you wake with puffy red eyes

you are fearing to go to school

y/n: what i am gonna do now....

you mumbled

you just sat on your drowning in your thoughts..

y/n: nonono i cant go...he will be there.. he said he will meet again..

you tears finally flowed out

after thinking so much for a solution you decided to not to go to school this may not be a permanent solution but you dont find any better solution than this

y/n: yes! no school for today!

you weakly walked to bathroom

you looked at your self in mirror...the slap mark turned into purple now

fear rushed inside you remembering yesterday incident

you sighed and stand under the shower

the water touched your skin making you feel closed your eyes feeling the sensation..


you ware this

you looked at your out fit and sighed

y/n: just like me.... grey

you took a BB cream and applied to the slap mark to cover it dont know make up so..BB cream is the only solution for you

after covering it up you headed to downstairs

jungkook: woo pajamas in the morning?

he raised his eyebrows. you decided to act cool

y/n: yeah! why? got a problem?

jungkook: no, just curious...

you ignored him and walked to dining area

tzuyu: omg y/n you gonna be late! let me do your hair

she rushed to you hurriedly holding a hair brush

y/n: no need to hurry unnie...i am not gonna go today

you said sitting on your chair

BTS looked at you

jin: hey! you gonna ditch!

you simply nodded

namjoon: no! you are coming with us!

suga: yes! we already had a long 2 week holidays!

y/n: ahh oppaaa⁓

you pouted

jin: you gonna miss lessons

y/n: i can manage. in fact i completed lot of lessons. its wont effect

you tried to convince them

jungkook: let her hyung

your eyes sparkled

y/n: waa! you are best!! i love you!

you happily winked at jungkook and he gladly returned it

suga: but only for today!

you nodded smiling

jungkook: so....h-hyung..

all looked at jungkook

jungkook: i-i also want to be at home-

namjoon: no!

jungkook pouted. you giggled at him


jin: take care y/n. jimin will be at home ok

you dont want jimin to stay home

y/n: no oppa its ok. dont bother him

suga glared at you so you shut your mouth

y/n: bye bye!

jungkook: bye sissy! and yeah you owe me one! cause i helped you

you smiled and nodded

they all left to school

you looked at jimin who is sitting on couch using his mobile and sighed

y/n: aah! this devil! dont worry y/n just ignore that cold devil. 

you walked past him

jimin: where are you going?

he asked with his usual cold voice making you nervous

y/n: m-my room..

jimin stood up

jimin: bring what ever you want here. cause you gonna stay here

you widened your eyes

y/n: why?! i-i mean why here? i have my room to stay

jimin: yes. but hyung said me to dont let you stay alone

yes jin said to jimin..cause he find your yesterdays behavior strange.. he thought you are feeling down cause you remembered your father so he said to jimin to say with you...but he dont know the real reason of your yesterdays strange behavior

y/n: umm here? you mean on the couch?

he nodded

y/n: what about my room?

jimin: i dont want to enter your room

he rudely spitted. you internally cursed him and stormed to you room

y/n: aish that rude punk!

you put your phone in your pocket and grabbed your laptop and some books and put them all in your backpack.

you reached to jimin

jimin: got everything?

he asked with out looking at you. you hummed

jimin stood up and turned couch into bed

y/n: wow!

you quickly sat on it. jimin also sit down leaving some distance between you two

you unpacked and arranged your laptop and books

y/n: you didnt bought anything?

jimin: phone is enough for me!

he sounded irritated. so you decided to mind your own business

yes jimin is totally irritated cause he has to stay with you. he dont like this. he was controlling so much himself. 

you started studying and jimin is on phone. god knows what he is doing in that phone

tzuyu: y/n..its already 11..i am want anything..i mean for lunch. if you want then i will cook and go

y/n: no need unnie. you can go-ahh just make me a drink and put it in fridge i will have it later

she smiled and left

after making your smoothie she left from mansion

y/n: aish! finished!

you closed your science book

y/n: time for some drama

you smirked and opened viki and watched the k drama 

jimin is peeking at you time to time with out knowing you

you watched a episode...the time is 1 in noon

you closed your PC and leaned back and groaned

you glanced at jimin. but he is on phone as usual

you phone ringed...its rose

you picked it



she shouted


jimin flinched hearing sudden loud voice

jimin: says the one who is shouting like dying cat!

he mumbled

y/n: well..whats todays news?

rose: nothing special...but a lot students are absent!

y/n: why?

rose: yah dumbo! today is the day...we have to submit our maths assignment!

your gasped loud enough to noticed by jimin


rose: yah! just complete it now and bring tomorrow

y/n: w-who and who are absent?

you asked regarding to kai

rose: a lot included new student kai and batch

you sighed

rose: and you know what kai took a long leave..i think he will come after some weeks

you let out a relief sigh

rose: why?

y/n: nothing. just asking.

rose: ok then complete assignment and come tomorrow!'

y/n: ok MAM!

you both chuckled

rose: bye

y/n: BYE! BYE!

jimin again flinched! oh my poor boy!

jimin: cant you speak with out shouting!?

he finally spitted

y/n: well.. no i cant... I CaNt sToP Me⁓ i cAnT StOp Me⁓

you get up from there and walked away saying this

jimin looked at you with so done expression

jimin: what a weirdo! she need help!

he also get up walked behind you

y/n: whats for lunch?

sasum: bulgogi and kimchi fried rice miss.y/n

y/n: aish...same boring menu..

you pouted and put your head on the table

sasum: miss.y/n if you anything tell us

y/n: just bring that

you said still putting your head on table

sasum served the food

you are just staring at the food with out eating

jimin: stop staring and eat!

you sighed and started eating forcefully

you get with up and went back to the couch

jimin looked at your dont even finished half of the food..he sighed

jimin: this little!


you are doing preparations for maths assignment...

soon you felt a bowl placed infront of looked at the bowl and back to the one who placed it

y/n: um?

jimin: eat that!

he rudely said. but you smiled at him...its so much for felt so happy

jimin: stop smiling and eat!

you happily took the bowl and started eating

jimin: dont think i cared for you! i just did cause i dont want any scolding from hyungs and parents!

you just smiled internally

jimin: dont think too much cause its waste! i have zero care for you! in fact you are nothing to me! just a stanger!

your smiled are hurt

y/n: one a jerk always jerk

you mumbled and finished eating and started doing your maths

jimin glanced at you

jimin: what are you doing?

aish this boy! cant he ask normally! whats with that cold rude tone!

y/n: maths assignment. we have to submit tomorrow 

you said with out looking at him minding your work

jimin eyes widened

jimin: shit!

he get up run to his room

you ignored him. soon he come sit down placing his things 

jimin didnt complete the work . well maths is not his thing. 

jimin: yah!

aish! why this much ego! cant he call you with your name!

you didnt responded

jimin: YAH!

you looked at him with poker face

he showed his empty assignment book. you understood that he want your help in this.

y/n: you didnt completed yet?

jimin: no. i forgot.

he said blankly. you give him small smile

y/n: me too..well then lets do it together

jimin: NO. i will just copy yours.

you rolled your eyes

y/n: there are so many..if you wait till i complete then it gonna be do with me

he sighed and opened his stuffs and infront of you facing you

y/n: ummm...i am still in the 1st one...

you started solving the equations.. and jimin is copying your steps

y/n: hey! try to do another one. why are doing same as me?

jimin: shut up!

y/n: but-

he glared at you.

y/n:listen. if you continue like this then its gonna take long so you do some problems and i will do some then we can finish it quickly. what say?

he stared at you blankly

jimin: ok then..i will try

you smiled. you guys continued your work

you peeked at his work

y/n: hey you are doing wrong. its trigonometry

he raised his eyebrows

y/n: let me tell you

you scooted bit closer to him which he dont mind. you explained and corrected him

y/n: like this see.

he just nodded.

time is flying.. you both are almost there to finish.. you guys discussed some problems.. he didnt asked you cause of his ego but you peeked in his work and corrected him from time to time.

y/n: no you are wrong!

you shouted little and snatched his work from his hands to correct it

jimin: no you are wrong!

he smacked your head and took his book

you look at him with burning eyes rubbing your head

y/n: i am wrong right! lets see then!
you again took his work and started doing the problem in correct way

he scoffed looking at you

y/n: see now!

you showed him. he give you poker face

y/n: i am always right! i am y/n! waa it feels so good telling my line after so much time!

you handed him

y/n: see i am genius . i am y/n.

 jimin: yeah yeah peanut size genius!

he said annoyingly.

you smacked his head

y/n: now concentrate-

now you realized what you did! you smacked jimins head! GOD! you widened you eyes and gulped hard. he is looking at with dark gaze ready to kill you.

y/n: a-ah i-iam sorry..i-i didnt meant to.

you said with so much nervous and remember his face when he is beating some boys in school. shiver rushed in your spine

jimin: how. dare. you!

he sounded so dark making you shiver

he raised his had towards you but quickly put your hands on your face protecting your self and ready to get hit

jimin stopped his hand seeing you covering your face. he realized that he is going to hit you. he never wanted you hurt you physically. he instantly put his hand down

y/n: p-please d-dont.. i wont r-repeat..

you are shuttering still covering your self

you felt nothing so you slowly opened your eyes and peeked at him between your fingers...he is doing his work..

y/n: you didnt hit me?

you asked amused. he looked at you

jimin: why? what to get hit?

y/n: n-no n-need. i am fine

you nervously smiled and continued your work

its almost 4 in are near to finish. in these time you understood jimin is not good at taught a lot to him today which he listened with out offense. but no matter how much you try to stay close to him he always gives you cold shoulder which annoyed the hell out of you.

y/n: aish..finally!

you closed your books and PC and stretched your hands laid there

jimin also closed his books and leaned his back stretching his hand and neck

you looked at him who is leaning beside are lying

y/n: what is the time

jimin: four.

you rolled your eyes. cant be little nice. you helped him so much and he still giving you cold shoulders.

 y/n: its time for remaining ones to come back

you lazily get up and walked to your room leaving all your things there

y/n: i will be in my room.

you yawned and walked to your room to rest a bit

jimin looked at your scattered all aroud the couch. 

jimin: this girl!

he looked at his work and sighed

jimin: well she is right..she is really a genius but only in studies!

jimin: no no jimin dont think her as good cause she helped you.. she is just a little bitch who entered here cause of dad! that all! nothing more nothing else

he scoffed and closed his eyes relaxing his eyes

here you are thinking with closed eyes

y/n: he is not bad...nono y/n dont forget he is one who tried you lock you in dark room...but he is nice now...nono he was about to hit you...yes..i still has to be careful with him...well he is jimin..the the cold rude merciless dangerous short handsome guy!

you colsed your eyes trying to get some rest


you are all eating your dinner

y/n: so how is today?

you asked munching your food

jin: good. yours?

y/n: know i did whole assignment in one day!

you said dramatically

jungkook chocked

jungkook: shit i forgot! that mrs. lee asked for maths assignments! i escaped some how.

he looked at you with pleading eyes

jungkook: y/n..give me yours please..i will copy them

y/n: na na you have to do it  your own. in fact we also did it with so much effort

he frowned

jungkook: we?

y/n: yes, me and jimin oppa- sorry me and jimin completed them

jungkook: waa hyung!

jimin ignored him

jungkook: then its only taehyung hyung and me left?

he whined

jungkook: jimin hyung you will give me right?

jimin: no

jungkook: ahh hyung please. that grey hair gonna torture me tomorrow!

y/n: grey hair?

jungkook: yeah that mrs.lee

he said rolling his eyes making you chuckle

jungkook kept begging but you didnt showed any mercy and finally jimin agreed to

jungkook: thanks hyung! and you* pointing at you* you gonna pay for this

you rolled your eyes and stuck your tongue

y/n: what ever i am y/n.

you said sassily flipping your hair 

jungkook: lets see then!

he glared at you


you are peacefully lying on your bed starring at the ceiling

you flinched cause of sudden door knock

you wondered who it will be..its almost sleeping get up and opened the door and shocked to see the unexpected person

to be continued....

hehe just kidding..continue your ff

you shocked to see the unexpected person. he is taehyung. he is standing with his usual cold expression

y/n: y-yes, h-how can i help you?

he want to ask you something but his ego and pride not letting him to ask

y/n: umm?

he stayed silent and peeked in your room

y/n: w-wanna come i-inside?

you asked hesitantly. he sighed and decided to put his pride away for sometime

taehyung: no. but i want something.

you frowned. what he from you?


taehyung: i want your maths assignment.

he blurted out

y/n: u-um y-you can write with jungkook oppa right...

taehyung: no. he closed his door not letting me in. so give me yours

y/n: but you have to-

taehyung: just give me!

he demanded with bold tone making you gulp. oh boy! cant you ask nice for thing you want! 

he slightly pushed you aside and got in your room and took the assignment book which is on your study table

you widened your eyes cause he entered with out your concern and that too took your book

y/n: hey-

taehyung: i will return it tomorrow.

you litght hit your front head with book and walked away

y/n: what just happened?

you mumbled rubbing your head

y/n: AISH YOU JERK!! how you to enter in my room. y/n's room. and also took my book away! waa!!!

you closed your door with loud shut swearing taehyung in your mind


taehyung: waa its so impressive!

he said looking your work amused.

taehyung: whatever!

he scoffed and started copying


here your mind again went to the incident happened yesterday..

y/n: kai..

you shivered just imagining his name

y/n: thank god he is on leave.. but why he took so may day leave suddenly...i mean he just joined yesterday...aish whatever!

y/n: i hate him to the core! fucking basturd! ROT IN HELL!

to be continued....

hello guys!! how are you all??

thank you for waiting for me this long..

i know i said just 2 days but took nearly 20 days

i am so sorry for that...please forgive me..

and i know you want to know the reason..

so the thing is i went to my home town for some urgent work.and it all started then

my relatives and all dont let me leave early as i rarely visit there and they insisted me to stay few more me i have no other choice..and then when i want to come back my freaking passport got some issues!! ahhh i struggled so much to clear up things regarding my passport.

i just landed here yesterday midnight... and the first i did was to open my laptop and see your sweet comments which didnt failed to make tears in my eyes...

trust me i missed you so much as much as you missed me..

and yeah i told my little sis to reply to your messages

hope she give you replies to your messages...if not them tell me i am gonna smack her down. and hope she is respectful with you

she used to me lot about your comments and all making me cry.....

now i am feeling ease...

and one more.thing THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 20K PLUS READS

god! i am sobbing in lachibolala

from now on i will upload as usual like before so dont need to wait longer

hope you are safe and healthy


thank you

bye! bye!

ignore my mistakes cause i typed too fast TT

comment my mistakes. i will edit them hehe
