
Nini was guilty.

She had not paid for a coffee in months, and while she was grateful, it was also tearing her up inside.

She had already left a 20 dollar bill in the tip jar anonymously, but she still felt like she needed to give more. After all, Nini estimated that Ricky had saved her nearly 200 dollars on coffee.

So she decided to do something about it. That morning, Nini drove to the ATM and took out 50 dollars, and put it inside an envelope with his name neatly printed on the front.

No, it wasn't really a gift. It was just... friend tax. They were close enough at that point for Nini to give it to him, right?

After all, Nini was about to leave for two weeks to visit family. She was leaving in two days, and she hadn't told Ricky yet. She planned to tell him tonight when she gave him her money.

As she sat in class, writing notes, thoughts of Ricky plagued her mind. She formed a script in her head.

Hey, Ricky, merry Christmas! No, happy holidays. Was he Jewish? No. Here's some money to make up for all the free coffees you've given me. And by the way, I'm going away for two whole weeks in four days. Okay have a good one! No, that can't work...

"Hey, Nini!" Nini's coworker greeted her as she stepped into the Meijer.

"Seb! Hey! Are you leaving?" Nini said cheerfully. Seb was her closest co-worker, and they'd even hung out outside of the store before. Needless to say, he had heard all about Ricky.

"Nah. Had to work a long shift today."

"Oh. That sucks."

"It's fine, I suppose. Money's money, you know that, Miss Responsible." Seb sighed. "Speaking of money. Did you give him the 50 yet?"

"No! I'm gonna tonight. I'm scared out of my mind. I still haven't told him about me going back home for winter break."

"Sis. You have to tell him! You know that."

"I know. It's just..." Nini sighed. "I'm scared."

"I know. It'll be fine!" Seb smiled at her reassuringly.

"Thanks, Sebby."

It was a long and hard shift. But it was finally over, and with the encouragement of Seb, Nini was driving over to Starbucks with her letter in her backpack and her script in her head.

"Hey, Nini!" Carlos practically jumped on her when she came into the store.

"Carlos! Hi!" Nini smiled at him.

"You work at the Meijer down the street, correct?"


"I was there the other day getting groceries and stuff and while I was there I saw the cutest boy that I have ever seen. He's kinda short and blonde? He works there. He was in an employee outfit. Totally his color."

"Oh. Seb? I know him! He's cool."

"Probably him. I'm just curious- is he gay?"

"Yes. Very." Nini laughed.

"Yes!" Carlos hissed. "Your usual? Yes? I'll get it for you and you can have a free croissant." He practically skipped back behind the counter. "Thanks, Nini!" At this, Ricky lifted his head up from the counter where he was working. He smiled and waved at Nini.

"Nini! Break time!" Ricky sang and walked over to Nini. "What was all that with Carlos? He seems very happy after talking to you."

"Oh, it's nothing. Just playing a little matchmaker between him and a guy I work with, apparently." Nini laughed.

"When am I gonna get to visit you at work?"

"Whenever you want, I guess. Or whenever you need to buy groceries. You already see me here every day."

"But I wanna see you more!"

Nini blushed. "Thanks." She gulped and abandoned her carefully constructed plan. "I have something for you. One second," she said, digging through her bag and finding the envelope. "Happy holidays." She held it out to him.

He took it and opened it to reveal the crisp fifty dollar bill. His eyebrows rose.

"But why?"

"Consider this payment for some of the coffees you've given me for free. I can't thank you enough for it. Happy holidays."

"Aww, Nini! If I knew you were getting me a present I would've gotten you one too!" Ricky said, pulling Nini into a hug.

Cinnamon. Ricky smelled like cinnamon. He was so warm, like her weighted blanket back in her dorm room.

"Don't worry about it," she said into his shoulder. Ricky let her go. "And, um," Nini looked down. Her mental script was gone and forgotten. "I have to tell you that I'm gonna leave for two weeks over break to visit family."

Ricky's face fell. Nini's heart broke.

"Oh. When are you leaving?"

"In two days."

"Where are you going? I'll bring you your coffee. You can't survive without it."

"Um, I'm going near Duluth. Don't visit. It's so far away. I'm sorry I didn't tell you until now."

"Can you visit before you leave?"

"Yes, of course." Nini smiled.

"Good." He said, and leaned into her ear. "I'll miss you. Don't tell."

"Won't tell a soul." Nini smiled. Ricky disappeared back to work, and Carlos brought her her coffee.

It was over. She sighed and pulled out her phone to text Kourtney.

A few hours filled of homework and note-taking passed, and it was closing time.

"Hey!" Ricky said.


"Whatcha working on today?"

"An essay draft on the relevance on social media on business."

"It should be on why you shouldn't leave me for two weeks."

"I'm coming back, you know." Nini laughed.

"Who else am I supposed to give free coffees to?" Ricky sighed heavily.

"I suppose the next girl who comes after in after her car breaks down."

"Neeners. No one can replace you." He said, looking her dead in the eyes.

"I know." Nini smiled.

She was really gonna miss this boy.

nearly 1k reads on this book! thank you to everyone who has read and enjoyed this book! more updates to come because corona has me bored as hell
