Chinese Food || Ned

!This is important! How often do you guys want me to do irl chapters? I don't want to overdo them since this is an insta book but they help build the plot with more detail. 


Tagged: peterparker

nedlovesstarwars: May told him she couldn't go out and get us Chinese food bc she was busy and this was his reaction lmfao

Liked by peterparker, bettybrant, and 56 others // Comments: 21

peterparker: dude i look so sad omg i guarantee tho i feel even sadder than i look

          nedlovesstarwars: U legit get Chinese food every night how do you not get sick of it haha peterparker

          peterparker: an even better question nedlovesstarwars: how can one get sick of chinese food?

aunt_may: We have food in the kitchen waiting for you to eat. 

          peterparker: It's all super healthy food thooooo :( aunt_may

flash_isthegoat: Tbh (this is the only thing I have in common with Penis btw) but my reaction would be the same as his

mjxbooks: do you want me to swing by with some takeout? i'm at Panda rn and i'm feeling generous

          peterparker: i will love u forever if u get me chinese food rn plsssss mjxbooks

          mjxbooks: bitch u better already love me forever peterparker

          nedlovesstarwars: WAIT WHAT THE F--

          peterparker: as friends?? nedlovesstarwars

bettybrant: They def did NOT mean as friends ;) nedlovesstarwars 

          nedlovesstarwars: FOR SURE!! Babe will you love me forever like them? bettybrant

          bettybrant: Ofc! <3 nedlovesstarwars

          mjxbooks: that shit was kinda cute ^^^ but that's not what peter and i meant lol

mjxbooks: i'll be there with the food in five btw

          lizallen: I wish that I had someone in Oregon to bring me Chinese food ughhh I miss youuuu mjxbooks

          peterparker: how much should i pay u for the food?

          mjxbooks: u can pay me by turning off the star wars movie ik ur watching with ned bc i will explode if i have to watch star wars one last time :)

          peterparker: your wish is my command :) mjxbooks

          nedlovesstarwars: AWWWW ^^^^ PETELLEEEEEEE

I put my A.N at the top so that more ppl will be likely to see it
