Its Sharp

^Picture above is example of Natalie

Me and Minxie continue our conversation about random things. I would have to say she was very cheerful and super friendly. I got along with her super well and the mood around her felt comforting and safe.
Same thing can't be said about Rhonda, however. I glance up noticing the death glares I'm getting from her and man if looks can kill i would be gutted like a fish.
I give her a look of confusion as she continues to glare until it's broken away by the bus jerking forward, making me almost lose my grip on my camera. The bus swerves to the side of the road, the bus' breaks roaring and screeching as it came to a slow and rough stop. I then notice.
The fight song has died down.
Thank GOD!
Everyone glances at each other to make sure no ones hurt. When Minxie turns to me I reassure her with a smile that I'm okay. Coach Charlie glances from the front seat to the other coach in the other spot.
"Shit." the bus driver huffs as she opens the bus doors and makes an exit to see the damage. Everyone starts to get up from their seats to look through the window to see what happened. "Okay everybody sit down. sit tight." Coach Charlie says as he and coach Barnes exit the bus as well to join the bus driver.

Minxie and I both stay in our seats, as she turns to talk to Rhonda and Chelsea I focus my strained hearing on the conversation outside, piecing together what could be going on. All is silent for the most part, the faint noise from the radio playing.

"OW!! I don't know what it is but its as sharp as a son of a bitch!" the bus driver yells. I had to figure that a spike or knife, something was lodged into the bus' thick rubber. I hear the coach struggle as they try to get the object out of the rubber.

"so how are you adjusting to the countryside city girl?" Izzy, who was sitting in front of me, asked me, snapping me out of my concentration. Izzy and I met last week when I first started, he introduced himself to me in the school newspaper room. We've worked together on a few school articles and have yet to be separated. His company was also warm and inviting like the sun.
I sent him a giggle when he called me "city girl". But I liked it. Reminding me of my home.
"Pretty fairly country boy, but does flats like this always happen?" I gave him my own nickname for him and sent him smirking with a light dust of pink on his cheeks. "Not really but whatever is in the tire has got to be strong and super sharp," he said as he leaned forward against the back of the bus seat.
"Jesus Christ the damn thing's got teeth in it!" Coach Charlie hollers.
Teeth? Well that rules out all my guesses. But what kind of weapon would have teeth in it?
I look towards Izzy as he merely shrug's his shoulders. The guys start arguing back and forth how the bus driver should handle the situation so that all of us could get back home.
Clearly a mechanic is needed and we're in the middle of no where.
I don't pay much attention to the backs conversation because now my attention is focused on the radio's story of a cathedral being burned to the ground and bodies being discovered.
"Hey guys! Update!" Izzy informs the bus as now the entire bus is deathly silent and all listen in on the story.
The Horror Of Poho County.
My dad is actually working on this story.
I scoot closer and glue my attention to the radio.
Having a body count of... well, passed 300. Even though most of them are charred, more and more keep being discovered in the ruins. Some of the bodies being at least 200 years old. What really caught my attention to the story was that the bodies were stitched together, decorating the walls and ceiling of the church's basement. That alone made shivers run through me completely. Calling it a Tapestry of Torture and Sadism, God dad sure does have a way with gruesome poetic words.
Imagining the gruesome scene made my stomach churn.
I turn my body to the side so that the back of my head rested on the window. In my peripherals I felt a shadow or dark figure zoom passed the bus into the field. I quickly turned my body to see where the mysterious force went, but, to no avail, found none. I get the feeling of being watched again and I shiver.
I turn my head to see him staring at me again, this time another player sitting next to him, sending me flirtatious stares and winks. I turn away as the bus driver enters the bus again, she grabs the scanner to radio in for help from anyone around the county. "This is 226 were are out on East 9. We are down and disabled. Home base do you read me?" The coaches make their way back on the bus to inform the students what the game plan was; one of the coaches had some kind of weapon in his hands examining it. And of course, my curiosity got the better of me, "sir, may I see that?" I asked in the most innocent tone I could muster. He then carefully places it in my hand, "be careful with it," was all he said before joining the other coach.
"What is it?" Minxie asks me. Even I don't know what the heck this thing is, the blades surface was like bone and melted iron to mend the deadly weapon. "No clue" was all I could say before further analyzing the object.

Not knowing that the very creature that caused the flat was now watching over the bus like a predator... Severely hungry for flesh and blood.
