My Own Wonderland

Creepers POV
My plan was slowly coming into action. The bus was disabled now, holding many delicious mouthwatering pieces of my meal scattered about like a flock of sheep. It was only Day 15 when i took Derry for my new set of eyes. Not only was he perfectly good, his eye sight was to the point perfect.
As the wind caught all of their scents sending them my way i caught and smelled them all. One particular scent was very strong apart from the others.
From the distance the scent was a bit weak, but, still strong none the less.
Today is my last day of hunting and tonight will be a feast fit for a King.

^^^Back to Natalie^^^
The coaches decided to have us wait outside while the bus driver, whom i learned her name was Betty, kept trying to contact home base.
Even though the countryside wasn't my perfect cup of tea, the scenery was just perfect for a calming mood. While everyone was off in their own wonderland i wondered to mine, taking hundreds of pictures of both the team, newly found friends, and the scenery. I had tried contacting my dad with my phone, but, there was no service and was very difficult.
He's probably worried sick right about now. I should've been home already.
Thinking i could get a birds eye view of the mountains and the grassy plains i climbed up the bus' steps to get a better shot. Once i reach the top i lose my footing from my shock, a few of the jocks were on the roof already tanning, soaking up the sun's rays while they wait.

I quickly scurried away. Me never having a boyfriend and never laying eyes on a naked man before that shocked me and sent me running to the hills with a cherry red face. Minxie noticed and laughed at my reaction which made me blush more.
"It's alright hun, all boys are like that around here... you'll get used to it" she said while circling her hand on my back.
I seriously doubt that.
When i turn to Minxie again i notice smoke around her, Rhonda, and Chelsea. Their cigarette smoke lingering in the air, causing me to have a small coughing fit.
I see Rhonda glaring at me again as she took a long drag. "So what's your beef with my man?" she asks me, exhaling her cancer stick.
I was literally lost as to where she's getting at; then i think of the boy sitting in the back, were they a couple?
If she was honestly thinking i was trying to steel her man then she's seriously mistaken.
So I replied coolly to her "just an interesting story" and made my way back to the bus. Before i continued though i feel the shadows presence again, I stopped in my tracks in the middle of the field and look towards it, lingering close by in the shadow of the trees. I must have been standing there for quite a while because the other students were already making their way back onto the bus. When i flicked my gaze from the bus back to the figure it was gone.
I jumped.
Three crows rested along the dead trees branches. Looking down at me. Their caws sounding like their laughing at me now, if they were human they'd probably be smirking at my reaction.
I quickly made my way back to the bus and got to my original spot, Izzy, Minxie, Rhonda, and Chelsea coming in behind me. All we were waiting on was a couple guys doing their business in the field.
Hey when you gotta go, you gotta go.
Rhonda decided to switch seats with Minxie in order to talk to m again.
"so your telling me that you don't have anything planned to steel Scotty from me? I highly doubt that!" she exclaimed while giving me the dirtiest look. I have had just about enough of this jealousy game from her. I turn my body around to her sot that she can read my body language, calm, cool, and collected.
"Look Rhonda, i don't know where you got this idea of me taking your man, but I'm not. I'm focused on what i came here to do and that's for the newspaper and the yearbook. So can we please end these childish games and move on?" I say with a strong tone and mature emotion.
One thing that dad taught me when being a photographer for anything...
never become attached to one thing while working. That has become my rule from the very beginning as a photographer, and always will be.
Coach Charlie was yelling for the jock to "hurry it up" and "we don't have all day," we were going to be limping home on the bus.
Great, meaning we will be going at a snails pace in order to get home.
It will be well over midnight by the time we get home.
A scream is animated out in the field; one of the jocks was still going while a flock of crows flew out of the grassy plain, scaring him out of his skin. Making all of us on the bus laugh. Well all except the coach, "STOP CLOWNIN' AROUND AND GET YOUR ASS BACK ON THE BUS!!"
And with that, the students piled in, and we were back on the road again.
