Thoma x Reader ♡

"Um... I think he got a little carried away! Here, let me pay..." I awkwardly handed a seller 3800 mora after Thoma ate 3 portions of dango quicker than a flash.

"Aaah... that was delicious! Ehe, come on Y/N!" Thoma clutched hold of my hand and started running out of Inazuma city. I blushed, however kept up with his running.

"Thoma! You're gonna give yourself a stitch! Calm down!" Thoma ignored me and kept running. We were headed towards an empty beach.

When we arrived, Thoma sighed happily and we both sat down on the sand.
"And... why are we here again?"
"We can relax!"
"Heh... okay?"

What Thoma didn't know was I was crushing on him... madly. Though he could consider himself married to his housekeeping work, there was no way I could keep my feelings locked away forever.

"Hey, you're lucky I paid for that dango! It's nearly nighttime and stores would have shut by now, mister!" I tapped him on the shoulder. Thoma simply chuckled at my answer and lay his head on my shoulder.

"H-Huh?! What are you doing?" The blood was quickly rushing to my cheeks.
"I... I ate too much dango and I ran too fast! Now I have an atrocious, extremely painful stitch!" Sarcastically sobbing, I shook my head and ran my fingers through Thoma's hair. Though he didn't expect it, I don't think he was complaining.

"That's... kind of what I said!" I whispered, looking the other direction in embarrassment.
"Oh, Y/N! I wish I had a warning that this stitch would come at some point... it's soooo painful!~" Thoma laughed before sighing as the sun had finally set and it was dark.

"H-Hey... Thoma?" I nervously tapped him again.
"Yeahhh...?" He glanced up at me.
"...I like you. I really, really really like you..." My voice cracked, though he understood.

Thoma sat back up and kissed me on the cheek. This time my face was already red.
"I like you too! But..."
That last word made me feel like everything was suddenly going to go downhill, but boy was I wrong...

"But if we date, this means you have to get me lots of dango! Deal~?" I laughed and nodded.
"Of course. I'll get you all the dango in the world.
"Great doing business with ya!"
