Group Chat Chapter #1

nedlovesstarwars added bettybrant and lizallen to a group chat

lizallen: What is this?

nedlovesstarwars named the group chat "Petelle Fan Club"

lizallen: ohhhh, makes sense

bettybrant: It's about time we had one of these group chats haha 

nedlovesstarwars: I was in the shower and I had the great idea to create a fan club chat... I know, I'm a genius

lizallen: Everyone who goes/went to Midtown is lol

nedlovesstarwars: Fair point but that isn't what we're here to talk about! We have serious Petelle matters to deal with!

bettybrant: Is this going to be a chat to share Petelle updates, discuss Petelle in general, plan a way to expose their relationship, or all of the above?

nedlovesstarwars: Most definitely all of the above

nedlovesstarswars: Anywayssss, I know that you guys have seen Peter and MJ's latest flirty posts and comments for each other, so I'll skip the part of me asking if you've seen them.

nedlovesstarwars: But like, idk about you guys, but I've never seen Peter or MJ say things like that towards anyone before.

lizallen: I mean, back when I was still at Midtown and around him a lot, he could barely get out a sentence around me, and he liked me.

nedlovesstarwars: R u saying that u don't think Peter likes MJ because he isn't acting the same way around her that he acted towards u?

lizallen: No, I'm saying that he's definitely a LOT more comfortable around her than he was with me

bettybrant: ... and people who are dating are typically super comfortable around each other

lizallen: Exactly

nedlovesstarwars: So u think that they're already together?

lizallen: I'm theorizing it... but then again, from what it looks like ever since I've left, they have become best friends, so that might be where the comfortableness comes from

bettybrant: That wouldn't explain their profuse flirting though

nedlovesstarwars: Even though they act super comfortable around each other through social media, I can assure u guys that Peter isn't always as suave offline around her

nedlovesstarwars: He acts the same way he acted around u Liz when he talks to her lately. It started happening about a month ago and it's slowly gotten stronger

bettybrant: During chemistry, he stares at MJ across the room the same way he stared at you, Liz

lizallen: Okay, so it's pretty evident that Peter likes MJ. We all know that he isn't the best at hiding things either.

lizallen: But what about MJ? Do u guys think she likes him? I personally don't know for sure

bettybrant: MJ isn't exactly an open book and she seems pretty good at hiding emotions, so there isn't really much proof to go off of, but I have a feeling she might

nedlovesstarwars: She does make a point of mentioning him a lot on her Instagram

nedlovesstarwars: And when we all hang out together, she seems to open up to him a lot which I know she only does to people she trusts.... but then again, she does open up to me too

bettybrant: Have you noticed anything subtle from them? Like shared glances or blushing?

nedlovesstarwars: Now that u mention it, I have, and I'm not the most observant, so they must do it a lot more than I notice

lizallen: That's a start

bettybrant: We'll have to dig deeper to get anything out of MJ though. She's not as open of a book at Peter, which is kind of ironic since her nose is constantly stuck in a book ahaha

lizallen: Any ideas on how to do that?

nedlovesstarwars: I might have a plan...

Hey, guys! I decided to do a group chat chapter today since I haven't been providing much content with my Instagram chapters and these are a little longer than those. Thanks so much for all of the love on my previous chapters!! <3
