ice cream

BTS are in your room looking at you who are laying unconscious in your bed

their faces are full of confusion and worry

they have no clue about what happened to you

jungkook: what happened to her?

every shook their head telling no

jin sighed

jin: i will ask mom about this

suga: you should

namjoon: let her rest. we will talk to her morning

everyone agreed

they are worried for you

who wouldnt seeing a girl suddenly screaming and fainting

their mind filled with lots of questions

a sighed left their mouth

patting your head one by one everyone left 


now every one are in jimin's room

namjoon: fast! call mom and ask!

he asked impaitently

jin called mom

she lift the call just in few rings

they put the call on the speaker. every one surround around the phone

jin: hello mom.

mom:omo! its it jin

jin: yes mom. not only me, we seven are here

mom: is it?! hello boys. how are you all?

she asked affectionately making their heat warm

namjoon: we are good mom. how are you and dad?

mom: we are also good dears

they all talked for sometime

jin: mom...

mom: yes?

namjoon: we wanna ask you something about y/n

mom: y/n? what about her?

suga: mom dont get panic....y/n is fainted

mom: WHAT?! what happen to her? is she ok/

jungkook: mom mom she is fine. dont worry.

mom: what happened to her. please tell me. did she need me? i will come-

jimin: mom mom calm down. she is fine now

mom: what happened tell me

jin: we will tell

taehyung: she saw broccoli and started screaming

he said like little kid complaining his mom

jimin: she kept saying go away and no

jungkook: she broke the broccoli bowl harshly 

j-hope: lastly she said he is evil

namjoon: who is he mom?

suga: what happened to her suddenly mom?

mom goes silent for some seconds. they are all curiously waiting her to answer

mom:boys..i cant tell you the reason that why it happened to her cause it may invade her privacy..but i can just tell you this


mom: just know that broccoli is her worst fear or nightmare..

mom: dont ever show broccoli to her..never..

mom: she gets panic whenever she see broccoli...and whenever she gets panic she will faint

BTS are processing her words 

jungkook: why? i mean why she gets panic by seeing broccoli?

mom: *sigh* i cant tell you..she will dont like if say this to you..

her voice filled with sadness

mom: she will tell you everything once she gets closer to close that she can blindly trust you..

mom: she may seems like she is so cheerful and sociable but she too have somethings that she is hiding from world...she built a wall around her...she will share with you everything once you break that wall and enter into her me, once you enter into her world you cant get away..she wont let you go....

mom: everything needs time..

she sighed. BTS are very confused by mom's deep words

they are wondering what caused you to panic

what are you....why this happened..what is mom telling about..

mom: just keep broccoli away from her hmm

jin: we will mom

mom: and yeah is she awake?

jungkook: no she is sleeping. maybe she will awake morning

mom: let me tell you something..after she wakes dont tell her about this broccoli thing..dont even let her know..if she know then she will get panic again..

mom: and if she asks about this night then change the topic..dont let her to be dull...

mom: i know i am asking too much but..please do..hmm and..she may askes for crazy thing..just agree to everything she says..other wise she will cry and crying will make her head hurts and then trust me you dont wanna know

she sighed

jungkook: she is complicated!

he held his head

mom chuckled

jin: dont worry mom we will take care 

mom: i trust you my boys.

she said affectionately with sweet voice

their hearts instantly warmed up

every caring and sweet gestures are making devils heart to melt

mom: call me if you need anything hmm

namjoon: ok mom and thank you for telling

jungkook: and yeah we will try to break that wall of hers

he winked. mom chuckled

jimin: bye mom good night

mom: good night my dears. sleep well take care

mom: bye

she hung up the call

jungkook: ahh it feels so good to hear those boys..sleep well..take i am feeling so good

he held his heart dramatically making everyone chuckle at him

jin: ofcourse it feels good.

namjoon: yes after all its mothers love

every one smiled 

suga: some one has to stay wither. waht if she wakes in middle and panic

jin: he is right. who wanna stay with her

taehyung: i out. not me!

jimin: me neither!

jin turned to suga

suga: no no i only can sleep on my bed!

j-hope: what about you

he pointed at jungkook

jin: yes! you! final!

jungkook: but-

namjoon: just go!

jungkook sighed

j-hope: good night everyone

one by one everybody left to their rooms


jungkook entered room with out making any noice

he neatly set the blanket over you and sat beside you

jungkook: what are you...

he chuckled

jungkook: how can be someone scared of broccoli..its just a leafy vegetable

staring at you he kept the hair stands behild your ear which are falling on your face

you seem so peaceful now..

jungkook: you are looking so peaceful unlike at dinner time

jungkook: for a moment i thought you gone crazy hearing your screams

he started patting your head with affectionate loving eyes....with full of love and care

jungkook: you know i accepted you for the first i came to know that you are gonna be our sister

JK: you dont know how happy i was that moment..i never ever thought that you are gonna be our girl who always smiles..who is alway active..who is always makes others happy with a cheerful behaviour....who shouts whenever gets excieted..who dances too well..who is always good at studies..who is gifter with beautiful hair and pretty cute face..

JK: i never thought..this is all seems like a dream to me....having a sister and being called as oppa and having a mom who loves us a lot..

JK: with out knowing me, you have become most important to me..a precious first priority...

JK: i love to see you happy..seeing you sad makes something to my heart..that day.. when you cried after dancing and also cried near a pond in old petal heart broke seeing you crying....i feel like to come and hug you and tell iam here for you sont cry your oppa is here....

JK: please dont cry..i cant see you the way you are..always smiling, laughing, shouting, balbering, doing silly things..but dont be like this..i cant see you like this

JK: you know past two days are like hell to me..i missed you a lot..i missed your laughs and shouts..i missed you..but are happily watching your so called have no mercy on me hmm

JK: you are so beautiful with your long and thick hair and with pretty cute little face..most important what makes you beautiful is you..your behaviour..which is innocent..thats why i wanted to protect you..protect you from this evil world which is very dangerous for a pure innocent angel like you..

he sighed

JK: i think i am being too cheesy and dramatic

he chuckled at him self. he pecked your head and got up from bed and walked to couch

JK: ahh this couch is too small for me..

he whined and tossed him self on the couch

he is hella uncomfortable..cause the couch is too small for a built body like him and he is jeon jungkook! the muscle monster!

without knowing he slept there as his mind was doing a war with so many thoughts and questions making him to sleep


you opened your eyes with a huge head ache

you hold your head and sit on the bed

you saw jungkook is looking at you from the couch

you widened your eyes

y/n: w-what are you doing here?!

you usually see tzuyu in the morning but seeing jungkook...

jungkook: hey calm down. i just come here to wake you up

he tried to calm you

y/n: huh? what is the time

you asked rubbing your eyes looking cute as hell making him to chuckle

jungkook: its nine

y/n: already nine! ahh i have so many plans to day

jungkook: your drama plans

he said mocking you making you roll your eyes

he is trying very hard to act like everything is normak

y/n: ai no! other plans..i devided my 10 days into different first two days for k drams and 3rd day which is yesterday for skin care and 4 th day for blablabla like that

you said everything in one breath

jungkook: seriously!? how can someone be this active and loud in morning that too just after wake up

jungkook: are you really a human?!  how can a human be like this

you rolled your eyes at his sillyness

y/n: well i am y/n! anything can possible for y/n. cause iam y/n

you flipped your messy hair making it more messy

he looked at you with a WTF expression as your reply too much for him

jungkook: i am sure you are y/n cause you are a creak head

in a blink of eye you throw a pillow at his face which is correctly landed right on his face

god! you dead y/n!

jungkook: Y/N!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!


you run to bathroom leaving trusfrated  jungkook behind with a pillow in his hand


he throw the pillow to bathroom door


you shouted from the bathroom

jungkook: I WILL KILL YOU!!


you laughed hard inside the bathroom

he also chuckled at his childish behaviour

jungkook: what am i? five?

he shook his head 

jungkook: i think iam also gonna become a creak head like her for sure

he stromed to his room to fresh up


jin: how is she?

he asked to jungkook who is sitting on couch in the big hall

jungkook: normal. i think she dont remember about that..she behaved very normal like as usual

he shrugged his shoulders

namjoon: ok then lets not bring that topic infront of her

suga: yeah i aslo informed to cooks and servants to not you use broccoli and not to bring them into mansion

j-hope: lets act like nothing happened ok

evreryone agreed

jin: call tzuyu and ask her to bring y/n

jimin: TZUYU!

he said in loud serious authoritive tone

she ran to hall with a scared face and thumping heart

tzuyu: y-yes master

she bowed nervously

jungkook: you are still same..scaredy cat..

he chuckled with a dark tone making her shiver badly with fear

jin: go and bring y/n down!

he said like a cold CEO 

tzuyu: o-okey master

she is about to go but stopped hearing your voice

y/n: good morning everyone!

you shouted from the stairs

everyone looked at you who is smiling warmly at them

you coming down and stood beside tzuyu

suga: good morning

you smiled at him

your gaze went to jungkook

you instantly glared at him making everyone confuse

he too started to glare at you

suga: why are you both glaring

jungkook: she called me tail less monkey!

he complained pointing his finger at you

y/n:  he called me little rat!

you also pointed your finger at him

jungkook: cause you throw pillow at my face!

he took step forward towards you

y/n: cause he called me creak head!

you also took step forward towards him

jungkook: cause thats true

he again come forward

y/n: yo-

you are also about say and come but got stopped by jin who is separating you both cause you both are about to hit each other and he dont want any disaster to happen in home

jin: calm down your horses! lets have some food

he dragged jungkook with left hand and you with right hand to dining table

you two are still glaring at each other but soon it turn out to a small in your face..seeing your smile jungkook also smiled at you

well this is what sibiling min war and in next min smile..

aish  typical bondings!

author chonsa sighed and left from there not able to see their dramatic bonding🤣🤣

you all come  took seat on the chairs

with out knowing you claim a chair as yours..y/n's chair

you dont let anybody to sit become your thing like to sit only on your hair..and your chair is precious to day you put on fight with j-hope cause he sat on your so called chair

you sat in between jungkook and jimin

y/n: why are you all still here? arent you all going to university

you asked looking at them munching your food

suga: we are going to work today

jin: we have some work at company

y/n: only you four? 

namjoon: yes only we four. let them enjoy their holidays

he smiled and you nodded stuffing the food in your little mouth


the hyung line left to their so called work and you four are left in the home

you rolling over the bed thing about what to do today

y/n: something fun...

you started thinking suddenly your phone ringed making you startled

y/n: who the heck!?
you took the phone and saw the id. its rose

y/n: hey rose! how are you girl

rose: i am fine girl. and i know you are also fine 

y/n: why you called

rose: just to ask you how you spend past three days

y/n: nothing much..just some k dramas and skin

rose: me too..but you know what me and my cousins went to ice cream parlor yesterday..

rose: uMumUMumm they are soooo goood!!

she temptingly

rose: we had a lot fun you know

now your full mind shifted to ice creams

y/n: what ice creams you ate? how many?

rose: a lot! different flavors

y/n: ahh tell me clearly

rose started to tell you about each ice cream making your mouth to water

you drooling over the thoughts of ice cream

rose: you should go y/n! 

y/n: i will! no matter what! and BYE!

you quickly hung up the call.

y/n: iCe CrEaMMM⁓

you said in weird way

if ice cream is living thing then that will surely die hearing you calling ice cream in that way

y/n: i have to go and eat!

you run to down stairs telling ice cream word repeatedly 

you notice jimin and taehyung sitting on couch playing with their phones

you know its not good for you to go near them but still you went cause you  are in your ice cream world

you run to them stood in front of them

taehyung: WHAT?

she shouted angrily at you making you flinch

y/n: oppa-


y/n: but you-

taehyung: SHUT UP GIRL!

you flinched and pouted

you turned your body to jimin and looked at him innocently

jimin: what?

he asked coldly

y/n: oppa can we-


whats with these two..

y/n: j-jimin can we go out..

jimin: no!

he said firmly 

y/n: ahh please

you whined

jimin: no!

y/n: please ju-

jimin: I SAID NO! cant you understand!!

he again shouted making you shut up

ok now..these two will never agree

you sighed and decided to ask jungkook

y/n: where is jungkook oppa?...

taehyung: we dont know!

he said coldly with out even glancing at you

you sighed and turned around

wow! now you have to find him in this big mansion

you looked here and there still standing in same place thinks which way to go first

you sighed and pouted not knowing where to go

you looked for servants but there are no where to seen


you decided to search him by your self

you searched the whole ground floor. first floor and even second floor his room also..but is nowhere to be found..

you are disappointed.. very disappointed

your dreams of ice cream are crashing

you pouted and come back to the hall and sat on the corner of the couch

staring at nowhere with a pout looking like a love failure

now you are in verge of dont know why you are feeling this dramatic over ice cream..all you need is to go out and eat ice cream but things are making it complicate 

tears are slowing forming in your eyes..

y/n: my ice cream..

you mumbled with a dramatic disappoint tone which not gone unnoticed by vmin

jimin looked at you from head to toe

you sitting like a depresses person with a dramatic sad pout and with teary eyes

jimin: what happened to her?  is she okey? is she drunk?

he mumbled to himself

your gaze turned to jimin who is already looking at you

your teary eyes met with him 

jimin: w-what?

you just shook your head and sighed and lean your head back

you are acting too much dramatic for you need to do this much drama just for ice cream..god!

taehyung: is she crying?

he said looking at you

jimin: dont know..maybe...

now they are afraid..afraid of you..cause of yesterdays incident...if everybody knows that they make you cry then dont want any trouble

jimin: y/n.

you looked at him with teary eyes

y/n: hm?

jimin: jungkook is in gym.

you still looked at him cause you dont know where gym is in this big mansion

jimin: go! why are still looking?!

he paniced seeing your fixed expression

taehyung: you dont know where it is..

he questioned doubtfully 

now you looked at him same expression

he hold jimin's hand and looked at him 

jimin: its in 4th floor...left hallway 3rd room.

you instantly smiled brightly at them making them hella confused of your weird behaviour

y/n: thank you so much!

you bowed at them and run to the stairs smiling brightly..

seriously! how can some one change this quickly..sad to bright..just in a are really something..of course after all you are y/n

mean while vmin are looking at you who is climbing stairs like kangaroo with bright smile 

they are looking at you like this

you are searching like a lost child

y/n: i think this the gym room

you opened the door entered

y/n: woo its massive!

you walked into it gazing around

you found jungkook in the corner

he is panting and sweating sitting on the floor

he seems like he just now done his workout

you run to him and stood infront him

he looked at you confusingly

jungkook : why did you come here?

y/n: for you.

you smiled 

he wipe the sweat and grabbed a water bottle and started to walk towards the door

you run behind him

jungkook: what you want

he asked walking out big steps

y/n: can we go cream shop..

he looked at you..

y/n: please..

he was about to say no but stopped cause he remembered mom's word in yesterdays call

you are looking at him hopeful puppy eyes

y/n: can we go...i wanna eat ice cream..

jungkook: then go and eat. there is a lot in fridge. you bought them that day. remember

y/n: ahh but i wanna go out and eat

you whined

y/n: lets go..

you his shirt sleeve

he sighed

jungkook: go and get ready. i will come after fresh up

he smiled and walked away


you shouted excitedly from back

you run to your room to get ready

you quickly changed into this

and set your hair with your fingers 

you took a mask and put into your pocket

y/n: all set!

you run to downstairs and waited for jungkook sitting on couch

jimin and taehyung are still there in the same place

they looked at you once and again continued with their phone

soon jungkook come down

jungkook: lets go?

jimin: where are you two going

y/n: ice cream shop

you said excitedly

jungkook: wanna join?

jimin: yes. lets go

they both stood up and started to walk towards door

damm how can these boys be this handsome even in casual clothes

you four entered the car

jimin: i will drive

you pouted and backed away

taehyung sat beside him in passenger seat, you and jungkook sat in back seat


you are sitting in between jungkook and taehyung as there are four seats for a table

 a girl come to you and bowd

girl: you order masters

taehyung: give us some time

they start ordering but have no idea...the names in the menu are unfamilier to you..they are too fancy for a normal girl like you

you dont know what to order so you randomly picked a name 

jimin: bring fast!

girl: yes master

she left from there

y/n: why she is calling you master?

jimin: cause we own this shop

he said casually. you chocked on air

y/n: means you are owners of this shop! wow!

jungkook chuckled

jungkook: dad had bought five shopping malls, three theatres, five ice cream shops and a lot

your jaw hit the floor

y/n: WHAT! FIVE ICE CREAM SHOPS?! damn! he is the best!

jungkook: in this whole sentence, did you just only heard ice cream shops?

y/n: i-i mean malls and theatres are kinds of too much, but he bought ICE CREAM SHOPS! thats so sweet of him

you looked at them with puppy eyes

y/n: oppa, can we come here often?

jimin: are you a five or what?

he looked at you with annoying expression

y/n: i am not talking to you!

all went quiet and looked jimin and then y/n and back to jimin.

you suddenly realized your mistake

y/n: i'm sorry! i'm so sorry. please forgive me! i didnt mean to say that. it just came out. i am sorry.

you kept saying sorry because you felt guilty. you always says stuff with out thinking whenever you gets too excited and you knew that one day it will cause you big trouble, but you dont know that day will come this early.

jimin wanted to laugh at your panic face but he held it in.

jimin: i'll let you go this time.

he said with a flat tone.

y/n: thank you oppa! you are the best!

you thanked him with a big smile.

his eyebrows rose in surprise when you told him that he is the best, he couldn't believe his ears. he kept looking at you with a surprised but you got busy with jungkook again.

soon the ice cream come..

they are about to grab them but you stopped them. 

y/n: first let me take a pic. look how good these are looking

saying that you took some pics.

you all started enjoying it..

you are on cloud nine..finally..

you are so satisfied 

y/n: ahh i enjoyed my fourth day great! iam y/n

you happy mumbled

jimin: i am going to washroom

he got up

jungkook: wait for me hyung. iam also coimg

what! dont wanna sit alone with taehyung..

but they both already left..

you keep looking here and there admiring the interior of the shop

you gaze fell on something maybe someone..

you breath stopped seeing HIM again

he worst fear of you..he is one who cause you worst days in your beautiful life..

he is the one who show you what is fear

he show you hell

after so many days you saw him again today...

your breath started to become heavy..sweat formed in your forehead..your heart beat raise..fear..fear rushed in side you

with knowing you tightly hold taehyung's shirt sleeve

feeling some hold on his sleeve he looked at his sleeve

you are tightly holding it while looking at a direction with heavy breaths

he looked at you confused

he tried to free his sleeve but hold it more tighter

taehyung: yah! leave!

he harshly yanked your hand away

you looked at him with terrified eyes

he frowned

y/n: l-lets g-go from here

you again held his sleeve feeling so scared

you started to shiver looking at some where

he followed you gaze..there are group of people standing and chatting

y/n: lets g-go! 

you stood up making him confuse

taehyung: why-

y/n: please c-come

you started to panic as that man started to walk towards your direction

seeing your condition taehyung stoop up 

y/n: no no no he is coming!

y/n: lets go from here

you started to panic

tarhyung: wh-

y/n: PLEASE!

he held his hand and run to door dragging him with you to the car

taehyung: leave my hand!

you didnt listened and kept dragging him. your lags felt week and your boys is trembling..those past incidents are making it more worse for you

finally you reached the car. the first thing you did was to hid yourself in the car

you closed the door and burried your face between your knees and started mumbling

here taehyung has no clue about the situation

not gonna lie but he is worried

jimin: why did you leave with out informing!

he shouted coming with jungkook

jungkook:yah hyung! you know we searched for yoy!

jungkook noticed you are not there

jungkook: where is she?

taehyung: inside

he pointed at the car

jungkook: why?

taehyung: i think she has some mental problem

jimin and jungkook looked at him to explain

taehyung tell them what happened

jungkook was full worried. he hurriedly opened the car door

he saw you crumbled into ball shivering and mumbling

he instantly climbed in and took you in his arms

jungkook: y/n y/n! shh y/n

you looked at him  with glossy eyes making his heat clench

y/n: o-oppa t-take me away! please lets leave. fast!

jungkook: clam down y/n shh

he started to pat your back

y/n: please o-oppa take me away. please take me away lets go PLEASE!!

he panicked seeing your horrible state

jungkook: START THE CAR

to be continued

here is the very long part for you😉

hope you enjoyed.

