
It was a few weeks into the new semester, and life rolled on as it usually did. Nini would go to school and/or work and then would go to Starbucks.

"Hey, Nini?" Carlos greeted her as she walked in.

"What's up, Carlos?" Nini smiled.

"I was wondering if you could tell me the next time you're working so that you can set me up with Seb. He's so cute and I can't bring myself to talk to him. I get so nervous every time I see him. I've gone to buy toilet paper like 8 times in the last two weeks." Carlos mumbled, picking at his fingers.

"Of course! You guys would be soooo cute together." Nini swooned. "I love playing matchmaker for you guys. And he's seen you. I promise."

Nini was on a shift, stocking shelves with Seb as they chatted about their lives.

"...And I said to her, 'maybe you should stop talking to me with that fake ass AliExpress ass Louis Vuitton purse'!" Seb laughed. 

"You really called her out." Nini giggled. She didn't know much about fashion culture, but Seb, who was minoring in fashion design at his school, kept her updated on the latest styles/designer clothes. He suddenly looked off. "Seb? Earth to Seb." She waved in his face after a few seconds.

He was looking at a very nervous looking Carlos, who was holding a couple of groceries in a basket. 

"Who is that?" Seb mumbled. 

Just then, Carlos caught Nini's gaze, and a grin came on his face. He waved, and Nini returned it. As soon as Carlos turned around, Seb got right in Nini's face.

"You know him? I see him around all the time. Who is that?"

"Oh, he works at the Starbucks with Ricky. His name's Carlos."

"He's cute." Seb said distantly.

"He has?" Carlos had to contain himself from yelling. His face turned pink. "Sorry. It's just..."

"Trust me. I know." Nini smiled. "And of course I'll set you two up. The next time we both are working is in a few days... I think on Friday. Our shifts line up at 5." 

"Thank you!" Carlos grinned. "I gotta get back to work, but I owe you big time, Nini. Thank you, thank you!" 

"Don't say you owe me too soon. And you're very welcome."

"I'll tell Ricky you're here. He's busy in the back and has been waiting for you all day. He's been here for hours on a long shift. Just sit down and work. You're a queen."

"Thanks." Nini said, and found her spot. She set her things down, opened her computer, and prepared to start working.

"Nini!" Ricky called. He was holding her coffee. Nini smiled.

"Hey. Sit down. Carlos said you've been working hard."

"Yeah, I've been working a lot today. And school is hard."

"School is hard." Nini agreed.

They sat and chatted for the 15 minutes that Ricky was allowed. They fit all the topics in that they could; the matchmaking, how Nini's life was, how Ricky's life was.

Nini was sad when Ricky had to go back to work. As he was walking back, she saw him take a breath.

"Nini, when's your next shift at Meijer?"

"Thursday at 4."

"I'll be there." Ricky smiled. "Okay, back to work."

As he disappeared back into the kitchen, Nini looked at her table, smiling. Her face was hot.

Ricky was visiting her at work.

Ricky. Visiting. Going out of his way. For her. 

It was enough to make Nini die of happiness on the spot.

Life was good lately for Nini. She had amazing grades (all A's, true to form) and she had gotten a raise at work, and she got to fall asleep under Alex the lion's watchful gaze at night. She hadn't had as many nightmares recently, and she didn't know if it was a coincidence or not.

Nini set to work on her essay, and before she knew it, it was nearly closing. Ashlyn and Carlos were cleaning up, while Big Red and Ricky were doing final orders for late arrivals. She closed up her computer, put it in her bag and scrolled through Instagram on her phone until Ricky came up to her.

"Heya." He smiled and sat down with a coffee in his hand.

"How was the rest of your shift?" Nini asked politely.

"I'm just glad it's over and I get to talk to you now. And that I get to visit you."

Nini blushed. "Me too."


It was finally Thursday afternoon. Nini and Seb were so busy that Nini nearly forgot that Ricky was visiting.


Butterflies beat their wings to form a tornado in Nini's stomach. Her heart was in her throat; they had never been anywhere together outside of Starbucks. Nini picked up a box of pasta and dropped it onto the ground. Seb's head snapped over in her direction.

"Nini, I know you're nervous, but Jesus. This really isn't that big of a deal! You never drop things."

"I'm terrified. I think I might be in love with him, Seb." She whispered. His eyebrows rose and a smile came onto his face.

"Really?? Oh, Nini! That's so cute!"

"Not really. I doubt he likes me that way." 

"I'm like 80% sure he does, Nini. You gotta act on something sometime. Take a chance. What's the worst that could happen?"

"I lose one of my best friends." Nini moaned. Seb elbowed her. "Ow!"

"Shut up. He's walking this way. He's cute." Seb whispered. "Work." So Nini did. She made herself look busy.

"Nini!" Ricky called. She looked up and smiled.

"Hey! This is my friend, Seb." Nini gestured towards Seb, who smiled. "I'm going on break. Tell Ben if he asks."

"Will do." Seb said, and got back to work.

"How much time do you have?" Ricky asked.

"20 minutes." Nini grinned.

"Alright." He said. He held out a cup.

Nini gasped. "Is that-"

"Your coffee."

"Ricky! I could cry!" Nini laughed, and without thinking, threw her arms around Ricky. She decided to take a risk. "You're warm." She mumbled into his shoulder.

"So are you." Ricky said.

"Come visit more." Nini closed her eyes and let bliss overtake her senses.


hey guys sorry for the lack of updates in the last couple days! i was in a bit of a writers block but i think it's better now! shoutout to my best friend/fiance for always motivating me to write lol. oh and THANK YOU for 2K! that's amazing! love u!
