Venti <3

Angel's Share was completely packed with people.
Earlier in the evening, a small festival took place in Mondstadt. It wasn't an important or well known one, but it was still amazing.

Afterwards, people decided to go and celebrate by drinking alcohol in the taverns around the city. It was just a coincidence that Angel's Share was the most popular.


I lay my head on the table, completely exhausted after drinking so much. In fact, I accidentally got slightly drunk.
I could barely hear my own thoughts - it was so loud with all of the people talking, though I felt somebody's presence next to me.

It was Venti - a bard that I had recently found out was a God.

"Hello, blue and green bard..." I mumbled, before shoving my face back into the table.
Venti giggled and lifted my head up.

"Are you drunk?" He whispered into my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"Are you not?"

"Nope, I'm completely sober! How about we go outside? I can't hear myself think..."
I agreed and Venti almost immediately took my hand. We left the tavern and were hit with soothing, cold air.

"Better? There are way too many people in there for my liking!" He exclaimed, stretching his arms out.
It was pitch black outside, but the lanterns hung around the city made it easier to see.

I yawned and nodded - Venti gave me a warm smile and took my hand again.
"Where are we going?" I asked as he started to run.

The cold breeze made it even better, especially after being cramped up in the hot tavern.
I ran behind him, our intertwined fingers being the only thing keeping us connected.

"Hehe, I want to show you something! It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, would it?"


After a while of running through the forest outside of Mondstadt, we reached a dead end.
"Either I'm very drunk, or there's nothing here..." I put my hand on the side of the cliff.

Venti looked up and nodded to himself.
"Of course there's something here! Hold on tight, okay?"

At his words, he pulled me close.
My face flushed, though I made sure I was holding on tight, as he had said.
All of a sudden, we were in the air.

"Ah! Venti, what the?-"
I was cut off by his laughing.

"Ehe, look!"
I slowly opened my eyes when our feet touched the ground.
I saw the city beautifully lit up by the moonlight. Not realising we were literally on the edge of a cliff, I leaned closer towards it - Venti quickly grabbed hold of my hand, preventing me from falling.

"Careful! It's so beautiful though, isn't it?"
I sat down and dangled my legs over the edge.

Venti sat beside me.

"Am I dreaming?" I mumbled, completely mesmerized.

He wrapped his arms around my stomach from behind and leaned his head on my shoulder.
I couldn't stop thinking about how the Barbatos, the God of Mondstadt, wanted to spend time with me. I knew for sure that it made me very lucky.

"If I said yes..." He started, lowering his voice. "Would you want to wake up?"
I lay back into his embrace and shook my head.

"Are you kidding me? If you said yes, I'd never want to wake up."

Venti planted a kiss on my cheek, symbolising that it was 100% real and happening.
"Ah, I hate to say this, but you may not remember what happened tonight. You are still a little drunk, right?"

"Maybe... but don't let me forget this moment. I want to remember this forever."

"Forever is a very long time, hehe! I promise you won't forget this moment,Y/N. I'm on cloud nine when I'm with you~"
