Zero Inches Apart 'Cause They're Super Gay

Mega flopped on the hotel bed, bored. Neither he nor George was anywhere close to being tired yet, and he had no idea what he wanted to do before then.

George sat down on the edge of the bed. "I heard this place has a pool; wanna check it out?"

Mega's eyes lit up and he sat up, nodding eagerly. He grabbed his swim trunks out of his suitcase and headed into the bathroom to change. A few minutes later, he emerged to see George, who had also finished getting dressed. Mega's eyes immediately traveled to his bare chest, his face turning red.

George chuckled. "My eyes are up here," he teased.

Mega looked up, rolled his eyes, and gave George a playful slap on the arm. George continued laughing as he grabbed one of the keys to their hotel room. "Come on, let's go. Don't forget your towel," he reminded.

Mega nodded and grabbed his towel, following George out of the room and down the hall.

They used their keycard to get into the pool, which was luckily empty aside from a family that was in the middle of packing up. The two left their towels on one of the chairs and went over to the stairs leading into the pool. George walked directly down into the water, barely flinching at the sudden change in temperature. Mega cautiously stepped into the water, sucking in a breath as he got used to the feeling. George noticed his hesitance and giggled.

"Come on, it's not that bad," he urged.

Mega gave him a dubious look and started to take another step down, but pulled back quickly.

"Just come all the way down; I'm telling you, it's not that bad," George insisted.

Mega shook his head. George sighed and walked up the steps to him. Mega let out a surprised squeak as he was lifted up and carried down into the pool. He inhaled sharply as the water reached his hips and he was set back down.

"See? I told you, it's not that bad!"

Mega nodded. George was right; he was already getting used to it.

The two swam around together for a while, until Mega began shivering.

"You cold?" George asked. Mega nodded. "There's a hot tub, if you want to get out for a while."

Mega nodded again, his eyes alight. The two climbed out of the pool and into the hot tub. The water was hotter than he had anticipated, but it was a nice change from the cold pool water. Mega sat right next to George, their thighs pressed up against each other. George put his arm around Mega's shoulder. The smaller boy nuzzled against George's chest.

George chuckled. "Comfy?"

Mega nodded. "Well, you'll have to wait until we get back to the hotel room to go to sleep. Can't have you falling asleep in a hot tub," George said.

Mega didn't want to move, but he knew George was right. It was unhealthy to spend too long in a hot tub, and five minutes could easily turn into an hour just by falling asleep. And so he sat up, and both boys left the hot tub, fetched their towels, and returned to their room.
