from them. That alone gives me shivers. But she doesn't stop there, "Only this year its different.... Every 23rd generation he's allowed to pick a mate and he'll kill anyone in his way to get to her, have her consume his kill, and.... and bare more like him."
And when she turns to me my blood runs cold and my heart drops to my stomach. By her apologetic look I can tell she means me and that i am basically and royally screwed.
