
Nini woke up at 11 o clock the next morning, curled up in Ricky's hoodie, which had kept her warm for the entire night. At first she was horrified that she had not taken it off, but it smelled like him. She breathed in the scent. All was well.

The sun shined through the soft white curtain's in Nini's abandoned dorm room, and she basked in the rare sight of anything warm during this harsh February weather. She picked up her phone to see dozens of texts from Kourtney.

Kourtney: um excuse me WHAT



So Nini did. And Kourtney picked up on the third ring.

"Hey, Kourt." Nini began politely.

"Tell me EVERYTHING!" Kourtney interrupted loudly.

So Nini did.

"...And then I kissed him on the cheek, and went back to my dorm room." Nini finished.

Kourtney squealed. "Nini, oh my god, that is soooo cute! You have to tell him you like him. Because he sooo likes you." 

"I dunno, Kourt." Nini laughed nervously.

"He 100% likes you, dude. I truly don't know what you're waiting on." Kourtney sighed through the phone. "Anyway, I gotta go start packing for my return to Miserable Minneapolis."

Nini laughed. "I'll tell him when I am absolutely certain. I can't wait to see you."

"Byee!" Kourtney chirped through the phone and then Nini heard a dial tone, signaling Kourtney had hung up. Suddenly her phone chimed.

Ricky: meet @ starbucks in 20 ? carlos will b there 2

Nini: Sure.

She quickly showered, brushed her hair and teeth, got dressed, put on a coat this time, and ventured out into the parking lot to drive to Starbucks.

As soon as she walked in the door, she heard Ricky shouting her name.

"Hey, Nini! We're over here!" He was waving at her. Nini giggled at the sight of Carlos there too, rolling his eyes.

"Hey guys, what's up?" She asked, setting her coat down and sitting.

"Carlos asked me to text you to come here since he didn't have your number. I just came because I missed you." Ricky said, and Nini blushed.

"But we saw each other 8 hours ago." Nini giggled and Carlos' head snapped to her.

"You guys were together outside of work? At," he stopped to calculate. "4 in the morning? What were you two doing?" He raised his eyebrows suggestively. "Did you guys-" he started.

"No! We weren't doing that." Ricky was red like a tomato as he cut Carlos off. "We just went to eat. Anyways, I'm just gonna go get us all coffees. Carlos, what do you want?" He said hurriedly.

"An Americano." He smirked as Ricky rushed away to grab their coffees.

"So, Carlos." Nini turned to him. "What am I here for?"

Carlos smiled. "I really wanted to say thank you." He turned around and pulled out a bag that had Nini's name written in calligraphy at the front.

"Oh, Carlos!" Nini said, surprised. "It isn't my birthday. What's this?"

"It isn't a birthday present, silly. It's a thank you present from Seb and I." Carlos blushed and Nini put the puzzle pieces together.

"You guys actually went out? Awww!" Nini smiled. 

"Yeah, and he officially asked me to be his boyfriend a couple weeks ago, even though we've been going out since the Tuesday after he gave me his number." Carlos had a grin plastered on his face. "And it's been going really really well so far. We've been keeping it on the D.L., but since this is all because of you, we just wanted to thank you, I guess."

"Carlos, awww!" Nini cried and got up and hugged him. 

"Open it!" He gestured.

Nini carefully opened a bag to find a beautiful leather planner book and some pens, along with a card, which read "thank u for being the best matchmaker on this earth! love, seb and carlos" with a doodled heart at the end.

"You guys are soooo sweet. Thank you so much, I love it." Nini smiled. Carlos gave her a hug.

"You and Ricky next." He whispered into Nini's ear. She felt herself redden.

"What's this bag?" Ricky, who had returned with three coffees, asked.

"Speak of the devil." Carlos muttered.

"You guys were talking about me?" Ricky asked him. "What were you saying?"

"Nothing," Nini said before Carlos could answer. "And this is my 'thank-you-for-being-the-best-matchmaker-that-has-ever-existed' present."

Ricky laughed. "Crazy kids. Here's your coffees. Ashlyn made em." He said and handed them out.

"Thanks, Ricky, I owe you." Carlos said, sipping his Americano.

"It's whatever." He shrugged.

They sat down and chatted for a bit until Carlos said he had to leave.

That's when Nini remembered.

"Shit!" She groaned.

"What?" Ricky asked.

"I'm so sorry, I forgot your hoodie." Nini stuttered. 

"I didn't even notice it was gone." Ricky lied. 

It was his favorite hoodie. 

But as long as it was with Nini, he didn't care. 

He was in love with this woman.

a bit of a filler but i wanted to develop on seblos a bit haha! i hope you all enjoyed it! and thanks so much for the feedback on my last chapter, i'm so glad you all liked it because it was probably the one i'm most proud of (despite writing it at 1 am)

thank you all so much for 5 freaking K! you all are incredible
