Good Morning

Mega awoke to someone gently shaking him. He rubbed his eyes and rolled over. George was standing next to the bed, smiling at him.

"Morning, sleeping beauty," he said. "You didn't seem inclined to wake up, so I made breakfast."

George made breakfast? Mega raised an eyebrow in doubt. If George had actually cooked something, Mega would have been woken up by the fire alarm, not by his smiling boyfriend.

George noticed Mega's face and grinned sheepishly. "It's just cereal, since that's the only thing I can't burn. Though I'm sure I could find a way," he added.

Mega giggled and sat up, still tired and not eager to get up. He stood up, and immediately George scooped him up bridal style. He let out a surprised squeak as his face turned bright red. George giggled softly, his laugh sending shivers down Mega's spine. Mega gripped George's hoodie as he was carried out of the room and into the kitchen.

George placed him in his chair at the table, where two bowls of cereal were waiting. George sat next to him and began eating with his left hand, opting to instead use his dominant hand to hold Mega's free hand. They both were smiling the entire time they were eating their low-effort breakfast. Afterward, George cleaned up his and Mega's dishes, refusing Mega's attempts to help. He then went and sat on the sofa, where Mega promptly joined him. George nuzzled Mega's hair, causing the smaller boy to smile as the action filled him with pure bliss.

"You're acting different today," Mega mumbled.

"How?" George asked.

Mega shrugged. "Making breakfast, carrying me downstairs, holding my hand, cleaning up..."

"I just wanted to take care of you, that's all. Am I not allowed to?" George asked.

"It's just unlike you," Mega said, lifting his head to lean against George's collarbone. "I don't mind."

George squeezed Mega gently, whispering, "I love you." Mega smiled and squeezed back, wordlessly giving his response. He'd talked enough for the day.
