Too much cake

     Peter slowly opened his eyes. "Why am I on the floor?" He groaned propping himself up on his elbow. "That would be because after your sugar rush, you passed out on the floor," Tony said from behind him. "What time is it?" He mumbled. "About noon, you crashed hard. It was pretty funny," Tony gave a light chuckle.
                    *Flash Back*
     "Peter you have to slow down on that cake," Tony said as he watched the teen practically bounce off the walls. "Why? It's so good," Peter said stuffing more cake in his mouth. "As soon as that sugar wears off, you're going to regret it," he warned. Peter just proceeded to climb up the wall and hang from the ceiling. "Even for a sugar filled teen you're being weird. Get down," Tony said with a sigh. "Come and get me!" He yelled crawling to where the ceiling was higher. Tony groaned and walked out of the room. "Where are you going?" Peter yelled after him. He came back a few minutes later with the boots to his Iron Man suit on. "Let's play that game," he grinned and flew up to meet Peter's level. Peter's eyes went wide and he jumped to the ground. He stood there for a minute and just stared off into nothingness. "Your sugar must be wearing off," he said landing beside the teen. Peter slowly sat down on the floor. "I need more cake," he mumbled before curling up in a ball and falling asleep. "Sure you do."
                *End of Flash Back*
     "Please tell me there are no pictures," Peter groaned standing up and falling into the couch. "Unless Pepper was hiding somewhere and taking pictures, no. Thank god, I would've been in them, too," Tony said sitting down next to Peter. The teen gave a light chuckle and snuggled into the side of the couch. "Do you want breakfast, kid?" Peter shook his head. "No, and it would be counted as lunch now," he mumbled before closing his eyes and falling back to sleep.
