And stay down

Peter couldn't bear to watch, he closed his eyes and turned away. He could hear Caleb's evil laugh but nothing from Tony. "Remember I'm not going to kill either of you until I get the orders but I will make you hurt, Iron Man," he chuckled. Suddenly there was a small laugh from Tony too. "Kill me if you want but the kid will escape," he said between labored breaths. "You will be stopped." Caleb laughed and moved back towards Peter. Peter got a glance of the bloodied Tony. His face was covered in blood but his usual look of defiance was still there. It looked like he had been cut, stabbed, kicked, and punched, and he had been, but his face didn't show any pain. Caleb took advantage of Peter being distracted and slashed his knife across his arm. Peter clenched his teeth, trying not to scream. "How about a matching scar on your other cheek?" He asked before doing just that and cutting Peter's other cheek. Caleb dropped the knife and punched Peter in the face. "Not so tough now, are you?" He laughed. Suddenly a smile crept across Peter's face and he managed to kick the man in the shin. Caleb stumbled back a few feet but managed to keep his balance. "You little brat!" He yelled but before he could get to Peter, Tony kicked him in the back, knocking him to the floor. Caleb's head hit the cement and he was out cold. "That was easier than expected," Peter said looking over at Tony. "Now how are we going to get out of here?"
