Smiles || Peter


Tagged: mjxbooks

peterparker: U should really smile more... just a thought :)

Liked by nedlovesstarwars, mjxbooks, and 46 others // Comments: 16

mjxbooks: why should i?

          peterparker: Cuz it makes me happy :)) Also smiling isn't too bad of a look on you mjxbooks

          mjxbooks: that sounded awfully corny for u, loser :/ peterparker

nedlovesstarwars: OOOOOH #PETELLE THIS IS SOOOOOO CUTE SKSKSK also where'd you guys go, huh?? On a date? ;)

          peterparker: U were literally with us hahaha stop fantasizing nedlovesstarwars

          nedlovesstarwars: I'm desperate for some Petelle proof though ugh peterparker

xxcindy_moon: What'd you have to say to get her to smile? peterparker

          peterparker: I actually didn't say anything. I bought her a book she wanted. xxcindy_moon

lizallen: mjxbooks Peter's right! Your smile is darling!!

          mjxbooks: for that comment, i will not smile ever again 

          peterparker: :( mjxbooks

bettybrant: Peter really be out in this comment section flirting up a storm with MJ #Petelle

flash_isthegoat: Her smile's ugly, tbh

          peterparker: Must be opposite day for you, flash_isthegoat I'd say it's pretty cute

          mjxbooks: I hate you peterparker 


Hey, guys! Sorry for the late upload again! I forgot to post before theatre and my theatre ran from 6-10 today so when I got home I forgot to post until now haha. Thanks for the love on this book though! It really means a lot <3
