Beidou x Ningguang x Fem Reader


"Yes, love?"

"Do you know the location of Y/N?"

"Heh... no need to be so formal~... she was working in the other room the last time I saw her, care to take a look?"

Beidou took Ningguang's soft, delicate hand and slowly pulled her up, before they searched every room for my whereabouts.

To their luck, Ningguang quietly opened the door to a small office room and there I was, sound asleep with my head rested on the table. My work was set into 2 piles, the unfinished being a lot bigger than the finished.

"Hmhm, it seems she has not finished her work duties yet..." Ningguang slightly smiled at the sight, and turned to Beidou.

"Shall we wait 'till Y/N wakes up...?" Beidou shot a glance to a nearby clock.
Ningguang simply shook her head.

"Mm... no need. She is already fast asleep. Please, you could grab our nightclothes and we can rest afterwards?"

"Why, of course~" Beidou nodded and opened the door to our bedroom, grabbing pajamas for each of us. On the other hand, Ningguang slowly picked me up bridal style into the other room.

Ningguang quietly changed me into some pajamas, and then they both changed themselves. Subconsciously I climbed into bed and tucked myself in.

"Hehe, seems someone is tired..~" Beidou happily climbed into bed and hugged me from behind, before Ningguang climbed in the other side and held me against her chest.

I yawned briefly and opened my eyes.
"..Hmm?" I was about to speak, but I felt Ningguang press a finger against my lips.
"Shh... Beidou is sleeping already." I turned around and saw her, sleeping peacefully while holding my waist.
Smiling, I intertwined my fingers with Ningguang's and soon enough, we fell asleep.
